Immortal: we're scared

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 9: we're scared

Rachel had fallen asleep against the concrete wall herself and Naomi occupied. Jealous of her friend's unnatural ability to sleep, practically anywhere, Naomi stood to her feet and walked through clusters of huddled up classmates to speak with one of her teachers.
"Mr. Fisher, do you have any idea what's going on? I mist the news this morning." Her voice was cool and casual.
Hazel eyes rose slowly to meet her rich brown orbs. He lifted his slim fingers to sweep his short, messy, blond hair from his face.
He was sitting on the floor next to a few of his students, looking over at them before he spoke.
"It's probably better if you don't know Naomi... this isn't going to be an easy day... just... don't worry quite yet."
Naomi narrowed her eyes and glared bitterly dawn at the man on the floor. "What's that suppose to mean sir? What you just said didn't make any sense," she dampened her lips with her tongue, suddenly she didn't feel like being polite. "Thank you for being so concerned about my happiness with being oblivious, but I believe you're obligated to tell me what the hell's going on." She was dead serious. She didn't care what the outcome would be of her foreword demand to know the circumstances. She didn't care if they through her out of the damn bomb shelter! She just wonted to know why they were there.
The man opened his eyes widely at his student's harsh, sharp words. "Naomi..."
"I'm not a child... I know what ever is going on up there isn't a drill... there's a war going on isn't there." It was stated, not asked.
Mr. Fisher ran his hands over his face, almost looking ashamed of his behavior. He wasn't an old man, he was only 27, and his train of thought truly wasn't 'that' far from the young, 18-year-old woman in front of him. She just wonted answers, no matter how brutal the truth maybe... she wonted the information. He was well aware that he was being walked on by someone he had authority over, but he tried to look past that once he saw the look on the girl's face... the maturity in her eyes... her full lips... the purple tank top that hugged her body close enough to see her fit upper body, yet not clinging to her... and the tight black jeans that covered her rather shapely thighs.

She was...beautiful...pissed, but beautiful. He immediately ripped his mind from such thoughts, shamed of himself.

"We don't know who they are Naomi... or why they've come here... but they mean business... and their not worried about taking dawn innocent bystanders."
Naomi sat dawn cross-legged in font of her Art teacher. "When did this all start?"
Mr. Fisher was again distracted, this time by the silver necklace resting gently on her collarbone.
What the hell was wrong with him today!?
"Very early this morning." He moved his eyes to the floor. He realized he had never seen her in cloths that actually fit her.
"hn." Naomi looked coolly at the man... he was ... scared... she hadn't seen it when she had first approached him... but now it was obvious to her. "Are you ok?" she asked with true concern in her voice.
" I'm afraid none of us are, Naomi... their looking for something and their not going to stop killing until they find it."
Naomi's mind again snapped back to her dream... beyond all logic... beyond any depth of her understanding of truth and lies... it was all coming true... all that was left was for him to find her.
She shivered and dipped her chin to her chest, pulling her knees into her arms as she embraced her self.
Before she knew what was happening she felt warm, strong arms pull her against a slim, firm body. " I wont lie to you Naomi... this is going to be a long day."
"That's fine... as long as were still here tomorrow." Naomi turned around to face her young teacher and embrace him back.

This was a strange day, to say the least.

"How much longer?" Ocura directed his eyes to the sky as he stood to the left of the Saijen prince, the ground beneath their feet littered with the ashes of their victims.
"As soon as we make shier those buildings are empty." Bejiita began to deviate from the young highbred.
Bejiita liked Ocura. He wasn't as damn uptight around him, as the others were. He took orders without a second thought, but only from Bejiita. Ocura didn't really take anything personally either, even the ridicule he received from the others because of his impure blood.
Bejiita just liked the boy, Highbred or not, he just amused him.
The two cleaned up what was left of the city quickly... Bejiita could have just blown the whole damn place up at once, but decided against it... the boy needed more exposure to the battle field. He had just acquired him a few years ago, and hadn't truly had the chance to push his limits by any stretch of the imagination... though this was hardly pushing any limits, by Saijen standards.
A cool smirk graced Ocura's lips, happy to see that he was being put to good use. He was content with this... he had rarely been put to work since he had boarded Bejiita's ship. He had trained relentlessly, but this was for real... and it made his blood boil with pride and anticipation for what was to come.

She hadn't realized that she was still holding him. Her arms around his shoulders, her face dipped into his chest. She could feel his hands rubbing up and dawn her back in a comforting motion. After a few more moments, she hesitantly pulled away from her teachers soothing gustier.
"You'll make it though this Naomi... if anyone can... you will."
"Thank you." Whispered as though if anyone ells heard it, it wouldn't have as much meaning.
With that, Mr. Fisher stood to his feet and walked away. Naomi rose soon after, retuning to her sleeping friend.
"Get up." Naomi pushed a black booted foot into her friend's side. A muffled whimper answered the shoe's intrusion of her personal space.
"Why?" a horse voice broke though Rachel's lips. She curled up against the wall in aeration.
" I got filled in on what's going on."
Dark blue eyes lifted slowly. "What'd you find out?"
Naomi told her what Mr. Fisher had to say, and sat beside her in silence.
"What are you going to do?" Rachel spoke, braking the long moments of silence that had passed. Her friend didn't answer her at first, but soon turned to face her with worried eyes.
"Are you scared?" Naomi bypassed Rachel's question without a secant thought.
Rachel savored her words before sharing them. " I'm not really shier... I'm more confused than scared, but I'm... worried... about... about.."
"You're scared." Naomi stated out her friend's runaround words. "I am too."

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