Immortal: dreams that end

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 7: dreams that end

Bejiita released her and let her body stumble back in shock of the sudden release.
After catching her breath and her feet, she glared at the stranger with bitter rage brewing within her eyes. "What do you mean by 'my blood'?"
" Your family." Bejiita closed his eyes, " your blood family."
Something snapped within her at those words and the girl surrendered unknowingly. But Bejiita cot it right away. Her arms loosened their tight muscles and her cold eyes warmed with the shock of his words. He had cot her curiosity, and intended to send her young mind further in to wonder the more he told her.
" I don't know what you mean..." Naomi gritted her teeth silently, question hanging in her words.
" You were stolen. The beings you live with share as much relation with you as the ground beneath you."
Bejiita's words sat cold in Naomi's ears.
" And how would you know?"
" Because I know your parents. I granted them the favor of retrieving you. You think I would go out of my way, across the damn galaxy, just to lie to a little human girl, no, I have more important things to waist time on. I'm here for their, and my revenge."
" Your revenge?" Naomi was now questioning her very humanity as she wondered if what this man was saying was true.
Bejiita scowled as his irises locked with hers, " They have done far more to betray me than they have your family, but none the less, your kidnapping was not over looked. I was well aware of what the humans did. They have tried to dismiss my authority over their race. They have deceived their own people, by lying to them, by not allowing the public to know of the Saijen law all humans are under. They will pay dearly for trying to rebel against the Saijen nation." Bejiita's eyes never shifted as he spoke to the teenage girl. He would make her acknowledge what she was, and how she had been deceived.
" So you're saying the human race has been under control of another race... Saijens."
"Yes." Bejiita said dryly.
"But.... How? Why? Since when?" Naomi stepped forward and dropped her defenses without even thinking of what she was doing.
" One question at a time young one... have patients. I'll anchor all your questions." A shaded shirk played on his lips with amusement. "Trust me." Bejiita was silent for a moment, "How? I personally went to earth many, many years ago to gain power over it. Why? Because I am the emperor of the Northern, Western, and Eastern quadrants of the known universe, and already had claims on it's resources. Since when? Since 320 years ago," Bejiita paused and took a short breath, " is that a sufficient enough explanation for you? I'm not going into deep detail right now over how I acquired earth, it would take to long and I doubt I could get you to understand right now."
Naomi's eye's widened, " 320 years ago!? That's impossible."
" How so?" Bejiita's eyebrows lifted in question.
" You said you went to earth... but 320 years ago, that's impossible."
"Why? I'm not human, female... Saijens live many times that of a human."
" But.... 320 years?" Naomi's feeling of truth in Bejiita's words was falling fast as she tried to read the blank expression on his face.
" Yes."
"You said earlier something about people having plans for me. What did you mean?" Naomi still couldn't relax but tried all the same, this was getting strangely interesting.
" I meant that the humans not only wonted to royally piss me off, they wonted to conduct an observation study on one of our kind. So, when they got the chance... and the technology, a human scientist came to our home world and stole you from the infirmary, right after your birth, and headed back to earth. They wonted to put you in a human environment, and for you to have no knowledge of your heritage, one of the reasons they removed your tail. They have secretly been observing you through the public eye, testing to see if a Saijen could be raised as a human, testing to see how differently a Saijen would react to situations. To make things even more complicated the family that the government allowed you to be adopted by, has no knowledge of your difference in species either. Yet the day of your nineteenth birthday, they are going to put you into a testing facility for the rest of your life, for physical testing. Sick little fucks, don't you agree?"
Naomi was overwhelmed with the words that came from Bejiita's mouth, what in god's name was going on? Was what he was saying the truth? Why would he make up such a story? She could say nothing, she stood and stared at the man through confused eyes until she realized he was looking back at her directly.
"I... I don't believe you." She couldn't believe him! That was the most outrageous story she had ever heard!
" How can I explain this to you in a way you would believe that I'm telling you the truth? What the hell would I get out of this, if it weren't true? I hate humans, if you were one, I would kill you, without remorse or hesitation I would slaughter you, little girl or not. Do you truly believe that those disgusting beings are you parents? That man who hit you! You think that's your father!? " Aggravation and malice was burning in his voice as his patients wore thin.
Naomi dropped her eyes to the ground, " I Hate that man! I hate them both! No one ells makes my life more miserable than the people I live with!" she was silent for a moment, calming her temper. "I just wish... I don't know what to believe... I...need some time to think about this," Her words spoken seriously.
" You don't have a lot of that. My men and I will be touching ground on earth after I finish this meeting with you, it will be a matter of hours."
Her eyes flashed back to the prince's face, "What?"
He said nothing.
" I just have one more question." Her face paled.
"What is it?"
" If you are real... and if this dream is real, and if what you say is real... were will you come for me?"
"Where?" Bejiita knitted his brows. " Where ever you happen to be at the time. Myself and all of my men can sense Saijen energy."
" I wont ask anything more." her voice was quiet and sad. She had no idea what she was going to do. " Do you wont to ask me anything? I mean, I've asked you a lot of questions, but I never really gave you the chance to ask any."
Bejiita didn't quite get this girl. She had dropped everything just now, submitted, excepted. He flashed his eyes at her in slight confusion and surprise.
" Will you join us willingly?" Bejiita's eye's darkened. " You will be taken ether way, but just for curiosity's sake."
Naomi's sad expressions gave no anchors.
" It would be wise to anchor my question."
" You mean... in... helping you take your revenge on the human race?" her words were dry and emotionless.
Bejiita smiled divinely, swaying his tail behind him somewhat seductively.
" No."
His grin fell flat. " Why?" Bejiita asked sternly.
" I still don't believe you. And as much as I can't stomach my parents, "
" There not your parents!" The prince snapped."
"Well... I don't know."
"Well I do." Bejiita was getting very sick of her tong, wrinkles formed in his brow and in-between his eyes as he snarled softly at the girl.
"But... no matter what they've done to me... the rest of the world hasn't done anything wrong."
" You just wont understand until the truth is right in your face will you? By tomorrow night, those humans will wont you dead. If you're not in our company by tomorrow night, they'll have their military searching for you. They know how valuable you are to your species."
" Valuable?"
"Yes... there are very few us left after what happened ten years ago."
"I said I wouldn't ask any more questions." Naomi's head dropped to her chest.
" No, I'll tell you this. Those humans allied themselves with another race... and tried to eradicate ours. That being you met last night, it was his species that rebelled with the humans, they nearly wiped out all of us. The Dream Givers have already paid the price, he's the only one left, and I only al" Bejiita frowned and took a step forward to ketch the girl's attention. " There are only eight Saijens left, and only tree are female."
"Eight." Naomi's eyes lit up with slight shock.
"Thanks to your precious humans and the Dream Givers that is, yes" Bejiita muttered bitterly.
" Dream Givers were conniving little basterds, weirs than humans, they used us only to get close enough to kill us. They didn't like to be dominated by their superiors. "
"Who would?" Naomi said in a snide tone.
" Beings who are wise." Bejiita stated smugly.
"What gives you the right to pick and chose who's worthy enough to live?"
" The fact that I have the power to control them, That's all. Saijens have always rained supreme."
" Your full of shit."
" Shut your mouth." Bejiita's tone darkened greatly, if he didn't calm himself now he would strangle her into submission.
" I'm not going to ask again... but your not going to be burned to ash with the rest of the human race. You will serve me. Your father will see his daughter by the turn of the season, as promised. You will drop these childish thoughts and become what the blood rushing thought your veins has been screaming to you your hole life. "
"I'm going crazy... what the hell kind of drugs have I been taking? This dream is driving be nuts!" Naomi began to panic, breathing heavily as she closed her eyes.
"Calm yourself! How many times do I have to say it! This isn't your dream! I made it! I made this dream! It's mine!"
"That's impossible."
"Fine. Whatever. In a few house, I'll prove beyond the shadow of a doubt, that everything I've said is true."
"I... I don't know." A shiver ran dawn her spine. She wonted to wake up so bad. Why couldn't she wake up? She struggled to no avail. Unknown to her, Bejiita had complete control over her sleeping body.

Bejiita probed Naomi's mind, only finding questions of her own running through her brain. And an argument with herself over whether or not this hot tempered, beautiful, frightening man before her was telling the truth. A cool smirk graced over his cold lips as he ran his taught over them. She thought he was beautiful. She was attracted to him, he couldn't help but play on her thoughts. He decided to push the limits of his borrowed powers, he would give her thoughts of his, as if they were her own. He stepped closer to her and pushed his mind into hers, giving her comfort, and security, making her know he wasn't going to harm her, wasn't trying to trick her. Then giving her the thought of approaching him, touching him. He felt her body absorb his gifts, only coming to find that she was walking towards him. He gave her more, he wonted her to touch him so badly, to put her arms around him and acknowledge him as her prince, that he wonted her to except and cherish her new found heritage, and possibly find it along his side. His tong ran over his soft damp lips once again. Oh how he thanked god for how these dreams were so realistic. He knew that even if their bodies truly weren't touching, he, as well as she, would still feel it.
He watched her come within inches of him only to stop and stare up into his eyes, "your to beautiful to be real." Naomi spoke sadly, watery eyes never leaving his deep, crimson irises. "You're just to perfect, no living thing could be this perfect." Her hands slowly reached out and touched his chest. " I know I'm just dreaming, just fantasizing." Naomi didn't even know if she was talking to the dark angel mer inches away, or to herself. All the anger she felt earlier diminished, she no longer cared about what Bejiita had said, she just wonted to be near him.
Bejiita closed the gap and cut off the tenchion by stepping forward and embracing her. He began to feel aroused as the girl ran her hands dawn the prince's thighs in a slow strong motion, pushing her weight into him. Soft whimpers reached Bejiita's ears and he instantly knew what was now racing through her mind. The reality of living a life beyond the control and hatred of her foster parents sparked into view, and to Bejiita's surprise, quickly snapped away. She still didn't believe this was all true. Naomi ran her hands up and over his rear and rested them at the base of his soft, fuzzy appendage somewhat hesitantly. Bejiita looked dawn at her and was content with this. He swept his tail upward and wrapped it once around Naomi's arm, letting the rest of its length curve between them both and last possessively against Naomi's inner thigh.
" How long is that thing?" Naomi asked playfully, sadness still hanging in her soft voice, her hand stroking the base of his tail, arousing her prince just a little more.
"About four an a half feet long." Bejiita stated hazily, his head slightly arched back as he felt his arousal deepen from his female's fingertips touching him lightly against is weakness.
" Damn." Naomi whispered, feeling a little strange, she tried to step back, only to find Bejiita's hold on her tighten.
" Yours would be a little shorter. Male Saijens have longer tails than females." He wouldn't let her go just yet, not yet. He hadn't touched another being this way in nearly a hundred years... he was driving himself crazy having this sweet young female pressed against his body. All he wonted at that moment was to have her beneath him, screaming his name in the heat of passion, oh god it had been to long.
"I hope... that when I wake up..." before she could finish her sentence Bejiita had already dipped his head dawn to sees the female's lips. His tong drove deep and powerfully into her mouth, curling his tong around her own and sucked in harshly, dragging her tong into his mouth. She pulled back once, but pleaded for forgiveness as she passed her own tong over his own and into his mouth willingly... she hadn't kissed anyone sense middle school.
For the first time sense the two had laid eyes one another, they were agreeing on something.
Bejiita could tell the girl had no idea what she was doing. Her tong touched his gingerly, her lips tense and unknowing. He pulled back softly, " relax sweet female... I won't hurt you."
"I'm sorry... I haven't, done this in a wile" her face went flush as she looked away from the dark prince.
Bejiita chuckled softly. " You think it's been awhile for you." Another quiet snicker as he placed his lips against her exposed collarbone. " If I told you how long it's been for me... you probable wouldn't wont another kiss," His voice deep and intoxicating.
Her hands ran up his armored torso, a soft smirk puled at the right side of her cheek. " I really doubt that."
" Oh really? What if I said a hounded years."
"I don't care any more... all I can say is this is the best dream of my life." Naomi laid her head against Bejiita's crest. "I never wont to wake up."
Bejiita couldn't help but feel slightly angered... she was still questioning this.
" What can I do to make you know this is real? Tell me, I'll do it."
"I've never been kissed... the way you just kissed me...I really don't know how I just felt that, in this dream... how do I know what that would feel like? How did I make that up in my head?"
" You didn't." he whispered deeply. " Should we try again?" one of Bejiita's hands unwrapped it's self from Naomi's waist and cupped her chin. " I wouldn't mind showing you how... this dream belongs to me" Bejiita's eye's had never looked so pure, speaking to this innocent girl, wanting her, craving her virgin taste. Yearning to take both her innocence and virginity. Their lips met once more.

Naomi closed her eyes in the fantasy words around her. Hoping that this dream would last for a wile longer.
< Don't worry about this not being real. I'll show you... tomorrow will be a very different day for earth. Just wait and see> Bejiita ran his hand through her hair. His mental massage taken without fear or question from Naomi.
He wonted to pin the female to the ground and claim her as his own, but that would be pushing it too far, not yet, not in a dream. He would have her, but it would be real, in his chambers rapped up in silk and satin, their naked forms tangled within one another. She would be a true Saijen by then. She would be allied with him, at his side and understanding with his decisions. Bejiita would have his dream as well. He would make her forget the humans, forget everything.

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