uhhhhh cats: paw to paw combat

Published Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

a one-shot collection for groff + co

dividers are by @cafekitsune on tumblr

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Characters in this Chapter

Groff PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1298
221 total points
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Chapter 5: paw to paw combat

"HEY!!!! GROFF!!!" Chip yelled, running at Groff at breakneck lightning speeds. "Let's beat the shit out of each other for fun!"

"Sure!" Groff said, before swinging a paw at Chip's face.

"This is fun!" Chip slapped Groff in the face in return, before moving to fake-bite his ear. All the while, Groff kicked at Chip's stomach with his feet (but not too hard, as this was play). 

The two cats tumbled around, beating the shit out of each other, before the rolling ended up with Groff atop Chip, currently slapping him repeatedly.

"Take this!" Chip yelled, before kicking Groff off of him and then tackling him, fake biting his ear again as Chip put him in a choke hold.

Groff wiggled backwards out of it, and then pushed Chip to the ground.


"...Are you hurt?" Groff asked.

"Nope! Just a little shock." Chip then smacked Groff in the face. "Gotcha!"

Groff smacked Chip back, and then pounced on him.

"Oh! By the mercy of those above! Save me from this reckless assault!" Chip fake cried out as Groff fake bit his ear, paws (but not claws) digging into the soft parts of his stomach. "... DEMON KING! YOU SHALL NOT BEST ME!" With a new surge of energy, Chip kicked Groff off and floated up into the air like Jesus or something.

Groff looked up, a bit in shock.

"... I can fly!?" Chip then fell back down and landed on his face.

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