Lesser of Two Evils: Depraved

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 6: Depraved

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 6 - Depraved

I’m amazed when I come to – I really didn’t expect to survive. My relief becomes anger when I realize where I am.

The bastard has left me tied, face down, to a table. I’m bent over, my ass exposed for his convenience. He has positioned me so nothing but air touches my cock as it bobs uselessly. My legs are spread wide, ankles tightly bound to the heavy legs of the table. My arms are bent over the sides, pulled so tightly I feel muscles and joints straining with each breath. No ropes hold me – none could. Instead I am held securely in place with the electricity of his ki. My cock twitches as I try desperately to get free, but the only thing I manage to do is burn myself with the ki rings around my wrists and ankles. Worse yet, I feel the tingle of ki cutting into my cock and balls, tormenting me with the energy. The animal is nowhere in sight.

I have to finally admit it to myself – I’m losing control of this game. There’s a good chance the bastard will fuck me to death before I manage to locate and use the dragonballs. He’s pushed my past my limits twice now – and worse yet, made me like it. I should have killed him when I had the chance. Son Goku was so injured I could have taken him out easily. Now I have to deal with this sadistic bastard as well as the threat of other, possibly stronger, Saiyans arriving.

I struggle to free myself again when I hear him arrive. He chuckles and I twist my head, trying to see what he is doing, but he is out of range.

“Oh good – you’re finally awake. You’ve been out for hours. I was almost ready to start without you.”

“Bastard,” I hiss, “What are you trying to do? Kill me?” I growl with annoyance as I feel the burning of his ki around my wrists as I pull on them. “Let me go.”

His tail brushes over my cock, igniting the ki ring around it. I grit my teeth, trying to bite back the moan of pleasure that passes through me at his touch.

“You ought to thank me. Lord Frieza isn’t as gentle as I am.”

“You call this gentle?” I snap, swallowing down the bile rising in my throat. This creature is much stronger than I am, and if he is afraid of Frieza… “Besides, your prince is giving you to Frieza, not me,” I growl.

He moves to stand in front of me, scowling angrily. I’ve made a mistake and reminded him I witnessed his weakness. “Don’t worry, you’ll get your turn eventually.” He suddenly grins. “Don’t look so pissed, Piccolo – knowing you, you’ll actually like getting fucked by Lord Frieza.”

He stoops down, double checking the ki rings holding me in place. His face is level with mine and he stares at me with sharp black eyes. There’s something dark and possessive about his expression that makes me tremble. He suddenly grins and backhands me roughly before rising, looming over me. “Excellent. Took me a couple of tries, but the height is perfect,” he says.

Radditz slowly circles the table, pinching and slapping me, squeezing my ass and stroking my cock. I bite back my pleased groans. I can’t let him do this to me again. I am going to rule this planet – I can’t let him fuck me into submission.

“Ask me where I’ve been,” he demands.

“I don’t give a damn where you’ve been,” I snap.

He shoves his fingers in my ass and presses hard against the sensitive nerves. I moan and arch into his touch, my cock becoming painfully hard in the confines of the ki ring. “Ask me where I’ve been, green man,” he insists before taking away his fingers, leaving me empty again.

“Where have you been?” I gasp, trying to shift forward on the table to get some friction on my cock.

He’s in front of me again, holding up a bag this time. “Shopping,” he says with a grin. “I’ve got presents for you.”

I frown, not understanding. Presents? What kind of lunatic have I gotten mixed up with? Is it possible he is even more of a fool than Son Goku? He dumps the contents on the ground in front of me and I pull desperately at my bonds. “No fucking way are you using any of that on me! Let me go, you bastard!”

He ignores my cursing and complaints, purring to himself as he sorts through the items. “I found this interesting little shop. The clerk was very helpful, explaining and offering to demonstrate how all of these worked. Unfortunately for her, she didn’t last long and broke rather quickly. She was very sweet though. The other clerk didn’t taste nearly as good.”

He holds up a collar covered in clips and loops. “Let’s start with this.”

I try to pull away, but he punches me once on the back, making me grunt in pain. He quickly wraps it around my already bruised neck, cinching it tightly until I am left gasping for breath. “Too tight,” I whisper, barely able to speak.

“Good. It’s supposed to be. I like it when you are too busy trying to remember how to breathe to resist.”

“Bastard,” I hiss. I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but the pressure around my neck is making my cock even harder.

“Save your breath – you’re going to need it.” He holds up an item with black straps and a bright red center. “I’ve never seen anything like this before, but it looks kind of fun. See?” He points to the large red ring. “This will keep you from trying to bite me. Oh, don’t look at me like that, green man. I know you hated sucking my dick. Too bad. You’re going to do it again.”

“Like hell-” I begin, when he suddenly pinches one of my antennae. I howl in agony, nearly blacking out, and he takes advantage of my helplessness. He forces my mouth open further and shoves the massive ring in, roughly buckling the gag in place. I thrash angrily, trying to dislodge it, but it won’t budge. I try to curse at him but all I can do is emit angry growls; my mouth is held wide open for him to shove his dick down my throat.

He chuckles and shoves his fingers through the opening into my mouth just to prove he can. “Very handy. These weaklings are ingenious, aren’t they?” He manages to get a grip on my tongue, digging his nails into it. I shudder and try to jerk my head away from the unfamiliar pain. He chuckles at my reaction. “Too bad they only had red. It clashes with the green and purple. Still – we must make do.”

I glare up at him, promising death with my eyes, but he doesn’t care. Instead, he bends down to lick the antenna he had just been torturing. I close my eyes and shiver at the gentle touch. His finger delicately strokes the other and I whimper in pleasure and fear. His touch is so arousing, but can so easily turn to unbearable torture.

“Come now, Piccolo…” he purrs in my ear, “Haven’t I given you everything you want so far? It’s only fair you return the favor.” His mouth surrounds an antenna, sucking softly and I moan with ecstasy.

He stands up, his dick in my face, and I try to get enough air past the tight collar to prepare myself for his suffocating scent against my nose.

“I have another toy for you,” he says, moving behind me to my surprise. “Considering how much you like my dick, you’re going to love this.” He suddenly shoves something much too large up my ass, not giving me time to adapt my body, making me howl through the gag. He chuckles as he twists and pushes it, ignoring the blood, shoving it in even deeper, forcing it past tight muscles that protest at the crude invasion. I groan and writhe at the constant pressure against sensitive nerves. “The girl called it a butt plug – said I should be sure and use plenty of lube.” He chuckles and smacks my ass bruisingly hard. “But I don’t think you would enjoy that as much.” I feel my muscles clench tightly around it, making it impossible to expel. “This was my favorite one – the biggest they had – better yet it, expands and vibrates.”

I scream, the gag distorting my sound of shock and pleasure, as I feel it growing even larger, painfully stretching and filling me. My body shakes and trembles, jerking involuntarily against my bonds. Even Radditz hasn’t filled me like this and I hate myself for realizing I owe him for this excruciating pleasure.

“Let’s see,” he mutters, “What other training will you need? Oh yeah.” Even more ki rings surround and burn against my over-sensitive cock and I arch into his hand. “You are never allowed to come until Lord Frieza gives his permission – so you might as well get used to it. He might not kill you the first time, but I’ve never heard of anyone surviving the second.”

I practically whimper when he begins beating my ass, striking it again and again until I am sure I will never be able to sit again. I’m not sure I can survive Radditz – how can I hope to survive Frieza? The pain is becoming too much again – I want to beg him to release me – let me come - or kill me now. I’m embarrassed to realize tears are leaking from my eyes. I’ve never felt so weak and helpless.

He’s in front of me again, and I lower my head, trying to hide. I can’t let him break me, but I can’t take much more of this. My cock is in agony, pulsing against its burning prison, but without his permission there is nothing I can do. His mouth surrounds my antenna again and I feel the vibration of his purrs. I try to plead and beg through the gag to be allowed to come.

“Look what I have, Piccolo,” he purrs in my ear, showing me a small white box. I look at it in confusion as he presses a button and I scream as the object in my ass pulses.

He chuckles and puts the box in my hand. “It’s a vibrator – those are the controls – have fun,” he says in explanation before unceremoniously shoving his dick through the gag, deep down my throat. He doesn’t hesitate or even try to give me time to adjust, fucking my mouth as hard as he has fucked my ass. His balls are beating against my chin and the thick, coarse hair around his dick is rubbing against my already injured face, getting into my eyes and nose. I whimper involuntarily at the brutal thrusts against the back of my throat. I try to ignore the smell and the fact that I am choking and suffocating, turning the vibrator higher and higher.

I have no control over my body anymore, my hips slamming uselessly against the table, Radditz’ dick being shoved deep down my throat, my body humming in perfect, agonizingly helpless pain. Radditz comes with a roar, filling my mouth and throat with his bitter seed, gagging me. He stops thrusting and just stays there, his dick convulsing against my tongue.

When he finally pulls his limp dick out of my mouth I am nearly weeping with frustration. I’ve tried every control on the vibrator, torturing myself unmercifully. I’ve even managed to make the plug in my ass larger, but it isn’t enough. I’m barely conscious of how hard my hips are striking the table, but no matter what I do I can’t get anything to touch my cock but the burning ki rings.

Radditz isn’t done tormenting me yet, bending to sink his teeth in my ear, ripping off a chunk to my pained wails. He slowly licks the blood away, sucking hard on the damaged flesh. I can’t stop making sounds, begging, pleading, needing him to stop and never wanting this to end.

He whispers in my ear, “You want to come, don’t you.”

“Yes,” I whine through the gag, “Yes.”

“If I let you come, you have to suck my dick again, green man.”

I shake my head, not sure he can understand my desperate agreement. If I can’t come soon, I am sure I will die. I will do anything to relieve this unbearable pressure.

He chuckles, “I’m going to hold you to that, green man,” and the ki rings suddenly vanish. His warm hand is curled around my cock as circulation painfully returns.



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