How to slay your dragon: Teamwork

Published Aug 28, 2023, 1:59:45 AM UTC | Last updated Aug 28, 2023, 1:59:45 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

How Vex fights the boss

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Chapter 3: Teamwork

Vex comes back through the portal. '"I'm getting so tired of this thing..." He muttered to himself. Then he noticed a small goblin. '"Hello Friend." He said to the Goblin gently. His fox ears twitching slightly. 


The Goblin waved smiling. '"Hellos Fox personses what can Snot do for you?" The Goblin said inadvertently introducing himself. 


'"Well how about fighting that thing up there?" Vex said pointing at the Wyrm not noticing the two giant crystals flying at his head. 


Snot noticed and used his power to manipulate and control crystals to make them fall short. '"Friend okay?" He asked looking a bit tired


'"Yeah thanks... Oh and Call me Vex." The Kitsune said handing Snot a potion to help him regain that expended energy. 


'"Thank you Friend Vex." Snot said smiling and hugging Vex. Who was completely unsure how to react. 


'"You're welcome Snot now climb on my back I have an idea." Vex said with more confidence than he realized he could muster. Snot nodded quickly clambering onto Vex's back and hanging on. Vex ran towards the wyrm dodging crystals left and right before getting to the hanging Vine from his last trip and Grabbing it. '"You okay Snot?" Vex asked with a grin.


'"Yes Snot thinkses he's fine Vex." Snot said as Vex started climbing the vine up occasionally swinging by adding momentum to dodge more crystals as he climbed with Snot on his back.


Eventually Vex made it to the back of the wyrm Snot in tow. '"Okay I'm going to cut an opening into it and you use your powers on the wound." Vex explained gently. 


'"Okay Vex Snotses is ready." Snot said raising an arm as Vex quickly used his weapon coated in his silver flames to slice the back of the dragon again this time With Snot shooting a magically empowered piece of aster into the wound to further aggravate it. Before Vex grabbed him and Jumped off right as the Wyrm hit the ground to start burrowing again landing in the portal he had used to get there accidentally bringing Snot with him to his home.

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  • Aug 23, 2023, 5:02:35 AM UTC
    Yooo!!! This is excellent, a creative attack indeed. Happy my little gobbo could aid Vex Big Smile
    • Aug 23, 2023, 6:32:40 AM UTC
      Thanks I made sure to pay attention to what Snot could do because I wanted to make absolutely sure that I got him right.