Lesser of Two Evils: Remorseless

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 20: Remorseless

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings Radditz/Piccolo, Piccolo/Radditz, Piccolo/Vegeta
Warning Sex, smut, violence. You know the usual. BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death but you might like it. Yaoi as in M/M, apparent non-con.
Disclaimer Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 20 Remorseless

I drive into the Namek one last time, feeling his body tighten around me as he comes. I had barely managed to disguise my hatred of the creature, so finally getting permission from Prince Vegeta to destroy him is a relief.

-Its time, Radditz Kill him now.-

Die, bastard, I hiss, and rip his dick and then his antennae off before he can stop me. As expected, he passes out. I toss the body parts aside and quickly create a blade of ki, cutting Piccolos head off. I find myself holding my breath, worried that this will not be enough to kill the fool, only letting it out when I feel his ki completely vanish. My tail thrashes with anger at my fear, and I fire a blast of ki at the head, incinerating it.

Arrogant bastard, I mutter. I didnt mind fucking him on Earth because he was entertaining at the time. Since he gained power and started to show his true colors I found the idea completely disgusting. If it werent for the princes insistence on following the plan no matter what happened, I think I would have refused - let the Namek kill me rather than touch the sick creature again.

-Its done, Your Highness.-

-Excellent. Were there any problems?-

-No sir. He behaved just as you expected.-

-What an asshole,- Nappa throws in.

I scowl in distaste, feeling somewhat contaminated; Zarbon would never have lowered his defenses so much. The fact that Piccolo deliberately made himself that vulnerable just showed how egotistical he was. Did he really think I wouldnt take advantage of it? How stupid did he think I was?

I found it difficult to hide my contempt as I kept the fool so aroused and in pain he wouldnt notice what was happening on the other side of the planet. His ego kept him from even considering anyone would be working against him, but if it ever crossed his mind, even working together there would have been no chance of stopping the freak.

When Prince Vegeta and Nappa met the planets elder and he raised their power I experienced a moment of panic. I needed to keep Piccolo from noticing, so I beat him harder. That didnt seem to be enough so I did one of his favorite things choked him. Fortunately that did distract him, his concentration apparently gone with the reduction in oxygen.

-You both played your parts well,- the prince tells us and I feel a glow of pride. - Well be there in a few minutes. Dont destroy the rest of the body yet we need proof it is him.-

It was a good thing Piccolo never realized Saiyans didnt depend on scouters for communication. If he had realized we had telepathy its unlikely Prince Vegetas plan would have succeeded. As it was, all we had to do was cooperate with the green maniac, put up with torture that was hardly more than our usual training sessions, and kiss his ass as needed. Like we hadnt been doing that for years with the damn lizard.

Prince Vegeta decided even before he and Nappa landed that we would let him think hes the one in charge until its time to turn the tables. Piccolo almost caught us early on though. We were still out of range for telepathy, and if he realized I had been plotting against him with the prince using my ships communicator there would have been no chance of success.

Stupid Namek. We might have been willing to keep him alive when the plan came to fruition, but he made a major error in judgement. He should never have raped the prince. Even Frieza had never done something so repulsive if he had we Saiyans would have risen up against him even at the cost of our own lives. Only Prince Vegetas direct order to cooperate with everything the damn Namek wanted kept Nappa and I from revolting; and Nappa found it more difficult to obey than I did. Still it did have its benefits; Prince Vegeta is now a Super Saiyan.

-Do what you can with the Namek corpses,- the prince commands. Make them morepresentable.-

-Your highness?- I ask, not understanding. A body is a body. Why should it matter what state the corpses are in?

-Diplomacy, - he explains. -Showing respect to the dead is important to them. Since they are willing to voluntarily assist us we should at least acknowledge their rituals.-

I assent and go over to the pile of corpses, trying to decide what they would consider respectful. I finally line them up, side by side in a long row. I cant help but scowl at the thought that a Namek would do this to another Namek. Sure, Saiyans would kill each other in combat, but never in wholesale butchery. Even helpless children were the victims of the bastard. I glance over where Piccolos remains are, but decide to leave it where I dropped it on the ground; somehow it doesnt seem appropriate to drag it over by his victims.

After cleaning myself as well as possible at the nearby lake I get dressed and make a clearing for the dragonballs, finishing just as the group comes into sight.

-Treat the Nameks well,- Prince Vegeta warns as they arrive. They are willing and they are useful.-

The prince is flying next to an adult Namek, each of them carrying a dragonball. I almost chuckle as I realize Nappa is following them, carrying the little Namek, Dende, in his arms. Trailing them is a ragtag group of Nameks, some apparently warriors, others like the villagers Piccolo had killed.

The group lands and files quietly down the line of bodies, stopping occasionally to make some ritualistic gestures.

-Good choice,- the prince praises, catching my eye.

I nod my head respectfully and join the group, following Nappas lead. All this for a corpse?- I ask.

-They believe in the power of the body, I guess,- Nappa muses. Something about the shell being life.-

I mentally shrug. Weve been around enough races there isnt much that can surprise us, but still I notice some of the bodies are being rearranged and wrapped in white cloth. Any idea what they are doing that for?- Saiyan corpses are burned whenever possible, but there is no great ritual; we know the spirit has gone on to fight in another dimension.

-Probably trying to preserve the remains; Vegeta has offered to do everything he can to bring them back to life.-

Prince Vegeta and the one I assume is the head Namek come over to examine Piccolos corpse. I cant hear their discussion, but the Namek bends and does something to the body before standing up and nodding. Prince Vegeta fires a blast of ki, incinerating the remains.

-Whats going on?- I ask Nappa.

-Turns out Piccolo, or at least his father, had been banished from Namek ages ago. They recognized him as the bastard he was.-

-Why the hell didnt they kill him then?- I ask angrily.

-Some kind of pacifist bullshit. They arent much for killing.-

-Idiots,- I grumble. They are too attached to life. If they had been smart we wouldnt have had to go through this.-

-Dont be such fools,- Prince Vegeta snaps. If they had, we wouldnt have this opportunity.-

-It worked out even better than the prince could have hoped,- Nappa explains, -We dont have to force them to cooperate; the Nameks are willing to help us in exchange for protection.-


-Cooler and others,- Prince Vegeta interrupts. We help them and we get to use the dragonballs without any argument.-

-Part of the agreement is bringing the kid to Earth to reactivate those dragonballs. First they bring back all the Nameks killed today.-

-What if they find out we killed some of them?-

-Our story is we were forced,- Prince Vegeta explains. We regret it and want to do everything we can to make it right.-

-So we use the Earth dragonballs to bring them back to life,- Nappa continues.

-Except for Piccolo,- I answer quickly. I doubt wed be able to kill him again. I was only able to do it once because of his ego. Fool thought he was so evil the asshole wouldnt know evil if it came up and bit his face off.

-Of course not, stupid.-

-That idiot gave us the universe,- Prince Vegeta laughs.

Dende speaks and the dragonballs begin to glow. Suddenly the skies turn dark and a huge dragon appears. Prince Vegeta relays his first wish through the little Namek. A moment later the princes ki seems to explode and Nappa and I stare open-mouthed as his body starts to change. Prince Vegeta throws his head back and roars as first he seems to grow taller, his muscles becoming larger and more defined. Next his face changes shape, seeming to be more like oozaru even as his golden hair grows even longer. The amount of ki rolling off him has knocked some of the Nameks off their feet and their friends help them scramble away. Im amazed at the forms as the prince continues to ascend no one ever imagined there was something beyond the Legendary. His body changes again, deep red fur covering his arms and shoulders, his golden hair turning dark. There has never been a Saiyan so magnificent and as the transformations cease Nappa and I drop to our knees before him, swearing fealty.

Vegeta smirks down at us. The plan worked.-

Nappa grins. And with Earths dragonballs we can bring back Vegeta-sei.-

I grin back. Maybe I can bring my brother back as well and try again to take him home.

The End
Honest. There will be NO sequels

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