PaperDemon Art RPG

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Writer's Circle

  1. Posted on Jan 6, 2008, 4:07:59 AM UTC
    ID: 20534 | #1
    Level 14

    Dear all,

    This topic is specific for Writer Circle's members, but I welcome all who are interested to join. As some may know, the WC is a group dedicated to dedicated writers who are working on long term story projects and who wish to seek constructive criticisms and encouragements. Unfortunately (with all due respect to BRed), the group function currently does not include a forum function (which I really hope for), and so there's no particular convenient for us to keep track of things. Thus, could I call on all WC members and everyone's who's interested to use this thread here for any new updates/info concerning their stories/WC issues.


    WC Group Leader

  2. Posted on Jan 8, 2008, 1:28:00 PM UTC
    ID: 20559 | #2
    Level 14

    Hi all,

    I saw this fanfic meme thing at PitaBread's PD page (I saw it on the latest submissio on the front page actually), and I thought it's a very interesting concept. So, I'll be adapting it to all form of writing. The questions and my answers to them can be seen below, please fill if you have time, and have fun!

    *Original idea on: and, belonging to PitaBread and Tomoe-Chan.

    1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

    My name is Tan Zu Puayen; my pen-name is Tan Zu Puayen; if I have a corporation, it will be called Tan Zu Puayen.

    2) Fabulous! And what got you into story/novel-writing to begin with?

    Oh... back in the old days I started writing fanfics of Buzz Lightyear or silly little stories to that effect, but never progressed with any of them to any extent probably because 1) My English is not good, and 2) I'm not quick enough on the keyboard.

    Later, Lord of the Ring inspired me to write "Ere the North", and thereafter, a few other stories crept up, each with more or less very unique sources of inspiration.

    3) I see, so what kind of story/novel do you like to write about? Why?

    Science fiction. I could really go wild with spaceships and other ideas like that. Fantasy comes second, probably because Sci-Fi is more of a page-turner for me than Fantasy is. Non-fiction or real-time fiction? eh... no- almost.

    4) What type of characters do you normally have (for the protagonist)?

    Should I bring out the YellowPages?

    5) What is your most popular/largest story/novel project? Describe.

    THE TALES OF TWO WORLDS!!! All my stories are based in what I like to call "the same imaginary planes", meaning they happen in the same universe*, just different times and places. The Tales of Two Worlds (TTO2W) is at the center of them all, and will have an anticipated five books with lots of prequels and (maybe) sequels.

    *Universe: same dimensions(?), same logic(?) etc... it's hard to say the same universe when you are doing all sorts of strange spatial travel things in sci-fi.

    6) What is the story/novel you've written/writing that you are most proud of? Why?


    7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

    When I'm in the mood, I can churn out up to three-four pages in a sitting- the pages after that becomes very broken down and worn out in terms of writing integrity. It's really not hard to write- WHEN you are in the mood.

    8) Write a catchy intro on the spot NOW!

    (In deep baritone voice):

    For millenia, the very foundation of the civilization of humanity has been based on the innovations it made. And these innovations, in turn, came from solid science. The word and concept of "science" had dominated the world to such an extent that when a few centuries ago a little child would belief in magic, a toddler now will argue scientific facts when his parent's hoaxes gone awry.

    But, now, humanity will discover that the very fabric of science has been shattered. For, the age of the Revera has come!

    9) Are there any story cliche that you are just sick of?

    I am rather sick- or at least I felt indifferent to a lot of fantasy these days when the first page I look at I see all these Tolkien elfs and cliche elf names that are just syllables haphazardly slapped together spring out at me. I am looking for some breakthrough and new ideas in the fantasy field, and I feel rather indifferent to the story when I can find that.

    10) Are you guilty of those cliches that you hate?

    Well... I haven't written fantasy in quite a while...

    11) What would you call your writing style?

    A bit of Ben Bova (realistic descriptions with critical views on human's behaviors) and a bit of Douglas Adams (ridiculous jokes/puns). Mostly, I am rather floaty with style, though I am a bit towards the Romantic/emotional side now (though I don't like to admit to the word "Romance") instead of brutal old realism which often couldn't churn out anything but the same tragedies over and over again.

    12) What type of story do you generally read?

    Yeah for sci-fi with realistic spaceship tech and all that (no Starwars for me, I believe).

    13) What's the one thing you have always wanted to write but are too afraid/shy to?

    eh.... um.......

    14) Do you have trouble taking criticisms?

    Depending on whether I think that crit makes sense.

    15) When you write, is there anything that helps? (Music, food?)

    Music is good, esp inspirational New Age. Food, no, that dirties the hand, make all greasy and just makes a mess of typing, doesn't it?

    16) What inspires you?

    Should I bring out the YellowPages again?

    17) Laslty, how do you sum up your writer's career so far?

    It has been a successful 5-6-year career. I would like to thank all of those who have supported me, which include me parents, siblings, a few friends, and including great characters like II and his family, Ralph, can't miss Trowa, Phoebus, Trosa, ZRKI, Veliogness, Cedna, Gingei, Northrop, Silence, Rider, Sala............

  3. Posted on Jan 11, 2008, 6:27:42 AM UTC
    ID: 20578 | #3
    Level 281 ADMIN

    Please note that Pitabread's FF Meme has been removed from the art gallery but she might be reposting it to her blog or image folio.

    The best place to post these sort of things would probably be your PaperDemon Blog or Image Folio. Let me know if you need help with anything. I haven't posted the help articles on how to use the blogs yet but I hope to have that done within the next couple days.

  4. Posted on Jan 11, 2008, 8:57:52 AM UTC
    ID: 20580 | #4
    Level 14

    Gotcha, Boss-Lady (no offense). I'm just wondering if there's a convenient way to attach a forum/blog function to the group. It's been hard to keep in contact.

  5. Posted on Jan 11, 2008, 10:29:31 AM UTC
    ID: 20581 | #5
    Level 281 ADMIN

    I can create a forum for your group but I'm hesitant to do so. There's already a writing forum and the writing forum doesn't really get much activity anyway (that's where this post is placed right now). What I could do is attach the Writers forum to your group so that the latest posts to this forum display on your group page.

    The groups thing is a very incomplete feature. I started it as part of a senior project and the project ended up getting abandoned. So PD groups just sort of got left unfinished. I can try to set up a way of linking blogs to groups but I may not get to it for a while. You could always use your blog on your account for updates.

    It might end up being better to create a Google group or Yahoo group for sending announcements and such.

    The PD groups feature is almost unusable at this point. Really, its only good feature right now is custom galleries like for contests and such, and even that is incomplete.

    Development of PD groups is not a priority for me at the moment because the community here is so small that segregating it into groups within the community isn't really necessary.

  6. Posted on Jan 28, 2008, 8:17:29 PM UTC
    ID: 20764 | #6
    Level 40

    1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

    My real name is Kendra.  My online handle is Sliverbane.  I live in Texas with my two cats and I love to read and write fantasy.

    2) Fabulous! And what got you into story/novel-writing to begin with?

    I started reading fantasy and science fiction when I was 11.  I soon began to try writing myself. 

    3) I see, so what kind of story/novel do you like to write about? Why?

    I like to escape to another world and leave my troubles behind.  I like to write high fantasy adventures with little bit of raunch, magic, romance, a little bit of political intrigue and some swordplay/martial arts combat.  My tastes have varied over the years but the previously mentioned terms are the norm for me.

    4) What type of characters do you normally have (for the protagonist)?

    I've experimented with the stoic, warrior type.  My current hero is the young, courageous type.  Cute and curious to a fault.

    5) What is your most popular/largest story/novel project? Describe.

    Shen: The Legend Begins is my largest.  I can't really say which is more popular.  I get the same amount/kind of feedback for those stories.

    6) What is the story/novel you've written/writing that you are most proud of? Why?

    I am proud of all my work.  I am still baffled by my early works.  For a kid I had a pretty good grasp of writing techniques.  I often sift threw my old drafts to get inspired.

    7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

    There are days I struggle to type one word and other days it flows like a torrent.  Right now I struggle with dialogue.  I want witty conversation that has a rythm the reader can 'feel'.  Some writers often leave dialogue choppy and awkward.  And I hate it when the only phrases they use are 'he/she said'  There are other words to describe speech!!

    8) Write a catchy intro on the spot NOW!

    After 500 years with out a new High Templar one has finally  been chosen to guide the Elundri of Yetra in to a new age. He is the youngest Elundri to ever have been placed in this exalted position.  Just as the young Templar settles in to his new role, startling news filters in that creatures of Shaadiv, the demon realm, are passing in to the mortal world of Trugan and causing much strife.  What could have allowed these otherwise confined monsters to pass between the worlds and rally their mortal cousins to bring about suffering?  For all three worlds, Yetra, Shaadiv and Trugan to exist there must be a balance between the universal forces of order and chaos, light and dark.  If that balance is waning it is the duty of the High Templar to investigate and seek a solution. Vendrevin's quest will take him through the abyssal Labyrinth of Shaadiv then on in to the unforgiving wilds of  Trugan, and beyond. If need be Vendrevin will have to face the dark forces responsible for this imbalance.  Will Vendrevin be ready?

    9) Are there any story cliche that you are just sick of?

    I'm bored with the protagonist being human.  I want more characters who are not human.  I certainly enjoy a great story with a human hero/heroine, but sometimes I'd like to see the non-human races take center stage!

    10) Are you guilty of those cliches that you hate?

    There are some cliches that work!  Some are comfortable foundations that help a story grow - other clichesvcan be repedative and boring if the author doesn't know how to use it properly.

    11) What would you call your writing style?

    I'm influenced by dozens of published authors.  Maybe someone will read my work and tell me if they can see any influences.  (hint-hint) :wacko:

    12) What type of story do you generally read?

    Fantasy!! Wooo....  Epic sagas mostly.  I am not fond of short stories, or sagas plagued by endless battles/fighting.  I look for something provocative.  Get me hooked!!  I like magic, sorcery, well thought out worlds with culture and lore and I look for story lines that aren't frustrating - for example:  I read  book in which the heroine made the stupidest mistakes over and over again.  I couldn't respect her anymore...I didn't care if she lived or died.  It was frustrating.  I didn't even finish the book I was so annoyed with this character.

    13) What's the one thing you have always wanted to write but are too afraid/shy to?

    I used to be so shy about writing love scenes.  Over time the shyness passed.

    14) Do you have trouble taking criticisms?

    If the crit is from someone who is uninformed or making sweeping generalizations with out any explanations...yes I find it difficult to swallow.  And when I say uninformed I mean someone who appears to very little knowledge of what they're talking about.  That is not to say anyone can't critique my work - I encourage anyone of any skill level to crit my work.  However, if you're gonna critique my grammer  - it would be in your interest to have some intermediate knowlege of English grammer.  It can get pretty nasty when I have to correct a critiquer - I usually get the 'why are you being defensive' flame.  To finish -  It's not a personal attack - I just want to know why?  I may learn something about you (my audience) that I didn't know before!

    15) When you write, is there anything that helps? (Music, food?)

    I have dozens of CDs with music that inspires me.  I even share the songs I like to associate with my characters on my web site.  (Shameless plug)  :wacko:

    16) What inspires you?

    The world and beyond.  Daily life.  I never know when my muse will attack. :)

    17) Laslty, how do you sum up your writer's career so far?

    Heh...well my writing hobby is a little slow of late.  Personal issues/medical problems can and do cramp my style....ugh.  But every day I give it a little effort.  :heart:

  7. Posted on Jan 30, 2008, 7:39:27 AM UTC
    ID: 20783 | #8
    Level 115

    1) How about a brief introduction of yourself?

    Yo, my name is Christa my online peeps know me as Jill or Jilly and I write mainly sci-fi or horror stories :yes:

    2) Fabulous! And what got you into story/novel-writing to begin with?

    I really don't know actually I've never been much of a reader. I've probably only read about 15 novels my whole life. I just know I've always loved writing stories rather than reading ^.^;;

    3) I see, so what kind of story/novel do you like to write about? Why?

    I like writing sci-fi and horror stories with really sad endings :yes: because I've always been really in to the whole future post-apocalyptic thing and also the paranormal and unknown. And a few others that just show human nature cause that really intrigues me for some reason, and sad endings simply because it's more realistic than happy endings I believe.

    4) What type of characters do you normally have (for the protagonist)?

    I've always leaned toward the dark and broody character but I've written about a few who were really bright and cheery.

    5) What is your most popular/largest story/novel project? Describe.

    My "Whellis" series it's really not a novel but the storyline is so long and involved that it could read as a novel.

    6) What is the story/novel you've written/writing that you are most proud of? Why?

    I actually have a few: "Whellis" because of its size, "Lament Eden" because of its characters, and "The Masks of Aldon" because I actually finished the whole thing XD

    7) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the most difficult aspects of writing you struggle with?

    Normally I find it incredibly easy to sit down and write. I never understood why some people couldn't write out a story. it's not that tough.  The problem though is finding the drive some days I just won't want to write at all others that's all I'll do. The hardest part for me is punctuation. I can't punctuate to save my life lol

    8) Write a catchy intro on the spot NOW

         The grass is soft and spongy to the touch as I stare up in to the clear blue sky. Odd the weather is a beautiful 75 degrees today when just yesterday it was snowing. The weather is unpredictable these days; however, I've never seen the world look so healthy. There's no pollution that turns the sky brown. The air is quiet; the hustle and bustle of city life has been permanently silenced. I, on the other hand, am wasting away. I'm short of energy and breath. My skin is pale, my eyes are sunken in, to sum it up I resemble a concentration camp victim. This is because of the radiation. It came unexpectedly yet so violently taking out billions of people. Let me tell my story from the beginning when the world was a more forgiving place than it is now.

    9) Are there any story cliche that you are just sick of?

    Hmm... I guess it would have to be elf archers. I mean...can't they be something else? And also 'the chosen one' thing...that's old. Just fantasy in general I think it's a dime a dozen.

    10) Are you guilty of those cliches that you hate?

    No I rarely ever write fantasy so the elf part would be out of the question but I guess I'd be a bit guilty of the chosen one part

    11) What would you call your writing style?

    uhh...the Christa style?

    12) What type of story do you generally read?

    Sci-fi and horror the same genre I write. I really dislike reading about fantasy for some reason. Not that it's bad or anything I just think it's a tad over rated *shrug*

    13) What's the one thing you have always wanted to write but are too afraid/shy to?

    Nothing really the thing is I'm to shy to actually show anyone what I wrote. I always think that they're not going to like it or laugh at me or something.

    14) Do you have trouble taking criticisms?

    On my art not really but I'm pretty sensitive when it comes to writing. I take it really hard when someone critiques my stories though I do understand that they're helping me out so critique away and give me good advice just don't say "It's bad" and leave without a reason. That makes me paranoid.

    15) When you write, is there anything that helps? (Music, food?)

    YES!! Music music music!! and movies those two mostly. Actually alot of my stories are based on songs or movies.

    16) What inspires you?

    Everyday life. The way people act (like I said earlier human nature really intrigues me) and also philosophical things and last but not least music and movies XD

    17) Laslty, how do you sum up your writer's career so far?

    uh...I wouldn't call it a career I write when I can't draw so it's more of a pass time and a hobby. And lately I haven't written much story/novel wise. I've been busy with art, school, and my comic. But it'd be awesome if a book of mine or my short stories were published!!

    Last edited by Jilly on Jan 30, 2008, 7:47:39 AM UTC. 2 total edits.

  8. Posted on Jan 31, 2008, 9:00:19 PM UTC
    ID: 20794 | #9
    Level 40

    I agree about the 'elf archer' thing.  It's over done.  I read a fantasy series called Dark Sun in which elves were a rugged nomadic desert people with dark skin and a penchant for running (on foot - with awesome indurance )from place to place.  They were adept at wind and sun magic and were very xenophobic.  Great change from the 'archer' stereotype.

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