Lesser of Two Evils: Vindictive

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 3: Vindictive

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 3 – Vindictive

I’m suddenly struck from behind, the force of the blow stunning me with its speed and strength. I never imagined Radditz could be so fast; one second he was in front of us, and the next he was behind. I never even saw him move. Based on Goku’s reaction, he’s thinking the same.

Radditz is arrogant as usual, just waiting for us to recover. “Well, I’ll give you this. You know how to take a punch. Good. That should only make this all the more enjoyable. Oh yes. Let’s find out how much pain you can really stand.”

I smirk. Yes. Let’s. I hope Goku doesn’t notice how Radditz’ words are arousing me, but he seems to be too absorbed in the battle. His older brother is grinning – I’m sure he has noticed.

“What’s wrong? You look so pensive, Kakarott. Are you still trying to outsmart me? Well, think about this while you’re at it: your situation is even more hopeless than you realize. If you think I’m strong now, wait until I catch my stride. Truth is I’m just getting warmed up.”

I try to catch my breath – one blow and I’m sure I have a cracked rib. I doubt Goku is in any better shape. I have to get some control over myself. The animal’s massive strength is distracting me, images of what he could do with that power and the pain he could cause flashing through my mind. I wish he would just kill Goku and get it over with so we could fuck again.

“I’ll tell you what: seeing as how your power levels are more or less equal, why don’t we make a little game out of this? We’ll call it, ‘Which of you can last against me the longest?’ The rules are simple. I cause you both a great deal of pain, and you writhe around in agony. The loser is the first to beg for mercy.”

We attack in unison, striking at Radditz over and over – to no effect. We can hardly get a blow through, and the few that do connect don’t even faze him. He hardly expends the effort to block our attack, instead dodging punches most beings can’t even see. He suddenly rockets aloft, smirking down at us.

I’m annoyed at how much he is playing with us – it is evident he can kill Son Goku anytime he chooses. I just wish he’d hurry up and do it. Still – I promised him a fight. We fly after him, planning on continuing our attack in the air. He smirks and huge blasts of ki suddenly erupt from his hand. I see it exploding towards me with alarm – how did he manage to draw on that much power without preparation? I dodge, but I’m too slow. The ki burns through me, ripping off my left arm.

There’s relatively little pain – my body is designed to survive the loss of a limb. It regenerates too easily for me to be concerned. But the pain that is there has thrown me off balance yet again. I suspect Radditz has learned too quickly how to read me. Even as blood pours from the ragged stump, I feel myself becoming painfully aroused. I’ve never been this overpowered before – I almost want him to just kill Goku and fuck me.

I land and glare where Radditz had been, only to see him suddenly appear behind Goku, kicking him through the air. He skids to a landing, face down in the dirt.

Radditz looks at me and smirks. I can only smirk back. I can smell how much he is enjoying this battle. “What’s the matter with you two? You could at least try to make better sport of it than this! You don’t want me to get bored, do you?”

Goku finally drags himself to his knees, bruised and bloody.

Radditz laughs, “Oh, excuse me, has anyone seen my arm? You can’t miss it! It’s green!”

I grin and shake my head. He’s such a bastard.

“Come on now! Surely that pathetic excuse for an attack wasn’t the best you could do?” Radditz demands, annoyed. At this rate, the fight will be over quickly – Goku is obviously outclassed by his brother; he just hasn’t admitted it yet. I hope not – I want to see the bastard suffer.

I wonder what I can do to provide Radditz with more entertainment – and to get Goku beaten some more. I’m enjoying this entirely too much to see it end. “Okay, Goku. If you have any new techniques you’ve been waiting to use, now’s the time.”

“Sorry. I wish I did!”

“Figures! You slacker. While you’ve been taking it easy, I’ve been developing a new attack!”

“So you think this attack of yours has enough power to do some damage, Piccolo?”

I chuckle. He really hasn’t been paying enough attention to my ki over the years. “Yes. The problem is it takes me awhile to gather the energy for it. So, you’ll have to last against him alone for 5 minutes. It’s your decision.” I seriously doubt the fool will last more than 30 seconds in single combat with his more powerful brother. As expected, he offers to hold him off – I’m going to enjoy this. I can’t resist rubbing it in, “I was hoping to save it for a special occasion. It’s the attack I planned to use to defeat you.”

“I see, and now you’re using it to help me. You must be terribly disappointed.”

“No. This will be a good test. And if it works, I’ll be using it on you next.” Actually, I’d prefer to use it on him now.

“Heh, heh. Figures.”

“You know, that wasn’t actually intended to be funny.”

I shake my head as he attacks his brother, giving me time to build up my ki. Radditz is grinning, apparently enjoying the exercise. Goku is getting pummeled, totally unable to get through Radditz’ lightning fast defenses. Goku manages to surprise him when he bounces into the sky, firing a powerful kamehameha at Radditz. I’m almost amused at his reaction – he runs from the blast, not realizing Goku can bend his ki to follow.

Radditz suddenly stops and turns to face the attack. He is strong enough to catch the blast, canceling it out, but I’m pleased to see he is twitching a bit. Goku had managed to enrage him – this isn’t a game anymore – the fool is going to die. “Brother! I’ll show you how it’s done!” He throws a fast moving blast, knocking Goku from the sky.

Radditz is suddenly in front of me, scowling. “What are you planning on doing with that ki, green man?”

“Kill Goku, of course,” I smirk.

“You might be more of a Saiyan than he is, but if you try to hit me with that blast, you will die instantly – I won’t even spend time fucking you to death.” He frowns, hand tight around my throat, “Do you understand?”

“You worry too much,” I sneer. “Your brother is starting to come to – don’t you think you better go take care of him?”

He chuckles and releases me, racing to where Goku is lying moaning on the ground. Radditz grabs him by the shirt, lifting his head from the ground. I can hear Goku’s groan of pain from here. Better yet, Radditz punches him in the face. Goku’s grunt at the impact, as well as the blood flying, makes my cock twitch. I almost shout at the animal to hit the fool again, but manage to resist the urge.

“You’re a fool, Kakarott. Unlike you, I am a First Class warrior; I won’t hesitate to kill even my own brother if need be! Now say goodbye!” Radditz stomps on his stomach and Goku screams.

“Yesss,” I hiss when Radditz stomps on Goku’s chest. I can hear the bones crack from here. He does it again and Goku shrieks. Goku thought he was buying me time to build my attack, but from the sounds of it, he has run out of time. He’s writhing in agony under the crushing weight of his brother’s massive foot, coughing up blood in between gasps for breath. Watching him suffer like this is almost as satisfying as doing it myself.

“Come on! I want to hear you beg! Beg for mercy!” I can hardly hear Radditz’ words over Goku’s pain-filled wails. I listen and feel relief that I haven’t managed to make Radditz this angry at me – and slightly jealous that I am not receiving his attention.

“Come on, Kakarott! I want to hear you beg! Go on. Just say Uncle!” He turns to me and smirks. “Why so blue, green man? Is it because you’re powerless to help your friend? Or ‘cause you’re just plain ugly?” He turns his attention back to Goku and kicks him again. “I guess you’re not going to beg for me. Aww, you’re such a disappointment, brother. Time to die!”

Radditz draws back his fist for the death blow when he suddenly snaps his head around at the nearby crater. I turn to see what has attracted his attention when there is a massive flare of ki from his ship. His scouter is practically shrieking a warning and I can see his panic. I’m just as shocked as he is when Goku’s brat explodes from Radditz’ ship, sending shrapnel everywhere.

The little beast lands, seething. His ki is rather impressive for his size, and I wonder if he knows how to use it. “Leave my daddy alone!” he screams, and instant before launching himself at Radditz, hitting him in the chest with his head. I’m amazed when the big animal actually staggers from the force of the blow, his armor damaged. How did this little animal do it? There was an instant when his ki was even higher than Radditz’.

I grin. Radditz is furious, kicking the little beast, sending him flying and tumbling over the rocky ground. Goku is desperately trying to move, begging Radditz to leave him alone because he is just a little boy. Hasn’t he learned anything? Size and age mean nothing in a life and death battle – he proved that when he killed my sire. Radditz stalks towards the unconscious brat, preparing to kill it, ignoring his brother’s foolish pleas for mercy.

Goku manages to call on some hidden reserve of strength and lunges forward, grabbing Radditz’ tail. The big animal collapses when Goku squeezes with all of his waning strength. I’m amazed – I never expected his tail to be a weakness.

Goku laughs painfully, “You were careless. I’ll never forget how much my tail hurt when someone squeezed it! Piccolo! Can you use that attack now?”

I grin. This is the moment I’ve been waiting for all of my life. “Of course.” Radditz is face down on the ground and looks up at me with fear. I smirk at him. “Stay right there, Goku. Don’t let him go.” I never stopped building up my ki – this will only take a second.

“Kakarott, please tell me you’re not going to go through with this. I am your brother.” I raise an eye ridge. Radditz? Begging?

“Don’t be ridiculous. You kidnapped my son and you tried to kill me. And if I remember right, you said you were going to exterminate every human on this planet.”

“Alright, Goku. Ready?”

He frowns and nods. I’m surprised he can be this cold-blooded to anyone, especially his brother. He showed mercy to me, after all. Then again, I was never stupid enough to threaten his family.

I point my charged fingers at Radditz, enjoying the look of terror he gives me. His scouter is squealing and I know he finally realizes I could kill him. “Special Beam Cannon!” At the last instant, I raise my hand, aiming the blast directly at Goku’s heart. “Fire!”

Goku sees what I have done, but he is too late. He can’t move faster than light, and his attempt to dodge my attack is useless. My beam goes straight through his chest, bursting out the other side in a spray of blood and flesh. He hardly has time to realize he is dead before collapsing to the ground, sprawled across his brother’s legs.

Radditz shoves the limp body away and climbs to his feet, tail thrashing. He is furious. I’m in more danger now than any other time since he arrived. “You bastard,” he growls, “You fucking bastard!”

“What?” I ask calmly, concentrating a moment to regenerate my arm. He raises an eyebrow, but says nothing. “I told you I was going to kill him. You didn’t complain then.”

“You aimed it at me!” he growls, burying his hand in my top and pulling me towards him so I can feel his breath on my face. “What in the fuck was that about?”

I roll my eyes, “I had to finish building the focus, you idiot. If I had aimed it at Goku from the beginning he would have realized what was going on. Besides,” I smirk, “I’d say I actually saved your life. I did get him to let go of your tail.”

Radditz just growls, glaring at me with glittering black eyes. I’m almost amused. Did I scare him that much?

“Are you going to finish off the brat, or do you want me to?” I ask, before gasping when his hand releases my shirt only to crush my throat. His mouth is covering mine, tongue demanding and invasive. I think I shock him by participating this time, my own tongue tasting him. I groan and try to rub my aching erection against him when he bites my lip, sucking on the blood that flows freely.

“I was right,” he laughs, releasing his hold. I stumble to keep my feet. “You are more Saiyan than my brother. Go ahead, the brat is yours.”

I lick my lips, tasting my own blood. Things are going better than I could have hoped. I cross to where the little beast is laying, just regaining consciousness. He rolls onto his back and looks up at me blearily.


I bare my teeth. I can’t believe how much hatred I feel for this tiny creature – his existence is a slap in the face to my sire. “He’s dead kid.” I step on his face, crushing his tiny skull. “So are you.”

“Enjoy yourself?” Radditz asks, grinning.

I turn my head. He’s been watching me the entire time. “Yes.”

“Good. Now it’s my turn.” I hardly have time to register the buildup of ki before his blast surrounds me, vaporizing my clothing and knocking me on my ass, dazed. He’s too damn fast.

He’s on me – and in me – in one pain-filled instant, taking only long enough to shove his pants down enough to free his dick. He forces my legs up over his shoulders, driving deeply into me with no thought of preparation or gentleness. This is how the animal is punishing me for frightening him and I can only scream in agonized pleasure. He comes after only four brutal thrusts, howling as he releases heat into my body. I shudder in frustration, impaled on his still throbbing dick. He found our battle as arousing as I did, but I still need more.

“Please,” I beg. How can this animal leave me like this? In this position, I can barely move on my own – he controls me completely.

He smirks and claws his hand down my chest and stomach, blood oozing from the cuts he has made. I groan and try to arch into his touch, but his hand pushes down against the deep gashes, shoving me against the rocky ground.

Radditz starts to pull his dick out of me and I moan at the loss. No one has been able to fill me like this, giving me such pain-filled ecstasy. He rams back into me, the rocks under me stabbing and cutting and all I can do is shout, “More!”

I can barely see him, my vision purple and hazed by agony. If I have to die, this is how I want to go.

“You like pain, don’t you green man?” He slams into me again, squeezing and crushing my balls.

“Yes!” I scream, trying to shove back against him, even as I try to writhe away from the agonizing pressure.

“If I rip these off…” he pulls on them and I wonder if he is going to try, “I wonder if they will grow back.”

“Noooo,” I gasp, suddenly afraid he will do just that. “No – please. I-I- can’t,” I stutter, tears beginning to leak in terror. That’s one of the few things I can’t regenerate, and if he decides to go through with his threat…

He smirks. “Poor little green man. What’s the matter? Afraid? What makes you think you are going to live long enough to need them?”

I’m gasping and groaning, trying to reach my aching cock with my hand. This is too much – the pain, the fear, the driving strength as he hammers into me relentlessly. If I can’t come soon, I feel like I will die from the pressure. I’m have to – I have to-

Radditz’ hand is suddenly on my wrist, not allowing me to stroke myself. “No, green man, that doesn’t belong to you anymore. That’s mine.” I grunt with pain as he twists my wrist, crushing and ripping my hand from my arm. I’m stunned into a heady inhalation of air when his tail painfully snaps against my throbbing cock. I arch from the ground, howling as I come, blood and seed coating my body as I spasm from ecstasy.


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