Immortal: sarcasm among the weak

Published Jan 23, 2005, 5:45:28 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 16, 2005, 3:15:52 AM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

His life, his dreams, his wishes this story takes you though the mind and life of the Bejiita that never was, yet should have been. The universe is his, his life will never end, and hopefully, just hopefully, he can find someone to share it with. She's a senior High school student on earth, searching for her place, but Bejiita has been watching her. And a stunning surprise that will change her life forever will unravel. The fate of the world is at the Prince's mercy... and he has his own reasons to show none such thing. The setting and outline of this story is very distorted from the DBZ universe. There are no other characters that were in the dbz world, and that how I wonted it. Timelines are different, as well a few minor quirks that Bejiita no longer has... beings he's over 500 years old in this fanfic, I'm shier he would be much more matcher and Patient about some things. He's still the same prince, don't get me wrong, but I'm shier I took all the damn FunImation out of him. please R&R

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Chapter 8: sarcasm among the weak

Naomi closed her eyes in the fantasy words around her. Hoping that this dream would last for a wile longer.
< Don't worry about this not being real. I'll show you... tomorrow will be a very different day for earth. Just wait and see> Bejiita ran his hand through her hair. His mental massage taken without fear or question by Naomi.
He wonted to pin the female to the ground and claim her as his own, but that would be pushing it too far, not yet, not in a dream. He would have her, but it would be real, in his chambers rapped up in silk and satin, their naked forms tangled within one another. She would be a true Saijen by then. She would be allied with him, at his side and understanding with his decisions. Bejiita would have his dream as well. He would make her forget the humans, forget everything and become his lover.

The world around Naomi dissipated. The prince decided to end the dream on good terms. It wound benefit in the long run in acquiring her. She would possibly come to him willingly if he left her in such a state.
Her mind began to clear of Bejiita's thoughts, he was gone. The dream was gone. Her white pillow case came blurrily into view.
"No." Naomi whispered, heart broken as she shoved her face into her pillow.

Bejiita hesitantly turned from his orb and looked dawn to Deyakeo, who was still out cold on the floor. The prince kneeled dawn and placed his hands on the man's upper back, retuning the borrowed power to its master. Bejiita felt a twinge of pain as the energy left him, and watched Deyakeo's eyes flutter open.
"My lord..." Deyakeo stared incoherently.
"Yes." Bejiita stood and walked to the other side of the room. "Your abilities accomplished what was needed."
Deyakeo knew it was his master's way of thanking him. He dipped his chin to his chest and closed his eyes for a brief moment.
"How is she?" Deyakeo asked quietly.
"She won't be as much of a challenge as we first thought."
With those words spoken, the prince left the room. Deyakeo knew it was time for the real show to begin. The destruction of earth was soon to commence.

Naomi staggered out the door of her house nearly a half hour late for her first period class. A black motor-powered scooter was leaning against the chain link fence of her front yard. She hated it, but it would be the fastest way to get to school.
Speeding along the side of the road, there was no convincing her that the dream was anything more than further proof of her insanity. Her mind filled with paranoia of her own mental stability. What would cause such a thing? A man, not just any man, but a goddamn alien! What the hell was wrong with her? She couldn't have fantasies about hot, sexy movie stars like other girls?! Oh no, not Naomi! That was too normal! No, she had to make a being up in her head that says he's some prince! A prince! How original is that?! But an alien prince!! Maybe that was a little more original... but that she was an alien too! Come on! And that there was some conspiracy that earth was actually owned by this "prince." And that it had been for hundreds of years! Holy shit... she contemplated going back around the corner to smoke a cigarette or two.
Naomi nearly passed the school as she mocked her very consciousness. What a day this was turning out to be.
First period moved at a snail's pace up until the principal's voice came over the intercom with an interesting announcement to make.
"All students must be dispersed into groups of three hounded, and taken to the bomb shelters in an orderly fashion, after the following statement..." the room grew dead silent, " Due to catastrophic occurrences though out the nation, we are forced to take it upon ourselves to treat this threat to all students and staff in this building, seriously." By this time students form other class rooms could be heard panicking, as well as in Naomi's. Naomi could tell this was already tuning into a disaster and the announcement wasn't even through.
"Shut up, god damn it! I wont to hear what the mans' got to say!" Naomi yelled as loud as she could over her panicked classmates.
" All Freshman report to the theater, All sophomores report to the gym, and all Juniors and Seniors report to the auditorium at this time, to be divided in to groups. This is not a drill. Act in a calm, orderly fashion, to prevent any injuries. "
It seemed as if every student in the entire building climaxed into an uproar beyond words as the intercom blanked out. Teachers voices could be heard doing their best to calm the panicked excitement that echoed though the halls in a clash of shouted voices. Nothing could be understood.

Naomi shoved her way violently through the sea of bodies, panic rushing over her just as heavily as any one person around her. What on god's green earth was going on? Flashes of her dream snapped into mind for a brief moment. "Oh god... this isn't happening..."

Deyakeo stood expressionless, atop a fallen building. The city was not the home of Naomi. No, her city was many miles from Deyakeo's perch. His work was finished here. The city was in shambles and all residents had been erased from the physical plane. The purge was going as planed.
"Didn't think you'd finish up here so quickly... you must be in a hurry."
A tall, lean yet muscular man with auburn hair, landed on the toppled building along side the Dream Giver.
"Ocura." Deyakeo hissed, closing his eyes in irritation.
"No warm welcome? I'm shocked. Is something bothering you?" Ocura's voice was mocking and sly, his green and brown eyes glistening in the sunlight.
"Do not speak to me wile I'm on duty, Ocura... I do not have the patents."
"You still take our work too seriously, I see."
"Shut your mouth and leave my presents, you have no business here." Deyakeo turned to face his unwelcome guest with threatening expressions striking his features.
"Yes, Deyakeo, I'll move on to the next little cluster of garbage. See yeah later." With a wink the man leapt into the sky and flew from the Dream Giver's site.
"If only I were permitted to punish that one... he would learn to respect more than his own skin."
With his work finished, Deyakeo's body disappeared, moving to the north at unnerving speeds.

Kirose grinned wickedly as human solders burst forward in large groups towards him, only to be literally blasted away from site. Flesh and bone transformed to ashes and cinders in an instant. Not a drop of blood littered to earth's soil, but the stench of burning human flesh permeated the air around the young Saijen worrier.
Humans had a very distinct smell to them. Even when still alive, a Saijen could tell by their sent that they were human, but only humans carried 'this' sent when burned. A nauseating stench it was, enough to convince Kirose it was time to move on.

The bomb shelters were too quiet for Naomi's tastes. It wasn't dead silent, but no one in the underground shelter spoke above a whisper. It was an airy wave of hushed voices, somehow reminding her of some oversized insect colony. It couldn't be described as loud, but it wasn't quiet by any stretch of the imagination.
A nicotine craving hit her hard, after sitting dawn against a cold concrete wall. She didn't know if she could smoke in there... not only was it on school grounds, but teachers were everywhere... teachers who respected her work... teachers who didn't know her habits...
"Dude, I've been looking all over for you man." Rachel slumped against the wall along side her friend. "I didn't think I would find you in this mess."
"Nether did I."
"Something wrong? Well, other than the terrorist thing going on...."
"No, not really... just tired... and could really use a cig."
"Yeah, me too... what do you think of all this shit? I didn't watch the news this morning."
"Neither did I."
"Well I guess were both in the dark about this... you'd think they would have shut dawn the schools... if they knew about this earlier."
"It probably wasn't as wide spread... I don't know... hell, maybe their just trying to get us all in one place so they can kill us all at once." Naomi smirked and faced Rachel.
Rachel laughs in response, "yeah, that may be."

Feelow wasn't truly in the mood for a massacre. She really wasn't, Saijen or not, the woman just didn't feel like killing helpless civilians today... even for revenge.
She stood on the outskirts of the city Naomi called home... this was going to be harder than she had thought... her energy was nowhere to be *seen*. She closed her eyes to concentrate, but to no avail, the child had vanished from her senses. It had been about an hour since she had lost track of her... where could she have gone?

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