Entries for The Godspawn Boss Fight: A message from the alien suns

Published Dec 24, 2023, 9:19:44 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 24, 2023, 9:19:44 PM | Total Chapters 2

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Rigmor PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2465
146 total points
5 approved points


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Chapter 1: A message from the alien suns

Prompt #3. Draw or write about the eldritch research that brought your character here. 

One night the stars shone especially bright, their light reaching Rigmor's eyes behind the weathered mask's lenses. The witch doctor sat on the large grey rock, gazing up at the night sky, their raptor companion right beside them.

Since the day Rigmor started their journey, they found themself in new wondrous places, the spiritual presence in which was often as unfamiliar as the areas they inhabited. And yet their presence was often comforting, reminding Rigmor of the spirits they used to know at home.

This time though, it was different. The witch doctor felt a new presence reaching out from the stars above, its enigmatic aura carried a message, a vision of a distant place. A house in the woods, a little girl in the ragged clothes stepping out of its front door. There was something inviting and yet unsettling about it all, but Rigmor couldn't quite understand why. Brighid emitted a low growl, showing her disapproval.

Despite the warning signs, this image deeply intrigued the witch doctor, they needed to learn more, to seek this place and unravel its secrets.

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  • Dec 15, 2023, 9:34:25 PM UTC
    omg this so gooddd!!
    I love this line: The witch doctor felt a new presence reaching out from the stars above, its enigmatic aura carried a message, a vision of a distant place.
    This is so descriptive and has good word choice!!!
    • Dec 16, 2023, 7:08:05 PM UTC
      Thank you very much!

      I wasn't sure anyone besides the person, who approved the entry, was reading what I write, you surprised me pleasantly, I'm glad you found my short story good!