Rogtuk's Musings: Suspicious Ordering

Published Dec 6, 2023, 10:23:33 PM UTC | Last updated Dec 6, 2023, 10:23:33 PM | Total Chapters 8

Story Summary

Rogtuk has a lot to reflect on while traveling the Paperverse.

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Chapter 4: Suspicious Ordering

Prompt: Draw or write about your character picking up their package from a suspicious caretaker.


“They want to meet you in person?” Ginger asked after Rogtuk gave her and Seifer the rundown on his situation. He had ordered a package, wanting to try out one of the worlds beyond his own’s conveniences.

“Do they usually not?” Rogtuk asked, quirking a brow as he held the paper between his thumb and finger. Despite trying to be delicate with it, his sweat still made the paper bow.

“I don’t like this. Too fishy.” Seifer scrunched his nose. “Wait- does that say the pick up is today?” 

He made a grab for Rogtuk’s letter. The orc instinctively tried to pull his hand away to prevent his stuff from being snatched, but Seifer already held the slip in his hands. With a frown and a suck of his teeth, the fellow moon-worshiper shook his head.

“Things are a little different here.” Ginger offered. “Maybe your courier just happened to have what you needed?”

“Still don’t like the idea of him going alone.” Seifer interjected before Rogtuk could speak. “Easy to jump a singular man-”

“-I have Azkol.”

“-And Rogtuk isn’t exactly…,” Seifer took a moment to search for the right word. Rogtuk was sure he would have settled for a jab at his overall intelligence, but the human felt like that wasn’t right. Or maybe the threatening buzz of Spicy’s wings persuaded him to find another phrasing. Instead he settled for, “He’s still naive.”

“If it’ll make you feel better.” Ginger sighed. “Is that all right, Rog?”

“Uh…” Rogtuk shifted a little uncomfortably, bringing his hands together and pulling at the fingers of one. Frankly, he did want to do this alone. But Seifer and Ginger were far more familiar with the courier system than him, even if it’s not quite the same as the one he was using. If something was off to them, he shouldn’t brush it off. “Sure.”


“Here’s the meet up.” Rogtuk said, squinting at the paper to make sure he read everything correctly.

“This isn’t helping with the suspicious feeling.” Seifer murmured as he looked skyward. A long forgotten floating temple loomed overhead, casting a large shade below. “What did you order? Something that needs to be smuggled?”


“Oh hush. I don’t think he could have done something like that accidentally.” Ginger defended the orc. “Besides, I was there helping him make the order.”

“It’s time. They’re nowhere in sight.” Seifer moved past the point and skimmed the area. “And your wolf isn’t reacting to anything.”

The trio and their companions waited for several moments with held breath. It’s like the world itself was a little quieter. Quiet for Aridin, at least. Then the wind picked up around them, swirling at their feet and dragging long-dead leaves into the air. The miniature tornado swirled and twirled, picking up more loose debris. Azkol began barking.

And as suddenly as it came- the tornado dropped. In the center was a very unusual grey parkat. It looked at the trio with beaming eyes and proudly announced, “Delivery for a Mister Rogtuk?”

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