Adventures in Interning: Crystal Campaign 1

Chapter 12: Crystal Campaign 1

Kaytlyn thought Lyra was a beautiful, peaceful place, but as the portal swirled close, all the small fennec could see was destruction. People were picking through the wreckage to salvage what they could from the pieces of their lives. This moment probably wouldn’t be a good time to do guild surveys. Perhaps a goodwill mission would help restore the guild’s reputation. Many angry people blamed the local crystalsmith, Leslie, for this disaster. His forge had suspiciously been left untouched by the recent attack of the Crystal Wyrm.


While the town lay in ruin, it still had an odd beauty as Kaytlyn looked for anyone who could point her toward Leslie. As the forge was the only building left standing, it was easy enough to get the intern to locate it on the outskirts of town. Opening the door caused all the forge workers to flee the floor at the sight of Kaytlyn’s guild badge, except for one.


“State your business, little one,” a tall, heavyset elf demanded as she blocked the way. For a moment, Kaytlyn was tempted to summon her F3NN3C P1NK armor and stomp on the woman’s foot but maintained her composure.


“Hello, I am Guild Intern Kaytlyn and am looking for Leslie Everlake,” the fox girl introduced herself with a small courtesy. She was trying good cop before resorting to armor cop.


“So is everyone else,” the elven woman crosses her arms. “What’s your business with him, small fox?” These height comments started getting under Kaytlyn’s skin, but she did her best to keep her composure.


“I just want to see if maybe he could answer some questions the townspeople have to put them at ease,” the sandy-furred fennec answered as she caught a glimpse of one of the forge workers smacking his hand with a hammer. “Most are finding it a little suspicious that the forge remains standing and Leslie is missing in wake of the attack.”


“Maybe I think it’s suspicious that a “Guild Intern” just happened to show up and start asking questions,” the blonde elf snaps back. One of the workers behind her drops a hammer that makes the floor shake with its weight. “Try the caves. You won’t find your answers or Leslie here.” The workers started stoking the flames of the forge to such an intensity that the whole room became a roaring inferno. Kaytlyn fled the heat as the tall woman laughed, and the heat didn’t bother her.


Using her pink mech armor, F3NN3C P1NK, the fox made her way up the mountains. Deep groves in the ground and overturned trees marred the otherwise colorfully wondrous landscape. No volai herds were grazing in the powder crystal landscape. The mech sensors spotted a single bird, but it quickly disappeared. Around a bend in the path, Kaytlyn spotted a man with a sizeable white sword. He matched the description, so the fox took her chance.


“Leslie Everlake! I need you to come with me to answer some questions,” Kaytlyn shouted as her armor disappeared. If this turned into a fight, she could bring F3NN3C P1NK back in a snap, but always try diplomacy first.


As the man turns, his hand quickly closes around the hilt of his sword. In response, Kaytlyn’s hand shoots into her purse and grips Brick Brick. Franz, the fox’s penguin talisman, suddenly appears wearing boxing gloves on his wings. This man didn’t look like someone who played games, but if he wanted a fight, he would get that. There was a tense moment as they had a standoff before the man broke the silence.


“I don’t have the answers you seek,” Leslie finally replies, not relaxing his stance. The computer that powered F3NN3C P1NK buzzed in the fox’s ear, warning of danger, but Kaytlyn ignored it.  


“Seems you’ve answered the question of your location,” the fennec smiled as she felt a pang of Aurora magic across the landscape.


“If you want any actual answers to your questions, then you are going to need to follow me into the caves,” Leslie nodded toward the opening. “Whatever caused the Crystal Wyrm to go wild happened down there. We can both get what we seek without violence.”


“I think he’s afraid of us, lets knock him out and drag him in,” Franz suggested while doing some air jabs.


“No, maybe we should work together,” Kaytlyn countered, pushing the penguin aside. “It would be the best way to keep an eye on him and get answers.”


“Good but you’re not going to be able to use that armor you came stomping up here in,” Leslie informed his new companion as he released the grip on his sword. “The caves are unstable and may collapse under the weight.”


“This isn’t my first adventure. I’ll be fine without it,” Kaytlyn huffed as she followed Leslie into the cave.

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