uhhhhh cats: needle

Published Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

a one-shot collection for groff + co

dividers are by @cafekitsune on tumblr

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Chapter 4: needle

"I'd never give up! I'd try everything! Just to see my friends again!"

"And did you find her?" Martus asked. He always asked this after every quest, every time Aster went to a different world.

"Not yet." Aster would always say.

Most times, Martus didn't ask anything else.

This was not most times.

"... Also, I'd like to introduce you to Groff." Martus said, holding a cat with Aster's colors in his arms. "I feel like you'd have a lot in common."

"What exactly do we have in common?" Groff sweatdropped. "... Or are we just both chocolate-colored?"

Martus set Groff down near Aster. "You two both had large groups of friends you were close to, although Aster had to leave his behind..."

"Why?" Groff asked Aster, as Martus was already walking away.

"It all started when..."


"Hide and Seek!" Aster said. "I'll be it!"

He found everyone else before her.

"I think she wins!" Novia smiled. "I saw her scurry off into the woods." Novia said. "Maybe you'll find her there."

"HEXI! HEXIII!" Aster yelled at the top of his lungs, running on all fours through the woods.

"She's still not back yet..."

A funeral- Aster refused to attend. "She's not dead! I'll find her!"

"If you're really sure..."

"I hope you're right..."

A fairy ring in the woods. The gardevoir standing guard would answer any question from a fellow fairy type.

"She's no longer here. And I don't mean dead."

"What do you mean?"

"Sometimes a forest like this can take you to another world..."

"What can I do?"

"I know things. First, what item do you value most?"


"So that four-leaf clover is your talisman?" Groff asked. 

"It's the last I have left of her." Aster held it up in his paws.

"I bet Chip would do the same if I disappeared..."


"One of my friends! If anyone in our clowder went missing, he'd probably never give up looking for them!... and hopefully he'd find them..." Groff kneaded the floor nervously.

A slience.

"I'm glad none of your friends are like me." Aster said. "...I miss her. I really do..."

Then they parted ways. 

Groff went home to tell his friends how much he cared about them...

... And Aster kept looking. The end.

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