uhhhhh cats: What are you most prideful of?

Published Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 8, 2023, 5:04:11 PM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

a one-shot collection for groff + co

dividers are by @cafekitsune on tumblr

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Chapter 1: What are you most prideful of?

It was a nice and lovely day when Groff went to visit Not-Earth, or more specifically, the not-cats of Moonsparkle Hill. 

"Hello, Groff." Annora sat with his tail curled close to his body. "How are you?"

"I'm alright, thanks!" Groff meowed.

They talked, until somehow the conversation went to the topic of "What are you most proud of doing?"

"You've heard Snowsparkle talk of the 'Old City', correct?" Annora spoke, now laying on his stomach. "What if I told you not every not-cat came from the Old City?"

Groff's ears perked up, listening.

"I lived in a village much like this one, yet ran by humans. It was a nice village- the people treated us kindly and, in return, I used my gifts to help them. They called me 'Prophecy Cat'" Annora smiled. "...Yosaba..."

"Why'd you leave?" Groff asked.

"... That's what this story is about. You see, there was a comet on the same day as a festival- Comet Draco. It split into two, and one destroyed my hometown."

Groff winched. "Sorry! I... you... must feel awful being one of the only survivors, right?"

"Not at all. In fact, I foresaw it happening in a dream, and led everyone to where it was safe, so that we all survived the explosion."

"Whoa..." Groff had stars in his eyes. 

"And what do you feel most proud of, Groff?" Annora asked.

"Well, uh..." Groff looked down. "I haven't saved anybody, unlike you..."

"That doesn't matter. I shared my story, it's best you share yours."

"What about the day I met the girl... Nora..."


The brown cat that would be Groff was currently walking about, leaving his friends to their slumbers, when he heard the sound of sobbing.

"It's not fair!" Nora sat down, crying into her hands. "For five years! Five years! Five years and when they're just tired of pretending to be me and we tell her everything she calls us a trender! It's not fair at all!"

Groff walked over to Nora and put his paws on her lap.

"... Kitty?" She put her hands down and looked at him, before beginning to pet him. "You're a good kitty, aren't you? Wouldn't abandon a friend you've had for five years over them being too fucking cringe or whatever..." 

Groff purred, partly out of contentment and partly to calm the girl. Although he didn't really know what was happening in her life, she seemed to be undeserving of her current hardship. He crawled onto her lap and laid down.

"Who's a good kitty, huh?" She smiled. "Good, good kitty..." She realized something. "Cats don't live alone. Where are your friends? They didn't leave you too, did they?"

Groff hopped off her lap and waited for her to get up, before walking to where his friends were, checking every few minutes to see if Nora was still following him.

Nora let out a squee at the sight. "There's five of you!"


"She was so happy to see us..." Groff smiled. "... and ever since then, she sees us everyday!"

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