Lesser of Two Evils: Malevolent

Published Jan 26, 2006, 7:09:20 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 23, 2007, 11:49:08 PM | Total Chapters 20

Story Summary

Radditz meets still evil Piccolo - a gleeful exercise in sex and violence. Lang,Yaoi,Anal,BDSM,Bond,CBT,D/s,Lemon,N/C,S&M,Tort,Toys

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Chapter 5: Malevolent

Lesser of Two Evils
By Pixelgoddess

Pairings – Radditz/Piccolo to start
Warning – Sex, smut, violence. You know – the usual.
BDSM, Torture. Cannibalism? Possible squick. Character death – but you might like it. Yaoi – as in M/M, with hints of non-con.
Disclaimer – Don't own them, don't make money off this, don't get any payment but reviews. Pay Me!
Summary – The first person Radditz meets on Earth is Demon Lord Piccolo, resulting in a frenzy of violent sex and violent death as the pair submits to their darkest passions.

Chapter 5 - Malevolent

I watch him as he talks to his prince on the scouter. He’s arranging for a pick-up, apologizing for the loss of his ship and any inconvenience he has caused. I grin to myself as I listen. Radditz is afraid of this Vegeta person; his tail coils tightly around his waist, the fur bristling more the longer he speaks. From the sound of it, he is being promised severe punishment.

“No,” he protests, “You can’t give me to Lord Frieza – not when he’s angry.”

The animal’s stench changes, his terror filling my nostrils; he is afraid of this Frieza even more than he is of the prince. I can hear the roar of a voice coming through the scouter and raise my eye ridges when he suddenly kneels as if bowing to the person on the other end.

“No, Your Highness, I would not dream of questioning your decision,” he grovels. “Of course I would not want you to take my punishment. I meant to say I would be happy to serve Lord Frieza.”

I smirk when he glances up and realizes his position. He quickly scrambles to his feet, glaring down at me.

From the sounds of it, he is in even more trouble for his inability to bring his brother back.

“Yes, Your Highness, I do understand that leaves only the three of us. But I did find someone to help – a Namek.”

“Yes sir, I know that most are farmers – this one is different. His ki is nearly identical to Kakarott’s – and he would enjoy the work.” He chuckles and my hackles rise – he’s up to something. “I believe he would enjoy serving Lord Frieza as well – maybe even more than Zarbon does.”

After some more discussion he turns off his scouter with a curse. “It will be two fucking months before they arrive! Lord Frieza will be furious because of the delay. By the time we get back-- Damn that Kakarott! This is his fault!” He storms over to the body of the woman, tail snapping away insects that have begun to gather. He begins to shred the clothing covering her corpse. “I’m hungry,” he says in answer to my questioning look.

I nod. “Fine. I’m going to get something myself.”

He looks at me curiously. “Why? There’s food right here.”

I shake my head. What I really want to do is either kill him or get the hell away from the bastard. “You eat it – you killed it.” I want to drink gallons of water to rid myself of his taste. I also really need a bath – I reek from his scent.

I still feel disgusted by what he made me do – and even more with myself for actually enjoying it. That was something I had sworn I would never do, but before I was finally allowed to come I had enthusiastically taken his dick deep down my throat, licking and swallowing the bitter seed with shuddering pleasure. He rewarded my efforts by fucking me so hard and deep I passed out from my howling orgasm.

He shrugs, flesh hanging from his mouth. “Your loss. I’ll find you later. I think I’ll go hunt some more of these creatures. She’s not going to be enough to make me full.” It probably won’t last, but I’ve convinced him to kill the weaklings gradually, playing with them rather than wiping them all out at once. With luck, I’ll be able to eliminate the animal while there are still some alive; I’d hate to have to waste a year after I get my wish, waiting to bring some back to life.

“Are you going to eat your brother as well?”

He swallows and scowls, “Do I look like some kind of cannibal? I’ll taste the blood of the brat and burn his body to honor him as a Saiyan, but my cowardly brother is fit for nothing but the scavengers.”

I nod, acting as if I understand the difference. As if Son Goku was any better or worse than one of these weak creatures. If I still consumed flesh I would happily devour my sire’s killer, gloating with each bite.

This is the perfect opportunity to leave; I carefully retrieve my cape. If I’m lucky, I can locate at least one dragonball while he is eating. I fly slowly, controlling my speed, trying to hide my need to get away from the animal.

My plan is working – Son Goku’s dead, I’m alive, and the animal trusts me. The problem is he triggers such a strong reaction in me I keep losing control of myself. I have never been so overwhelmed with lust before. I’ve never experienced anything like this before and there is a small nagging voice that questions how I would have reacted to Goku if he had been more like his brother. I growl and shove that thought back – I would have killed him anyway, just as I will eventually kill the animal. Radditz is a threat to my planned domination of this planet.

I check the radar and smile to myself. There are two dragonballs together, only a few minutes flight away. I land and laugh out loud when I recognize the woman working outside. The spirits must be rewarding me for my suffering and my patience. I have located Son Goku’s mate.

She looks up at the sound and stares straight at me. I bare my teeth before laughing at her terrified wide eyes and frightened scream.

“Pi-Piccolo!” she sputters, dropping into a defensive stance. “Why are you here? Goku-”

“Is dead,” I purr.

“Liar,” she whispers, a horrified expression distorting her face.

I chuckle and slowly advance, smirking when she tries to retreat. “He’s dead – and I killed him.” I catch the punch she throws at me, slowly applying pressure to her hand until she is on her knees before me, tears of pain flowing from her eyes. I’ve missed this – my sire promised this power to me, but until now I’ve been unable to claim it. “The brat-”

“What did you do to my Gohan?” she gasps.

I snarl at the name, crushing and shattering every bone in her hand, her blood leaking from between my fingers from the damage.

“I crushed the skull of that insult,” I hiss, trying unsuccessfully to ignore her agonized screams. They pierce my eardrums; causing so much pain I seriously consider ripping my ears off in order to escape the sound. Instead, I punch her in the face, smirking at the music of broken bone and cartilage. I release her and she crumbles to the ground, gurgling blood and sobbing.

I glance down at the broken thing before pulling the dragonball radar out of my pocket. I check the reading again – I was right. They are in this house. I curl my hand into her hair and scalp, jerking her to her feet. “Show me where the dragonballs are hidden,” I demand, dragging her back in the house.

I can’t help but grin as she whimpers and moans, blood pouring from her damaged mouth. I hope Son Goku is watching this from the other side, realizing the punishment she is receiving is his fault. She tries to take a stumbling step towards the open door of a bedroom, but I’m tired of holding the weakling up. I throw her across the room, growling with pleasure at her groan.

I quickly locate the dragonballs in a drawer, trying to ignore the stench of Son Goku filling the room. I want to eliminate everything about him, so with a flare of ki I ignite the bed. The flames spread quickly, racing up the nearby drapes. I chuckle. There will be nothing left of the Son family by the time I am done – there will be no evidence of his existence.

As I leave the burning room I see the weakling is not where I left her. She reveals her presence by swinging a heavy pan at my head. She misses – my reflexes are too fast for one of these creatures – but that doesn’t stop her from trying again. I shake my head with amusement as I rip the weapon out of her undamaged hand.

“Are you really in that much of a hurry to die?” I ask her. Her eyes widen with fear before narrowing in anger. If I didn’t have to get the dragonballs hidden before Radditz came looking for me I would spend some time tormenting this creature before killing her. As it is… A quick blast of ki at her legs and they are useless to her, leaving her helpless to escape.

I glance towards the bedroom, the smoke already billowing into this room. This cheap hovel is burning quickly – it will be completely consumed soon. I bare my teeth in amusement when she realizes she is going to die here. I decide to speed the process, igniting the furniture in this room. Her terrified moans are a symphony, the stink of her fear perfume. I will rule these weaklings very soon.

I kick her once, just for the pleasure of hearing her pained groan, before leaving the flaming structure. Once outside, I stop and hover in my meditation pose, waiting. I listen, hearing the exact instant when the flames reach her. I close my eyes and breathe in the aroma of burning flesh, made more pungent by her agonized screams.

I’ve checked the locations of the other dragonballs and confirmed what I was afraid of; they are scattered around the globe. For now I have to be content with three, all safely concealed from Radditz. Hopefully, it won’t be too long before I can get away from the animal for an extended period of time.

I’ve managed to locate a pool suitable for cleaning off the animal’s stench. I chuckle, baring my fangs. The owners weren’t too pleased with my arrival. I enjoyed making them cower and beg for their miserable lives, killing them one by one while forcing the others to watch. I’m now surrounded by their corpses, the smoldering bodies providing some heat as the air cools with nightfall.

I breathe in the still lingering scent of fear, licking the blood from my hands. This has been a perfect day – Son Goku dead as well as the old man who tried to re-imprison my sire. I’ve killed Goku’s entire family and witnessed the death of his closest friends. And Radditz…I’m almost going to regret having to kill that animal. I have never been fucked so hard and well in my life and I will miss it.

I grin to myself when Radditz arrives. He doesn’t even try to hide his ki - everywhere he goes he displays his power like some kind of trophy. I doubt he has ever seen the value in concealing it, so it is unlikely he realizes I can.

“Have you eaten enough?” I ask when he lands and begins to undress. “The weaklings have food in the house.” I tilt my head towards a grill. “You can use that to cook it if you want.”

He looks at the thing, disgusted. “Cooked meat? That’s sick. Ruins the taste; dries up all the blood.” He quickly finishes removing his clothing and I raise my eye ridges appreciatively at the sight of his already hard dick, knowing he will be putting it to good use. “I’m full,” he purrs, and dives in, pinning me to the side. “How about you?” His hand curls around my throat – apparently his favorite area – and begins to squeeze.

I groan as my cock swells, wondering why I keep letting him do this to me. “You weren’t here,” I growl, pressing my body against his.

He chuckles into my mouth at the invitation, his sharp teeth burying themselves in my lip, sucking at the blood that flows from the wound. His mouth never leaves mine, our tongues battling and slicing over sharp teeth, forcing me to breathe him in just to survive. My vision is graying and I’m almost disappointed when he releases his grip on my neck, but my freedom is replaced by vicious pinching and scratching until the water surrounding us is tinted purple with my blood.

He grins at me as I writhe against him, nearly begging him to fuck me. How does he know exactly how to torment me into such desperate arousal? “Have you ever been fucked underwater, green man?”

I stare at him in shock. Is he really planning on-? I realize he is taking deep breaths and desperately try to match him. I barely have time to fill my lungs before he slams me to the bottom of the pool. I don’t even have time to get my bearings before he rams his dick into me, filling me with one agonizing thrust. He captures my wrists, pinning them behind me with his massive hand. His other hand is around my cock, jerking it roughly in time to his painful hammering. Each stroke drives me over the rough surface of the pool, cutting and scraping me until the entire pool is violet.

I can’t breathe…I need to breathe…my lungs are burning and still he is fucking me, oblivious to my desperate need for air. I struggle to twist away, to escape, but I can’t get away. I can’t draw on my ki, and I can’t fight. He pulls on my cock, piercing the skin with his nails and I know I am going to die. I open my mouth in a desperate scream, as I come, water filling my lungs.


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