Lesser of Two Evils: Immoral

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 9: Immoral

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 9 - Immoral

“Faster, damn it,” I groan, as Radditz fucks me too slowly for my liking. He’s tied my hands uncomfortably behind my back, a rope from them laced through a loop in my collar. Every time he thrusts I’m shoved backwards, my arms dragging over the ground, the pressure around my throat increasing. My entire body is bruised from the careful beating so every movement sends a thrill of pain through my system. I could break free of these bonds, but this is a test of wills. If I free myself he has threatened to tie me up with his ki so I can’t get loose and torment me, but not allow me to come.

“Patience, green man,” he chuckles, forcing my legs up over his shoulders. I’m bent in half, muscles straining in protest, as he leans over me, surrounding an antenna with his mouth. I feel his teeth scrape over the delicate organ and my entire body trembles as I moan with ecstatic fear. It’s almost a relief when his thrusts turn more forceful, his powerful muscles beating against me as he sucks my antenna so hard it feels like he will crush it. I gasp uselessly for breath when he grabs the rope and pulls it tighter, jerking my head backward as he strangles me with my collar.

I don’t have breath to scream when his tail coils around my trapped cock and begins teasing the weeping head with delicate strokes of the tip. He’s doing it to me again – giving me that perfect aching moment between life and death, ecstasy and pain. He controls every reaction, every pain, every pleasure – and I let him.

“Come, Piccolo,” he purrs, his strokes never slowing, his dick still brutally driving into me.

My entire body convulses with relief as I come, my orgasm painful in its intensity. This is the first time I have been permitted to come first, and I notice with a hazed pride that my body’s reaction causes him to scream with pleasure as he comes so hard his muscles fail and he collapses against me, crushing me with his massive size.

When he finally recovers enough to roll off me, he grins and chuckles, “Damn, Piccolo. I’m really going to hate sharing you when we get back. You’re a great fuck.”

I smirk as he snaps the ropes holding me. I’ve almost reached my goal – I’ll let him believe he is the one making the decisions for now. “I know,” I say, getting to my feet, stretching and testing my injuries. It amuses me to realize Radditz really was more careful in his beating this time – there’s pain to heat my body, but no wounds deep enough to cause permanent damage. I won’t need to use any senzu this time.

“I’m going to get something to drink and get cleaned up. Are you planning on eating these weaklings now, or are you going to clean up as well?”

“I’ll eat first. No sense in doing it twice – I’ll just get all bloody.”

I nod and leave the room, stepping over the bodies. Things are going well.

I forced Yamcha to show me where Korin’s Tower was, the weakling sobbing and moaning the entire way. I asked him if he remembered details of the girl’s death – how she had gasped, or how her eyes had changed, or how the torn flesh felt beneath his fingers – smirking as he howled. I enjoyed tormenting him, telling him in great detail how his friends had died. He had vomited when I described the midget’s death, which made me laugh at him for his softness. He kept asking why I was doing this, but how do you explain power to someone who has none?

By the time we arrived at the top of the tower, the weakling was nearly silent in his suffering. He had worn himself out muttering to himself, trying desperately to justify his actions – that he had saved the girl from my torture. He had tried several times to kill himself, but in his anguish he couldn’t draw on enough ki to do the job. I wouldn’t permit him to die that quickly – I wasn’t done making the insect suffer. When we landed, I pinned him to the wall with my ki before slowly forcing my hand into his body, ripping him open with my sharpened claws. He jerked and moaned, his pain-filled wailing making me hard. I laughed as I pulled his internal organs out so he could see them as he died in slow agony.

Another insect tried to attack me, swinging a tiny sword. I wasn’t in the mood to play with him – I was too close to Kami’s Lookout and his very existence still angered me. I snatched the weapon from his hand and sliced downwards once. I smirked – my strike was perfect; a line of blood began to appear from the center of his forehead, between his eyes, straight down his nose, continuing all the way to his groin. There was a wonderfully shocked look on each half of his face as he fell dead.

I recognized the cat from my sire’s memories, surprised I hadn’t thought of him the instant the weakling said Korin. He was older than Kami and had been the gatekeeper for the Lookout for centuries. He recognized me as well, and actually managed to evade me for nearly a minute; his speed was impressive. The contest didn’t last long, though, and he died impaled on the wall, his cane driven through his skull.

My next step was to return to where I had concealed the dragonballs, adding my supply of senzu beans to the collection. I now had enough to last lifetimes. Let Radditz do his worst – unless he killed me right then, which was becoming less likely, I could survive anything he did to me. I could actually enjoy the pain he was capable of giving me without fear of the damage being permanent.

Now that I had some time alone, I had the opportunity to think about my plan and changes I wanted to make to it.

One change was Radditz – I had thought about what he said, and realized I might not have to kill him. He had some talents I was learning to appreciate – I had never experienced anything like the pleasure he gave me. His behavior was confusing, though, and I wondered if he acted the same way with Zarbon. He kept talking to me, carrying on as if we were the closest of friends. One time he had actually kissed me; not his brutal demanding kiss, but something disturbingly gentle. At first I wanted to shove him away for being such a soft, sick bastard, but I’m starting to understand his methods – the huge swings in his behavior are designed to keep me off balance. Never knowing what he will do next is part of the thrill of being fucked by him. Once I achieve my goal, I will make him understand he belongs to me; he will serve me as I see fit.

His stories about Lord Frieza intrigued me; I envied his power and his ability to terrorize. He has galaxies trembling at his name. I hadn’t realized before I was thinking too small, confining my goals to a single planet. With the help of the dragonballs, I could rule the universe.

I spent the next six days searching for the remaining four dragonballs, successfully recovering three of them. My search for the seventh was cut short as I felt Radditz looking for me. I cursed in frustration – I was so close to success – but knowing the value of patience, I quickly brought them to my hiding space.

Radditz actually seemed pleased to see me, barreling into me and pinning me to a rock face. He roughly grabbed my crotch, squeezing my balls and already hard cock, making me arch into his hand. I could only moan as he drove his tongue into my mouth, nipping and sucking my tongue as I returned his frantic attention.

He decided to change our location, binding my hands behind me and slinging me over his shoulder like some prehistoric creature. I enjoyed his brutal handling, so I only resisted enough to conceal that from him. He apparently preferred doing his fucking indoors, kicking a door down and butchering the insects within. I didn’t even have time to look where we were before he was fucking me again, draping me over one of the bloody bodies.

This is the first break I’ve had in hours – when it comes to fucking, his stamina is amazing. Even I can barely keep up with him.

He comes into the room, grinning as he chews on the leg of one of the weaklings. “I saw your picture on their media. Seems you upset them.”

I laugh. “Guess killing half of the people in a stadium would do that.”

“Only half?”

“I was still healing. Besides, if I killed them all there would be no one left to tell what I did. They’ll be even more afraid of me next time I appear.”

He nods, “Makes sense.” He shoves a corpse out of a seat and sits down, stretching and yawning. “I heard from Prince Vegeta – they are arriving sooner than they originally thought. Apparently one of their targets blew themselves up rather than be purged.”

Shit. I still have one more dragonball to locate. “How much longer do we have to wait then?” I’m going to have to figure out an excuse to get away from him for an extended period of time.

“Probably seven – eight more days. They have one more planet to purge before arriving, and there’s a small asteroid field that might slow them down.”

“Good. I’m sick of this place.” I drink some water, trying to think. If I can’t find the dragonball before they arrive I need to figure out a way to keep them here for awhile. “Where are we headed to when we leave? Frieza’s-.”

“Lord Frieza,” he corrects.

I hide my distaste; that is my title, no one else’s. “Will we be going to Lord Frieza’s planet?”

“Nah,” he says, sucking the marrow out of the bone he still holds, “Lord Frieza’s base is a ship. I don’t think he has been to his home planet in decades. Actually, I’m not sure if it still exists.” He belches contentedly and sits back, closing his eyes. “Prince Vegeta said something about joining up with the rest of the squad on Namek – that’s your home planet, isn’t it?”

I frown. I have my sire’s memories of that planet, and apparently he did not enjoy his life there. “My sire was hatched there – I’ve always lived on this planet.”

He chuckles. “That’s good – then you won’t miss it too much. Lord Frieza is looking for something there – we’re supposed to help him locate it. Supposed to be some magical items – balls or something. Anyway, once he has it I’m sure the planet will be purged. It’s in a pretty profitable location.”

I nearly bite the neck off the bottle I hold at those words. It isn’t possible – is it? Could there possibly be dragonballs on Namek as well? Kami made the ones on this planet – could it be a skill some Nameks have? Even more troubling was the question, what would someone as supposedly powerful as Lord Frieza wish for? What else would I wish for?

“That will be interesting – I’ve never seen a planetary purge before.” He grunts, making himself comfortable. I decide to take advantage of his lethargy and start to get up, “While you are taking your nap, I’m going to see if I can get in the news again.”

“No,” Radditz growls, moving suddenly, and snaps ki rings around me, pinning me back in my seat. I can’t escape as he grabs my legs, and forcing them apart, ramming a hard, cold metal butt plug deep up my ass. I scream in frustration. He laughs and drops me back down, the impact forcing it in even deeper. Then, he continues to bind me, even surrounding my cock, the energy making me groan with arousal. I struggle against them as they burn my skin, but within minutes I am practically mummified by his restraints, every inch of my body electrified by the contact. “Can’t have you running off, getting into trouble. You’ve had enough time to play with them for a few days. I’m not in the mood to go chasing after you again; stay here. You never know when I will wake up and want to fuck you,”

“Bastard! Let me go! What in the hell are you trying to do?” I’m going to kill him for doing this to me again. I’m already hard at his treatment and the feel of this unyielding object inside me is not enough. I want to feel the heat his dick pumping deep inside me. I nearly whine in frustration. This isn’t right – it isn’t possible for me to be so overwhelmed by need.

He turns his head and leers at me, laughing at my angry curses. “Problem is,” he says, stalking over to me, “If you keep making noise like this, I won’t be able to get any sleep.”

He jabs his fingers roughly into my neck, hitting a pressure point that makes me scream in agony. The instant my mouth is open, he shoves the gag in, strapping it tightly in place. I roar ineffectively, jerking against my restraints. He can’t do this to me – not when I am so close to my goal.

“There,” he says, returning to his chair, “That’s better. Now I can get some sleep.”


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