Vogue Vampire boss battle entries: attack 2 - Caspian

Published Sep 9, 2022, 11:43:02 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 20, 2022, 4:40:54 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

Writing entries for the Vogue Vampire boss fight. Each entry separated into its own chapter.

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Caspian PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd602
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Chapter 2: attack 2 - Caspian

2. Draw or write about your character trying to stop the boss without fighting it.

288 words


More in this series of events:

one (you are here)

two (RC)







A sharp, repeating sound pulled Caspian back out of his thoughts. The Athos blinked profusely, trying to get his eyes adjusted to the shadows of the long, intricately decorated halls. He pushed himself off the wall he was leaning against, as the source of the sound walked elegantly past him.

Hard heels on the marble floor. Caspian's slit pupils dilated as he inspected the figure, feeling something familiar rising its flirtatious head inside him - as it always did when he noticed someone that struck his fancy.


"Hey there, handsome", a triad of playful words stopped the vampire in his tracks. Caspian slid himself from the shadows, moonlight painting his figure, with sharp, dark streaks cutting the light as it conformed the window frame. The vampire let out a scoff.

"A what now?" His brow raised with his tone, but his demeanor wasn't hostile. The coo of the enamored peacock did not offend him.

Caspian chuckled. "No need to be humble", the Athos said, his voice nearing a whisper in its softness, inching closer. He towered over the vampire with his tall figure, but got no usual reaction of fear - just what he was after. Caspian pressed himself against the other. He could feel his curiousness, see it in his half closed, crimson eyes. He twirled the vampire's goatee around his clawed finger.

"You know what you look like, don't you?" Caspian revealed his teeth with a seductive grin. It garnered a sly smile as a reply, and an amused snort. Caspian knew what he wanted from this man. Not really for the benefit of others - he had more selfish goals in mind.


And it seemed the vampire had taken the bait, laid beautifully right in front of him.

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