Immortal: tension builds

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 3: tension builds

Bejiita could feel Deyakeo's mind searching for him. At times it was quite annoying, but his servant did well to call to him this way, intrusions were far more bothersome. The prince called out to him in his head, allowing Deyakeo to key in on him instantly.
Once Deyakeo was at Bejiita's feet, the Dream Giver explained what he had taken from the girl through the dream.

Bejiita gently touched Deyakeo's head and the Dream Giver allowed the Saijen Prince to take the memories of the girl from him.
It was strong, and somewhat painful. It didn't show on the prince's face, but he wonted to pull away. His pride and pain tolerance was all that let him keep his hand still.
When the process was complete Bejiita turned away from Deyakeo. He placed his eyes on the blue green planet out side the glass chamber wall. " They will all suffer. Suffer, for betraying my race... suffer for making that girl suffer. They will all be slain, every damn one of them." Bitterness dripped like toxins from the prince's mouth.
Deyakeo stood to his feet and tilted his head to the side, closing his eyes. " Yes ... they will pay for their actions."
" Prince Bejiita!" a young yet strong voice pronounced, interrupting the two's conversation.
Bejiita took his thought from earth and placed them on the young man standing in the frame of the door.
" What is it Kirose?" aeration ringing in his voice.
" My lord, Feelow has received a transmission from the female's parents."
"And" Bejiita snapped his tail briskly in aggravation.
"They wont to speak with you once we've acquired their daughter."
"So be it, I'll contact them once she's abroad my ship. In the mean time, tell them that were keeping an eye on her, and that she will be with us within a few days... The purge begins tomorrow."
Deyakeo's eye's shot up from the floor. His mouth opened to speak, but his words never left his throat.
Kirose smiled, his dark brown eyes glowed with heated anticipation. "I can't wait," The young man breathed.
Bejiita shot the young man a look of annoyance " go to Feelow! I don't have time for you! Give her my message before your insolence gets the better of you!"
Kirose backed away quickly and turned to obey his master's orders.
"Damn whelp." Bejiita gritted his teeth and turned away from the now empty doorframe.
"My lord... why do you insist on the purge beginning so soon? The young girl should at least know why this is occurring, before she makes assumptions. We haven't even begun to ... " Terror passed though Deyakeo's features slowly, as he watched his master's emotionless face give him no anchors. Bringing about an eerie feel to the air, as Deyakoe's lips pressed back against his teeth, showing his enlarged canines, but not in a threatening gesture. More of an act of submission as he bowed his head slowly, looking as if he were to cry. This caused Bejiita to divert his blood-red orbs from Deyakoe's yellow slits.
The prince gently sighed outwardly, flicking his tail, back at forth, sweeping the ground as he did so.
"Why do you insist on confusing the matter at hand... all will become clear to her... right before her own eyes... there will be no second-guessing, there will be no questioning of our justified cause, and if the child refuses to see... I, and only I, will make her except what is true."
"Yes... I see now Prince Bejiita.... She well see... she will..."

It was a long morning. Way to long. Naomi looked up from her textbook mindlessly, and stared at the back of her Math teacher with closed ears. The man was tall, thin and far to enthusiastic. This did nothing for Naomi's somber mood and made her wont to block his cheery voice even further.
Her thoughts dragged back to her dream... what had that guy said again? Something about someone wanting to help her? Was that it? And that he would share pain? That he had taken pain? The dream was fading like they always had, though she tried with all her might to hold on to it, it was slowly becoming very fuzzy. She realized... that this was what she wonted.
" Naomi? Are you paying attention?"
Her thoughts interrupted she looked blankly at her teacher "yeah." She stated just above a mumble.
" What did I just say?"
"I need to be excused Mr. Cole." With her words spoken, Naomi stood from her desk and left the room with all eyes on her.
Thankfully the teacher didn't object to her departure, walked dawn the hall a little ways, and sat dawn underneath the stairwell.
< What the hells wrong with me... I'm such an idiot> She inhaled deeply and pushed her body against the wall and shut her eyes. < I think.... I should go home>
After a wile the bell rang, announcing the end of 3ed period. Naomi stood up lazily and dragged herself to her locker to put the books that were in her backpack in it. It seemed like a good day to skip some classes... she always had hatted Mondays, just like everyone ells in the world.
The walk home was not short, but it was better than being in class.... God she wished she had a car. She had her license, but didn't have a car.
Once home it just seemed like a nice idea to try and take a nap. The trick was going to be deceiving her parents into thinking he was still at school.

Deyakeo stood in the laboratory that doubled as an infirmary room, starring out the glass wall into the depths of space.
<I can feel her, she's sleeping... lightly... out of my reach... yet still in my sights... she is... still so freighted ... her mind preventing her from falling into a dream...I have a feeling that she will not rest until she knows that no harm will be brought apon her. >
" I'm I interrupting something Deyakeo?" a female voice softly asked.
Deyakeo was slightly surprised by her words, he was unaware of her prior presents. He couldn't believe that he was so distracted by the girl's mental presents, that he didn't sense Feelow approaching him.
"Is everything alright Deyakeo?"
A timid smile graced his lips as Deyakeo turned and took a step towards Feelow. "I'm fine Feelow, just a bit distracted is all."
He felt so much weight lift from his shoulders as he watched the young woman smile sweetly and walk towards him. She made him feel at ease, taking the pressure Bejiita built up inside of him, and making him feel equal even to a high class Saijen, but this was a rare occasion. They hadn't seen each other in some time now.
She reached up and put her arms around him, pressing her body against his in a warm friendly embrace.
"You truly need to relax Deyakeo."
Her tail swept happily back and forth as she looked up into his eyes. Deyakeo had not embraced her back yet, still captivated by her unusually blue eyes. She was the only Saijen he had ever seen without dark eyes in their basic form.
"Still distracted?"
She let go of him and walked over to a desk with a computer and papers neatly stacked on it, and sat dawn. The computer screen was filled with lists of serums and medical references, mainly to do with the Saijen genetics program that Bejiita had assigned him to.
The desk was neat. Small stacks of papers were labeled with sealed documents with sticky notes on top. The lab room was like Deyakeo's personal space, and kept it as organized as his prince wonted it to be.


"Have you nearly finished your studies for today? I was going to ask if you'd accompany me for lunch."
Again distracted from his thoughts...
"That would be lovely... I would truly appreciate accompanying you."
Deyakeo mentally sighed, wishing he could further observe the young girl, but he indeed wished to go with Feelow to the mess hall.

Naomi slept for a good hour or so when her light slumber was interrupted by the harsh, piercing voice of her mother.
"Naomi! You need to get your ass out of your room and get these dishes done before I get back from grocery shopping, or your dads going to have a few words with you! Do you hear me!?"
Naomi squeezed her eyes tightly shut as she endeared her mothers wailing. She didn't see what there was to yell about... the words of her mother's threat of her stepfather's (words with her) if she didn't accomplish the task given, struck her cold. Knowing his (words) were never verbal. "Yes mom! I'll get it done!" she yelled back, the town of her voice was more of a reaction than an act of spite. She slipped carelessly off her bead and walked out into the kitchen once she head the slamming of the door, announcing her mother's departure.
"God I hate doing dishes." She mumbled to herself.
After doing what she was told, and mopped the floor out of curtsy, beings it was filthy, Naomi decided to call Rachel and see what she was doing. Maybe they could go waist some time at the bookstore or something.
After a few rings, Rachel anchored her cell phone. " Hay, I was just thinking about calling you."
"I was wondering if you were up to going to Borders or something..."
" Yeah why not. I have to be at work in a few hours though."
"That's fine, just wonted to get out of here for a wile."
"Cool, ill be there in like ten minuets."
As Naomi turned off her phone, she realized a book that she had ordered should be in by now. Maybe this wasn't such a bad day after all...

The book wasn't in yet, wouldn't be for another two weeks. But the two girls sipped their coffee haply, exchanged small talk and glanced through magazines for a good hour.
" I looked for you at lunch, ware were you?" Rachel looked up from her photography magazine as she asked her plainly stated question.
"I left... I needed a nap."
"Hawed you get home?"
"Shit... that sucks... you must have really wonted to leave."
The fine arts book was being held lazily in Naomi's hand as she looked off to the side, noticing someone she knew.
It was a boy from her 4th period class. Tall, black hair, green eyes, medium build.... Beautiful.
"What?" Rachel asked, looking at Naomi.
"Its nothing." she mumbled, returning to her book after taking a sip of her coffee.
Rachel lifted an eyebrow but didn't push on her friend's obvious interest in something.
Soon after, the two departed from the store and ended up back at Naomi's house.
"Well, I have to go back to the shit hole... see yeah Naomi."
"Have fun at work."
"Oh I will."

The food was good. It was expected, Cobo always had something worth eating.
Feelow sat across from her companion as they indulged themselves with fine dining. Deyakeo was enjoying his meal, as well as the company. He was content as he quietly nibbled on a role. The room was quiet, it was also empty excluding the two who were eating.
"I heard about the purge begging tomorrow... I don't think... that our Prince is making the right choice, but I would fallow his words to my death if it pleased him..." she looked dawn with a small frown, " I truly do know his intentions are for the best of all of us. I just don't know about this one... the girl, do you know much about her?" Feelow had a shade of concern in her voice.
"Not a lot... but a reasonable amount, she's... not welcome in that world... there are few beings there that consider her company worth wile... she's heavily neglected by the humans. I only know of one of them that treats her as an equal. And to add on to it all ... Therese the fact that the girl dose not realize, that she is not human "
Feelow sighed heavily and spoke lightly, " the poor thing... I wish we could make this easier on her. It will be difficult for her to accept the truth at such an age."
"Yes... it will be a challenge in our abilities of persuasion."
Moments passed by.
" Thanks for coming with me. I don't quite enjoy eating alone."
" Like wise. I too share your discomfort in eating alone."
Feelow just smiled "I think that it's not just being with someone though... I think its being with someone you like to be with."
Deyakeo could feel the emotion in Feelow's voice, just as well as he could hear it. He could as well read her racing thoughts, she did little to nothing to hide them. Deyakeo picked up on the unspoken words that raced through her head, far before the words were spoken. < I wish we could do more together than just eat together. I wish that we could see each other more often >
Deyakeo decided to remind her that he was a psychic, and that her feelings were being heard without her knowledge.
< I do believe, that your beginning to tell me things you wish not for me to hear> his eyes were serious as he fed her his thoughts.
"Oh god, I'm sorry... I've seamed to have forgotten about..." her cheeks began to blush as she looked dawn at the table away from yellow, piercing eyes.
" No need... it's understandable beings we haven't worked together in a long wile. You haven't seen me exercise my abilities in quite some time."
" You're always with Prince Bejiita when your powers are needed... but I truly apologize... That wasn't necessary or appropriate to think such things."
Deyakeo didn't really like the way Feelow had just said that... as though he had the authority to tell her what not to think of.
" No... please... its ok"
Deyakeo stood, tilted his head, in a jest of thanks, and left the room.
" God I'm stupid... I'll be lucky if he even talks to me anytime soon... what am I saying... I'll be assigned to work along side him tomorrow...Bejiita... why are you doing this? " Feelow sighed to herself.

Deyakeo wouldn't let emotions shroud him. Tomorrow he would need to be heartless. Tomorrow, he needed to be a duplicate of his master. Hours passed by as Deyakeo sat in the infirmary, slowly changing his mindset. The killer within him would need to be fully awakened by the following day. He needed to find it in him to hate the humans the way his master did. To see the reasons his master was starting this war. How they all betrayed his master by disobeying his far most important laws. The laws to respect, obey, cherish, and hold honesty to his people. Not only had they lied to his master's female... they'd lied to their own kind. They had made their own people believe that they were not under Saijen law. Not even allowing them to know of the Saijen's race existence. They would pay. Dearly. They would pay with their lives.

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