Immortal: Deyakeo

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 2: Deyakeo

Naomi and Rachel left blain on the corner of an apartment complex, his parents always tripped out when the two girls dropped him off right in front of his house, so it was close enough.
"See yeah tomorrow you guys, I'll call one of you on your cells if I get board K?"
"Yeah Blain, see yeah." Naomi said looking towards the top level of the complex.
Rachel sped off soon after, taking in consideration that it was about three in the morning and were already late to get back to Naomi's house.
" You ready for bed man?" Rachel asked as she watched her longtime friend yon out loud.

Bejiita smiled shamelessly at the girl. This would be a night full of dreams she would never forget, dreams that she would be forced to except as fact, and nothing ells. It would take time for her to realize this, but it would be so. Again the prince softly touched the orb resting on its pedestal.
" You'll find that the hell you're living can disappear with a few wise choices, little female."
As her admirer above talked on to her unknowingly, Naomi and Rachel cut the headlights as they drove up the driveway to Naomi's house.
" God I hope their either drunk or sleeping."
"Sleeping would be better." Rachel whispers
"The lights are off... that's good" Naomi stated, calm and hopful.
The two girls tiptoe up the ramp to the front porch and slide the glass side door open to find a near pitch-black house.
"Perfect." Naomi smiled and led the way through her cluttered house back to her bedroom.
Soon they both changed into some nightshirts and slipped under the covers.
" Do you think Blain will call us?" Rachel asked, with a little hesitation in her voice.
"I'm not anchoring if he dose... I'm blasted. Good night Rachel."

Crimson eyes glowed as bright as flames as a smirk again crossed his lips.
Moments passed.
<Deyakeo...its time, come to me at once> Bejiita mentally called to his servant.
<I'm on my way, Prince Bejiita. >
Within moments the shy figure appeared at his side. Ears back and eyes focussed on the target.
" She isn't ready... it may be a few minutes." Yellow orbs closed in content, Deyakeo's chin dropped to his chest as he breathed in deep.

Something was bothering her... she didn't know what, but she felt surreal... disorientated, and it wasn't from her alcohol consumption. Rachel was already sleeping witch made her jealous, but there was nothing to be done about it.
She would sleep. She needed and wonted it just the same.
Heavy lids closed over the world around the tired girl, and she embraced it all to willingly, for the power of Deyakeo, lie moments away from her grasp.

" It begins, my prince," a confident glimmer raced across the Dream Giver's face, " She's within my world now."

Naomi felt suspended in mid air as a dream began to fall in place.

<This is odd... I've never dreamed like this before>

Shortly after her words were spoken in her head, a soft grass-filled earth appeared beneath her feet. And as the dream deepened, more vibrant colors and plants filled her mind.

It was perfect. She would walk into his kingdom with utter innocence that only captivated Deyakeo further. He would not harm her... his powers reached the capacity of killing his guest in the most sinister of ways if need be, but there was absolutely no need for such antics this time. His prince wonted him to charm her, allow her to trust him,
share with him... love him. There would be no violence in this dream, it was something that made his pacifistic nature scream with joy. His prince had all to many times force him to harm and kill in times that Deyakeo thought unfit. But his prince could destroy him beyond the shadow of a doubt, his level of power was what made Deyakeo obey, and this was a simple, yet necessary task given to please his master.

A tree... was it... it was so unclear, but there it was, full of color and life. Naomi walked towards it. What kind of dream was this? This was nothing like her dreams. Not in the slightest bit. But there was no choice but to be in it... it wasn't a bad dream, so why complain?

As she approached the tree she noticed a figure seated beneath it.

She was beautiful, innocent... that was all he saw as the girl approached him. He smiled, and when he did so, he transported her 'body' near him. She gasped, stepped back a few steps, and nearly turned to run, but instead she moved back in place and looked dawn and the strange being before her.
" Don't be scared little one... your safe here."
"What?" Naomi barley breathed above a whisper.
" Are you willing to open your boundaries... open your eyes... and finely know what it truly means..." The setting around them shifted, dissolving into a pure white background, with no knowing up from dawn. Deyakoe's cat-like eyes lifted. " To know yourself in your purest of forms?"
"Where... where is this?" Naomi stumbled around the bright surreal surface. "This is just a dream... what the hell are you talking about?" she posed for a moment, "Who are you?" Naomi stayed calm, she knew it wasn't logical to overreact over a silly dream.
" Anchor my question... and I'll anchor yours."
Naomi for the first time saw how strange this being in front of her looked. Chalk white skin with blue marble-like markings filled his complexion. Long pointed ears with black tipping, golden eyes and silver-white hair. Not in her wildest of dreams had her mind made up such a creature.

She stared dawn at him. He was... gorgeous...though not human, he was anything but ugly or frightening. His soft expressions clearly stated he didn't mean any harm. This wasn't a nightmare. But she was still having mixed feelings about her dream... it felt like she wasn't in the right place.
"Please... sit dawn." Deyakeo sweetly asked with a smile.
"Umm... alright." Naomi cautiously sat across from the stranger. "What did you ask me?"
In the back of her head she thought to herself, to play along, this dream was getting strangely interesting.
"Therese something you must know before I ask you my questions prior to this." Deyakeo looked at her warmly and reached for her hand. " This is no ordinary dream. Please take my questions for what they are, and anchor them with the respect they deserve."
Brown eyes widened as warm hands graced hers. "I... I...don't get it." She looked up at his face, like before it was calm, soft and warm... this dream was so in-depth... so real...she could... feel him...feel the soft skin of his palms and long fingers gently cupping her hands, was he telling the truth? No it couldn't be. This is crazy. It's just a stupid dream!
" I beg to differ, young one, trust me... this is so much more than it seams." Deyakeo pulled the young girl's now frightened form into his lap and placed her head against his broad chest. " I am Deyakeo, the Dream Giver. This dream is my creation... I just wonted to meet you, that's all, but I need to know some things about you before we depart from this world.
A shaking body pressed against the Dream Giver. He felt so real, she could feel the warmth of his living body. She struggled to reason with her logic... " I... your... this isn't real." She whispered softly against Deyakeo's shoulder.
"Yes, it is... don't you wont it to be real? Don't you wont to be saved?" Deyakeo looked dawn at her somewhat sympathetically.
"What are you talking about?" Naomi shivered.
< I know what you dream of... I know what you think of... you cry to yourself, all alone, not letting your tears release the pain. I know your dyeing to be rescued. My master can grant you that wish and so much more. He can make you feel safe...
<These beings, these humans, they're hurting you... They're killing you> elegant fingers gently ran thought Naomi's long auburn hair.
" You're in my head... I can feel your words... what the hells going on!" Naomi pushed firmly away. Deyakeo let her go with out a fuss and stood to his feet as the girl did the same with a look of violation in her eyes.
"I have to wake up, god let me wake up!" her hands clasped her ears as she shut her eyes, as if to fight to words that Deyakeo had told to her.
Deyakeo could feel the panic building within his guest.

< You're fine little one. Why are you struggling? ... You think I'm going to hurt you... but you have nothing to fear from me> not once had Deyakeo raised his voice or shot her an intimidating look. He was confused of her erratic behavior. She was an emotional roller coaster inside as she fought with the deep-rooted logic that screamed that his words were all lies, but the child inside her that wonted it to be true, battled against it.

Her eyes opened and she looked over at the creature before her with a cold emotionless expression on her face.
"I don't wont to be here. I don't wont this to be real. I don't wont you to come back. So don't." Naomi closed her eyes in her dream and tears streamed dawn her face in the world before the Dream Giver, as well as the real one. Her lips quivered as she fell to her knees in confusion.

She hadn't cried in ages... in dreams or beyond... and finally, everything was plunged into Deyakeo's head in a painful flood of hurtful memories and questions. He couldn't help but feel slightly overwhelmed.

Deyakeo backed away. Concentrating on the images racing into him.
He could feel them. Feel the pain and doubt that had been held onto for so long, The fear that had manifested itself inside her sense early childhood.
Naomi began to subside her tears out of pure embarrassment and shame for being so weak. How could she brake so easily? Over some stupid dream all made up in her head.
It was sickening to her and anger mounted in the girl as she watched the creature in front of her take in all her thoughts. It drained away quickly as she saw tears stream dawn the face of the strange man. What the hell was he crying about? What was he doing?
Deyakeo looked up at her and noticed her mind wasn't nearly as cluttered anymore. The memories still remained within her, but thankfully had been tucked away once more.
< I do this for you. I'll share your burden of pain. I know your shadowed pasted now, as well as yourself. I think you've given me more than enough information for tonight, Miss. Naomi. I bid you farewell for now, but we will meet again, hopefully in your world. I meant you no harm, I am mealy a servant to the man that will change your future forever >
With the words pressed into her mind she could feel the dream deteriorate, as well as Rachel's voice calling her name and a light hand shaking her.
Her eyes flickered open to Rachel's relief. Naomi swung the cover away from her and sat up violently. The color was drained from her face as she gasped for air, slightly ignoring her worried friend.
" What happened... That must have been one hell of a nightmare. Your were crying in your sleep... you were... almost screaming."
Naomi swiveled her head slowly towards her friend, not quite making eye contact. " I don't really want to talk about it." Naomi said in a hoarse voice., "It was a shity dream... I, don't even really remember why I was so scared."
" Your crazy man... I'm going back to sleep... take it easy ok."
And with that her friend had laid back dawn to go to sleep.
There was no way she could go back to sleep. The words of that creature still haunting her, in the back of her head.

Deyakeo's eyes lifted to see his prince watching him.
"Did she give in at all?" Bejiita immediately questioned, in a queries, yet unexcited voice.
A frowning face anchored him far before his words "Not in the slightest... she couldn't get past the dream. She barely spoke, she was... alarmed by my presents... but I acquired what you wonted" Deyakeo made eye contact with Bejiita. "I think I came on a bit too strong." Deyakeo lowered his head to the floor, " she was afraid of me."
"She'll come around eventually... she wont have any choice." The prince turned away from his servant, and left the room.
The orb vanished from the pedestal as soon as its wielder was out of site, small glittery specks floated weightlessly in the air where it once was.
Deyakeo still stared at the floor. Not quite taking in what his master had said. He hadn't planed it to be this way. He hadn't wonted her to feel threatened. He just didn't understand what he did to have upset her as such.
But now was not the time for this. Her memories were still fresh, locked inside him. He needed to give them to his master and let him make what he will of them. Knowing the prince quite well, he knew that he wouldn't take her suffrage lightly. Her memories of her so called parents, and the way she was treated by them, was not what Deyakeo would consider good parenting, all the more reason to make the assumption that his prince would more than disagree with what the human parents had don.
Deyakeo pulled his mind away from it's pondering state and left to go find his master. Telekinetic communication was such a rare god-sent, he still hesitated for a moment as he searched for the feeling of Bejiita's thoughts.

Naomi had long scenes calmed dawn, yet was still wide-awake. Starring at the plastic stars on her ceiling, she wondered about her dream. She began to re-imagine the dream and the things she said, as well as what the Dream Giver said.
< Therese no way that was real. That was just too bazaar. > Naomi pushed her bodyweight into the bead in frustration. Why couldn't she just forget it and go back to sleep? It was just a damn dream. A meaningless scrambled mess her head made up. But she still couldn't just push it all away so soon. Not yet anyway.

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