Immortal: faltered intentions

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 6: faltered intentions

Hours later, Bejiita called to his loyal servant. He would give the female a reason to rise the morning to come. Maybe she could be persuaded to fight on their side after all. The prince was confident that he could calm her nerves.

" Deyakeo." The prince's gaze lifted from the orb to meet a nevus, kneeling, Deyakeo.
" Yes my lord," Deyakeo swallowed and knew what his prince was going to ask of him.
" Rise." Bejiita looked dawn at him, slightly irritated by how formal his servant was being.
Deyakeo did as he was told and let his eyes travel to the crystal behind his prince. The female was sleeping.
" You know what I need from you. So suck it up, hold your breath, and do it." The prince was stern in his words. Amber eyes pierced through Deyakeo with near malice showing deep within them.
Deyakeo closed his eyes and took a very deep breath. He hated doing this, and he hated it even more for scarring him. The fear that it brought to him was on an instinctual level. He would be absolutely powerless once the transfer was made. He would also pass out, and nightmares of his victims would consume his venerable being.
It couldn't be helped... his spirit was in tuned to the supernatural world in his sleep, but he could push the spirits away when his power was in his grasps. All his abilities would be with his prince. He would be helpless. He truly hatted facing his past. The innocent men that he had massacred, but he would endure it only for him, only for his prince.
Deyakeo outstretched his arms to Bejiita, who strangled his hands around Deyakeo's wrists without hesitation. The Dream Giver wrenched in pain and fear as he felt Bejiita steel away all his strength. He mentally cursed the sacred stones that granted the man before him all his bazaar abilities. Deyakeo stood for but a few moments before his knees gave way and he kneeled unwillingly before Bejiita.
His grasp never faltered as the Saijen prince watched in slight amusement as his servant writhed in heart wrenching agony. The Dream Giver screamed through clenched teeth as he felt Bejiita dig his nails into his wrists. Silver blood slowly breached through Deyakeo's pail skin, running back to his elbows.
The feeling was the opposite for the Saijen. It felt wonderful. Power surged visually around his body. He could feel the strange black magic pumping though his veins. He loved it. He's scarlet orbs closed in ecstasy as a faint wicked smile crossed his face.
When Bejiita let go, Deyakeo dropped to the floor immediately, his face against cold steel. Deyakeo's breathes quick and labored, his eyes held clamped shut. They burned beyond belief and his head pounded in his sensitive ears. He tried with all his might to fight the darkness consuming him, but nothing was left in him, he was spent and he knew it. Sleep was all his body could do at this time, and so it did. Deyakeo's eyes fluttered open for a moment and then rolled back, showing the whites of his eyes. His body incapacitated on the floor.
Bejiita stood silent, adjusting to the new feelings rushing though him. His mind was so clear. He clenched and unclenched his hands as he reproached the orb behind him.
< Now female... now I can show you. >
Unknown to him, Bejiita's eyes glowed an aerie gold, his new, yet temporary power emitted it's own signature within the prince.
He placed his hand on the illuminated orb. A rush passed through him as he focussed on his target. He had to concentrate, he had to remember how to control the power. He had only done this twice, and the incidents were decades apart.
He could feel the girl's presents begin to come closer to his grasps the more he focused. He could feel her hesitate as he pushed his mind against hers. They were so close... yet countless miles away form one another. He needed to create a dream for her. He couldn't communicate with her like this. He thought of making a landscape such as their home world, but quickly dismissed the idea. No, he wouldn't make her feel completely venerable, he would give her a piece of stability, he would have the dream be set on earth, in the city she lived in. his thoughts wondered to a park she often went to. Yes... that would be perfect. Not quite his taste but it would have to do. He didn't have forever just to make up a setting.

Naomi felt weightless once again as she was pulled into a dream. It wasn't as natural of a feeling, It felt like she was being forced, unlike before. Her body felt a presents surround her. Her feet touched a surface before she could see it, but within secants the familiar landscape came into view. A puzzled looked emerged from her expressionless face, as she wondered what brought this plain setting to her dreams. She stepped gingerly across the grass as she made her way to an empty swing set.

He was being sloppy. Bejiita was displeased with himself for being so anxious that he wasn't properly using his borrowed powers. He could tell that the female already knew this wasn't a natural dream. Yet that might work more to his advantage than he first thought. It would be harder for her to dismiss this as just another dream. He may have not been, as smooth as Deyakeo would have been in capturing her with in the dream, but Bejiita would fallow through all the same. He watched her through unseen eyes, he wouldn't let her see him yet, no not yet.

Naomi looked around skeptically. This just didn't feel right. It was like she could feel her body faraway, like she wasn't in her own skin, in was an uncomfortable, venerable feeling... and she didn't like it at all. As she sat dawn in one of the swings she noticed how strange the sky looked... nearly green. It was so fake it scared her.
<What the hell.... > Naomi thought to herself as she watched the ground shift slightly < I can feel something, but... I don't know what it is. > She got back to her feet and side stepped her way around the swing set. Something was defiantly wrong. She felt it in the pit of her stomach, like she was being hunted. She felt like she was being chased and she wasn't even running.
< My, my were panicky. Theirs no reason to be scared> his voice was somewhat playful, yet mocking. By this time, Bejiita had placed himself in that plain, his mind no longer with his physical body. He was with in the world that he alone had created.
Naomi stumbled back and nearly fell over backwards from the sudden break in silence. A man was standing a few yards from her from her, jet-black hair in an upswept position cot her attention first. What an unusual hair stile, then the strange attire that clocked his body in black and silver.

The look on her face was priceless. He could tell that she was already feeling a bit skittish. Perhaps his approach was a bit to intimidating. He kept his expressions stark. Not quite knowing what he wonted her to take him as.

"Who the hell are you?" Naomi asked in a defensive, aggressive manner.
"You will not speak to me in such a town, little female." Bejiita kept his voice even and calm. He knew she would be like this, but he wonted to make his authority over her clear as soon as possible. This would take a wile, but he had planed for it.
To his surprise she didn't lash back at his statement. She stood in the same protective aggressive stance as when she first laid eyes on him, not saying a word. She was nearly pissing in her pants.
" My name is Price Bejiita. I am the master of the being who visited your dreams yesterday."
Her front fading, Bejiita noticed her eyes soften with fear and her body shiver slightly.
" You... you're the one that... man, was talking about then." Naomi's bitter voice completely diminished.
"Yes." Bejiita whipped his tail in front of himself, knowing she hadn't cot a glance of it yet.
Her reaction was more panicked then he thought it would be when she stepped back, nearly backing into the swing and breathed in sharply.
"What the hell are you!" confused fear filling her words.
Bejiita looked dawn at the ground and shook his head, then slowly raising his eyes to her. " Foolish girl." He spoke just above a whisper. The light of the fake world around them catching in Bejiita's eye's revealing his red irises.
" Are you a demon?" Naomi whispered hoarsely.
A deep mocking laugh filled the air and choused Naomi to shudder.
"I am no more a demon than you are, female."
" Stop calling me that! My names' Naomi!" Her offensive stance regaining it's confidence for but a moment.
" I will not call you by some human name." Bejiita spoke lowly, excusing her rash town of voice.
" What the hells that supposed to mean?"
" It means, you're not what you think you are."
Naomi cocked her head slightly and looked at the man in front of her like he was crazy, yet with curiosity.
" I don't know why you still think your human. It confuses me. I know you don't think the way they do, I know you don't act the way they do, So why not take into consideration that your not one of them."
" I have no idea what you're talking about. I may be a little wired, but that doesn't make me inhuman."
A quiet chuckle escaped Bejiita's mouth. " No, but I know a few things that do."
Naomi stepped foreword, dipping her chin to her chest and raising her eyebrows. " Like what?"

Her disrespectful expressions and poster was wearing on his nerves. Over the years, he had learned to control his outbursts of anger, but it had been a long time sense he had encountered a being so gutsy. He could sense she was scared, but she hid it well. It was a rare event to come by, the prince was amused yet somewhat irritated by the girl's fearless guise.
" You're not nearly as cowardice as humans. You have enough pride to make you stand your ground, even against a being you know is a threat to you. Though you don't quite know how to set yourself, but your young, and have never been exposed to your own kind, so it shows that you have a strong natural instinct."
" I know lots of people like that."

"Ah... You should show them to me, when I come to your planet... I'll be the judge of them. I'll make a deal with you. If they stand their ground the way you do... I'll let them live."
"What? You're crazy. What the hell are you talking about? I'm human. I know it, what ells could I be?"
Bejiita smiled dully and began walking towards the girl. She stood her ground, his smile deepened. " You are Saijen, there isn't a doubt in my mind." And he would prove it to her.
The air around her thickened. "What are you?" she felt her body shiver and she knew her eyes were glossed over. She wouldn't let herself cry. Not again! Her shoulders tensed up and she felt the muscles in her back do the same. And aura around her made the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. For some odd reason, she knew the man in front of her was creating it.
"Saijen." His voice was so proud, so confident.
She hadn't realized how close he was to her, only a couple feet away, and he hadn't stopped approaching her. She shivered again, but never faltered her stance. He got so close to her that she could feel his breath against the top of her head. As she felt his eyes gazing dawn at her she realized she was terrified. Her palms damp with sweat. She couldn't move, she was paralyzed with fear.

" You don't belong were you are, little female. You belong with your own species, and I'm the man that will show you that, even if I have to force it into you."
She couldn't speak, she couldn't move, but she could listen, and listen she did.
A large hand brushed against Naomi's cheek. "You'll be safer. These humans have plans for you... and I know you wouldn't like what they're going to do to you, if I leave you there. Humans are greedy, insatiable creatures... they'll be the death of you. "
" I don't know what your trying to pull, but," a shell socked looked covered her features.
Bejiita swept his hand lightly dawn Naomi's back, and rested it just above her rear. With his thumb he pressed into the tip of her spine.
Her body arched forward into him and through clenched teeth Bejiita heard his guest gasp desperately as pain overtook her body.
"No! Stop!" she put her small palms against the man's firm, armored chest and tried to push him back. To her surprise she hadn't the strength to even try.
" You see," Bejiita pulled her into him and wrapped his tail around her waist. " I know your weakness, only because I possess the same."
"Let go of me!" she struggled the words from her throat as if her life depended on them.
He pressed harder in the same spot only to receive a labored cry from the female. He rested his head against hers, after slouching a bit, to reduce the difference in height. He was loving this.
" Why?" Naomi breathed. " Why cant... I move." she could feel her strength diminish the longer the man pushed against the soft spot at the end of her tailbone.
" Because even the greatest of races have weaknesses, little female. Ours just happened to be our fifth appendage." He removed his hand and brushed his tail repeatedly against her weakness.
She unwillingly pushed herself further against the stranger, dropping her hands low and pressed them firmly against his pelvis.
Her breaths were hot and sexual against his neck. A greedy smirk graced the prince's lips. " If only they hadn't removed yours..."
As he stood there with the young girl, drunk with ecstasy in his arms, he realized that he had given this female a little more physical affection then he first had planed. He had made his choice, he would court her to be his mate. This female was something he now needed, and only this female.
Dropping his head in-between the base of her neck, he licked her hungrily and sucked on her skin harshly. Fastening his tail around her again he spoke once more. " I will kill them all for betraying me. They don't deserve to live after what they have done.... but, they haven't ruined you yet."
She could hear him, and was listening, but she couldn't believe what he was doing to her. The feel of him against her was surprisingly wonderful. She felt like she was in a trance, and she couldn't help but fall into it. She wonted him to stop, but a side of her never uncovered before was scratching at the surface, deep, demanding lust.
" You... you can't... control me." Naomi hissed into Bejiita's ear. " You wont," She bit out. Her mind desperately trying to rid it's self of the forced sensations raining over her body.
Bejiita was somewhat surprised at the female's bitter voice. "You're right... I'm not going to control you. I don't wont to 'control' you. So Therese no need to worry. I will never sink as low as a human." Bejiita paused and snickered evilly against Naomi's skin. " I will give you a life. That's what I'm offering you. I'm offering you a chance to meet your blood and find your place in 'our' society."

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