Lesser of Two Evils: Nefarious

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 14: Nefarious

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 14 - Nefarious

I slowly lower myself onto Radditz’ cock, smirking as he sucks another of my fingers before biting this one off as well. I let myself enjoy the little pain before regenerating it so he can do it again.

He chews it before spitting it out with a grin, “Your blood might be good, but you still taste like shit.”

“You aren’t supposed to be eating me, you asshole.”

He laughs and flips us over, pinning me down with his weight, but refusing to move. “Too bad we don’t have time for a real session. Now that I know about those beans I promise you I won’t hold back next time. You haven’t seen pain yet, green man.”

“If you don’t start fucking me, I’ll show you pain now. Move, monkey. They’ll be here in a few minutes.”

I had fucked and beaten my pet for hours – after all, he had done the same to me. When I was finally sated, he was hanging limp and barely conscious in his bonds, covered in cum and blood. There wasn’t an inch of his body that wasn’t bruised or cut, blood flowing down his chest and thighs.

The scream he made when I first entered him was pure bliss. He cried out and moaned as I slammed into him, using my ki to add even more power to my strokes. He soon discovered I could use my abilities to make my cock so large in his tight passage I could barely move; just breathing was enough to make him whimper in ecstasy.

I admired my work for a moment before releasing him to crumple at my feet.

“Are you trying to kill me?” he moaned.

“Don’t be stupid, pet. If I was trying to kill you, you would be dead. It was my turn to get carried away.”

He glared at me again – he hates to have his own lines thrown back at him. “We don’t have a tank. I can’t heal from this without it.”

“I know,” I smirked. “Eat this,” I said, holding up a senzu. He looked stubborn and clamped his mouth closed like a child. “I can just burn a hole in your mouth and shove it down your throat.”

He growled, but took it from my fingers, but not without biting the tip of one off, smirking as he chewed the two together. I shook my head at my pet’s antics but let him get away with it, licking the blood from the wound away before regrowing it. Within moments his injuries were healed and he stared at me in shock.

“Did you know that would happen?” he demanded.

I snorted. “Of course I did, you ass.” I studied him for a moment. “You’re stronger than you were before: about a third. Why?”

He looked shocked, then embarrassed, then worried. Based on his reaction, I wondered what secret I had uncovered.

“I don’t know,” he said, a little too quickly. “Maybe it is the beans. Look how strong you are.”

I growled and yanked his hair, jerking him to his feet. “Don’t lie to me, monkey. What are you hiding?”

“I’m not hiding anything,” he grunted as I lifted him from the ground by the hank of hair I held.

“Don’t be a fool pet. Tell me or I will kill you – then your prince – and take the ship to Namek myself. What good is your secret then? You might be a good fuck, but I don’t need you.”

He eyes me for a moment, probably trying to decide if he should risk not telling me, before sighing in resignation. “The more injured a Saiyan gets, the stronger he is when he heals. Nearly dying doubles our strength. That’s why we fight like we do – to get stronger.”

“You said that prince of yours is stronger than you are.” I wondered how many times he had been injured to develop more ki.

“He’s Royal Elite; he was born much stronger to start with, and he trains more aggressively than most.”

I nodded – with a trait like that I wouldn’t be surprised to discover the Saiyan prince was deliberately getting injured – it is something I would do. “And because he is a Saiyan he wants to be even more powerful,” I continued thoughtfully; this was definitely something I could use to my advantage. Perhaps this was Son Goku’s secret as well; every time he was defeated he came back even stronger.


“Good. Then we can make an arrangement. I refuse to be served by weaklings; if you monkeys work for me I will make you stronger.”

“As strong as you?” Radditz asked hopefully.

I laughed, “Don’t be foolish pet. But I do want my assistants to be worthy of me.”

He grinned. “I could be stronger than Zarbon.”

“Of course, I get to choose the method,” I reminded him. I wondered how cooperative the others would be if they knew how much I would enjoy torturing willing victims. The idea of them voluntarily coming back for more… I chuckled, “I could make you stronger before the ship lands.”

He blanched as he realized what that could entail, but for all his smart-ass talk, he managed to remember his place when it was important, “Whatever you wish, Lord Piccolo.”

I laughed and pressed my hand against his chest, letting him feel the beginnings of ki against his skin. He tried to jerk away, but was unable to escape due to my vicious grip on his mane. “Then we’ll play a little while longer. I want you to make me proud. What do you say, pet?” I asked, knowing he knew better than refuse.

He swallowed hard and looked up at me with a thrilling mix of eagerness and fear. “Thank you, Master,” he managed to breathe the instant before I shocked him with electric bolts of ki.


We stand watching as the pods crash to earth. I had given Radditz back his armor and scouter; he promised to obtain a set for me as soon as possible. I told him a scouter was a waste, but he insisted; the red eye shield would instantly make me recognized as their leader, and they were vital for communications.

“Please Master – Lord Piccolo – allow the Saiyans to serve you. The prince is an experienced commander; he can take care of the mundane details that would distract you from your pleasures.” After realizing I had managed to more than double his strength he had become even more fawning – with the kind of rewards I could provide I was sure I would never have to worry about my pet’s loyalty.

“And you?” I grin. We both know he is trying to save all of their skins from me – and ensure his place at my side.

“I will serve you however you see fit. I can give you pleasure.”

“Do all Saiyans think with their dicks?” I laugh, “You want to fuck me.”

He smiles. “I wish to be close to your power.” No wonder the monkey is still alive. He kisses ass because he thinks it is fun.

“You are getting too damn diplomatic. I give you leave to speak freely in private.”

“Thank you, Lord Piccolo,” he smirks. “You are too kind.”

“Knock it off, monkey. We both know you want to fuck me – and I want you to.”

He leers, “I love to see you bruised and bloody, begging for my cock to be buried in your ass, fucking you until you scream, sure you will die from the intensity of your orgasm.”

“And knowing if you displease me I could kill you in an instant…?”

“Makes me hard, Master.”

I chuckle, “It’s just as well I didn’t kill you when I first intended to, isn’t it?”

The pods open and the occupants come out and head our way; a nearly bald brute of a giant and a cocky little runt that swaggers towards us, arms crossed. The giant has twice the ki my pet had when he first arrived. Radditz should be grateful I have already made him stronger than him. The runt though – this has to be Prince Vegeta. His power is more than ten times what the giant or Radditz possesses and makes no attempt to hide it. If these two had come to earth first, I wouldn’t have had a chance.

“Please Lord Piccolo – may I go explain the situation? It will make things much easier.”

I tug on the ki leash attached to the collar he still wears. “Just remember who you belong to,” I warn him before releasing the leash.

He grins at me before heading over to the other two. I watch them suspiciously; if there is a time when they will move against me it will be now, especially since they are so ki blind they cannot sense my true power. Radditz’ description of events is quite animated – I see him frequently gesturing in my direction, his tail slashing when they obviously don’t believe him. I see the runt glare at me and smirk back at him. He will quickly learn who is in charge now – his title is meaningless to me.

Apparently, the little one is finally convinced, and leads the little group over my way in a bizarre train, with my pet bracketed by the other two.

The prince stops directly in front of me and appraises me with dark eyes. I raise an eyeridge and stare back at him, not bothering to hide my amusement.

“I am Vegeta, Prince of All Saiyans. Radditz seems to be under the impression you have performed some kind of miracle, Namek.”

“That’s an understatement,” I laugh. “I am Demon Lord Piccolo, and I will rule the universe. You may serve me or die.”

It was his turn to laugh. “The lizard might dispute that claim. You’ll have to kill him to keep that title.”

I can’t help but notice how he refers to Frieza, but decide not to mention it. “And who will you follow, little monkey?”

He scowls at the name, but wisely doesn’t dispute my right to use it. “I’m practical. I work for whoever is stronger. And right now your ki isn’t even strong enough to be a challenge to Nappa, let alone Frieza.”

Instead, I sigh and shake my head in mock sorrow. “You poor little creatures – so reliant on your toys. Don’t you know anything about power and controlling it? My followers will not be dependant on any of these useless gadgets to know what they face.”

He glares for a moment before quickly schooling his expression into something less antagonistic. “Fine. Then why don’t you demonstrate this power? Show me how wrong our scouters are.”

I can’t help but smirk at the little prince, anticipating his reaction. Without any effort, I release a tiny portion of my ki, making it leap to a level more than twice what Vegeta’s is. I don’t tear my eyes away from the monkey, amused at how he struggles in vain to hide his shock, laughing to myself at Radditz’ curse of “Shit!”

“Will that do, little man?” I sneer. “That is nothing – not even a hint of my power. Are you convinced now?”

“You intend to kill Frieza?” Vegeta asks, obviously weighing the odds.

“Of course. His existence interferes with my plans. I’ll kill anyone who gets in my way.”

“This is your fault,” Nappa hisses at Radditz, jerking him back by his hair. The fool thinks I can’t hear him. “We know what the deal is with the lizard – but this one?” Radditz grumbles, but doesn’t resist.

“Release my pet,” I growl.

“Nappa!” Vegeta roars when he sees my enraged expression.

The instant Radditz is freed, I fire a blast at Nappa, slamming him against a rock formation. Vegeta prepares to retaliate, but I hold up a ball of ki in warning.

“Don’t think it – unless you wish to die now.” I take out a senzu and toss it to Radditz. “The idiot is still alive; give him that and remind him who is in charge here.” I smirk at the angry prince and let the building attack dissipate. “You should thank the fool, little monkey. His stupid stunt allows me to demonstrate what I can do to you if you resist – and for you if you serve me.”

Nappa comes rocketing towards me, obviously too brainless to realize he is seriously outclassed. I stretch a hand and snatch him from the air, slamming him to the ground between the runt and myself.

“You better keep this idiot on a short leash if you want him to live another minute. I’m tired of this already,” I growl, stepping on his chest. “I hate to think I wasted my time making him stronger as a demonstration only to have to kill him.”

“Nappa. Stop,” Vegeta snaps, glaring at me. He is obviously very annoyed at how easily his man was defeated – I almost wonder if he will do the same thing to the fool given the chance. “What do you mean, stronger?” he asks.

I sigh. If these monkeys don’t learn how to read ki soon I’m going to kill them in simple frustration. “Read your scouter, fool. He’s only about another quarter stronger – I guess I didn’t damage him enough. Maybe next time.”

“It’s true, Your Highness,” Radditz says, “Lord Piccolo has beans that heal any injury instantly. I’m already stronger because of it.”

Vegeta studies my pet, finally recognizing the change in his power. “How severely were you wounded?”

“Which time?” Radditz says under his breath before looking to me for permission; I smirk my approval. “Broken bones, internal bleeding, burns, cuts, bruises…”

“You tortured him?” Vegeta asks, his ki rising. I doubt he is happy with me, but it no longer up to him to decide what is acceptable treatment for my pet.

“I consider it foreplay,” I leer, snapping a ki leash to Radditz’ collar without warning and jerking him to his knees before me. A gesture and the end of his leash is secured to the ground, forcing him to bow submissively, his face just inches away from my groin. “He didn’t seem to mind. And look what my treatment has done for him.” I’m fully aware how angry the little prince and his guard are with me; I feel their kis shift as they prepare to attack. I can tell my object lesson isn’t over yet and decide to taunt them further. “Go on pet,” I say, stroking his hair with deceptive gentleness, “tell them how much you enjoyed it when I fucked you bloody.”

So predictable. Vegeta and Nappa lunge at me, but I vanish in an instant, reappearing behind them. I’m disappointed with how little effort it takes to kick Nappa on the spine, but the result is just what I intended. The bald ape screams in agony and collapses to the ground, back broken. Vegeta recovers quickly, throwing a ki attack at me, but it does him no good. I simply catch it, and adding my own energy to it, fire it back at him, burning straight through his middle. He drops to his knees and looks at the hole in his stomach with confusion.


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