Immortal: a step back

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 5: a step back

Bejiita was so relaxed he nearly fell asleep in the hot, comforting mist and water surrounding his bare form. Sweat and condensation had collected on the prince's brow line and cheeks, he slowly opened his eyes. Pulling himself up a little bit from the water. He flexed his shoulders and back as he laced his fingers together to stretch his muscular arms in front of himself. Closing his eyes once again and rolled his neck back, allowing it to crack and release tension built up there. This was heaven for the prince, he smiled as he thought of the word. Heaven, a place he would never see even if he were to die. A small huff escaped his mouth as he humored himself.
Moments later, Bejiita took a breath and submerged himself under the water. It was so hot he really didn't wont to stay under for very long. The prince lied at the bottom of the spa for about a minuet before returning to the surface, his regal hair sopping wet as he shook his head to allow his jet black locks to retune to there upswept position. Bejiita swam to the edge of the spa and rested his arms on it. Blood red orbs open and closed before he decided to keep them fixed on his bodysuit several feet away. It was just about time to get out, though the prince would rather not he still had business to attend to before he could turn in for the night. He needed to give the young girl one last dream as she slept on earth, hopefully her last night there. He smirked and knew exactly what he was going to give her. He wonted to meet her, he knew Deyakeo could transfer his dream making abilities to him, he had done it before. She would meet her prince. And unlike Deyakeo, he would not let her get off so easily. This dream would show her that she no longer had control of when she would wake up. Though Deyakeo got the job don, he still didn't try to coax her into realizing it wasn't just any dream, though he tried to tell her it wasn't, he really needed to show her it wasn't. He knew it would take more than words, after all she was a Saijen.
Bejiita's lips curved upward for the briefest of moments.
With something ells more entertaining on his mind other than soaking in a bath, he hoisted his weight from the water and stood on the tile flooring.
This would be enjoyable. His intentions Shirley weren't to scare the girl, but mealy to give her a small taste of what was to come. Good and bad. He wasn't going to lie to her about the humans. He wasn't going to make it sound any better or any weirs than what it was. He wasn't going to sugar code what was going to be done with the humans either. It would be cut and dry, the strait truth. He would explain to her of her being deceived into thinking she were human and that she was of his people. He would tell her that her genetic parents were looking for her and that he granted her father the favor of retrieving her and bringing her home. He knew that she would be more than confused and shocked, but it was needed to be known. She would of cores need to be taken from the planet by force, but this was expected, The girl would probably think he was crazy. He smirked as he pulled a towel dawn from a closet next to the shower. She would soon find out he was far whirs than that. For some odd reason, Bejiita knew that he was actually looking forward to meeting the female.

Naomi was sprawled across her bed in a prone position as she paid very close attention to the video game she was playing. Her mind was locked on combinations of buttons she was going to push.
Fighting games always cot her attention, the moment she picked up any Mortal Combat game she was gone for hours. It probably was one of the reasons her grades weren't that wonderful. Not that she cared weather or not she had strait A's. A C was well and good to her, as long as she passed the class and got her credits it made no difference to her.
Naomi cringed at the sound of her stepfather's voice calling her name in an irritated, almost discussed voice.
" Just a sec." She yelled out, knowing that once she said what she did she was going to get yelled at for talking as if he was interfering with something more important than what he had to say.
" Get in her!" his voice commanding authority and obedience.
With out a word Naomi put her game on posse and stepped swiftly to the front room.
" Just what do you think you were doing skipping class today?" her stepfather was already in her face before she even knew what he said. "Anchor me!" a quick thrust with both hands to her shoulders, caused Naomi to unwillingly step back a few paces. She quickly moved back forward only to receive an open hand place swiftly and efficiently across her right cheek. Surprised by the rood jest, she batted his hand to the side and sneered up at the man inches in front of her.
" I didn't feel right, I needed to get some rest." She said it with a calm voice that even surprised herself. The look on her face contradicting her voice terribly.
"Don't get smart with me!" a hand raised to strike her again, but Naomi was quick to react. Her hand catching his and pushing it back to the side.
"Stop!" Naomi shouted, she closed her eyes for the briefest of moments to find herself on the floor. She jumped up quick and sidestepped to the other side of the living room, her mother screaming obscenities to her. This was not the way to talk this out, but she wasn't going to just give in. all the other times she just gave up, but not this time. She needed this, she wonted it. She wonted to settle this here and now. This basterd wasn't going to push her around anymore. She wasn't going to be afraid. If she got kicked out, so be it. As god as her witness she had tried with all her heart to deal with these people.

" I'm not going to take your crap anymore. I'm not going to fight you. I'm not trying to piss you off. All I'm trying to do is tell you the truth. I was tired. I wasn't feeling well."
Her mother was quick to reached, " you little cunt. You think we wont to deal with a spoiled little bitch like you! Look at you! You fucking ungrateful cunt! Look what we do for you! And you try to talk to us like that!"
Naomi's stepfather pulled in before she could respond to her mother's piercing words. She backed away from him into the front door, and looked into his eyes to see him look away.
" I'm leaving." Naomi tuned the knob behind her.
" Your not going any were!" her mother screeched.

" You don't wont me here... I don't wont to be here... I think its time we go our separate ways."
"You don't have the authority to say that." Her mother hissed
"Get over here, now!" her stepfather stepped closer, Naomi twisted the doorknob and pushed out. The man grabbed her shoulder and pulled her back inside, a heavy fist rained dawn into Naomi's line of site, and all was black.

Bejiita bared his teeth in angered astonishment, a short, low growl emerged from the back of his throat. His eyes downcasted as he glared through his orb at the despicable man, as he carried the little Female up to her room. How could a being, even claming to be a parent, strike the child with such ferocity, to cause her to passes out? He felt a strong, bitter desire to plunge his fist through the maggot's heart.
He wouldn't call for Deyakeo. The girl had been thought enough for now. He would wait a wile before causing her to fall into a dream. He knew it would only cause her more stress. Yes he was aware no matter how long he waited, it would still cause the girl discomfort, but he felt it would be a little bit more courteous to wait.
Why didn't she try and fight back? Bejiita knew she had the capabilities to defend herself against a human, even though she had never trained, nor exercised on a daily bases. It puzzled him that she would show no mercy to anyone who tried to hurt her, other than the beings that she shared living space with... it didn't make senesce to him.
The man had gone and Naomi lied with her back to her bead. Bejiita never took his eyes off the female, he wonted to see her eyes flutter open and her body stir into consciousness, but the moment never came. Tears slid dawn her cheeks between closed eyes after her lips began to quiver. She was awake. Awake but certainly not willing to face the world beyond the darkness her long lashes provided.
Bejiita's frown deepened. < He will pay little one.... I give you my word, that that vile creature will suffer for causing you pain. >
Naomi rolled over on her side. Her tears still steadily running the length of her jaw line. She felt despair sweep over her and she knew... she had lost... she had failed. Her parents had defeated her physically and mentally. She was tiered of fighting, but didn't wont to give up.... But somewhere inside her... she felt like she already had. She bared her teeth and pushed her upper body slightly off the bed, trying to brake through the cold wall that surrounded her emotions

"Someone... help me... god help me" She whispered to the cool air of her bedroom. She had no idea that there was someone listening to her plea. He would be her god... he would save her from what god himself could not. He would give her the salvation she begged for.

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