Vogue Vampire boss battle entries: attack 3 - Arcus

Published Sep 9, 2022, 11:43:02 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 20, 2022, 4:40:54 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

Writing entries for the Vogue Vampire boss fight. Each entry separated into its own chapter.

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Arcus PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd57
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Chapter 3: attack 3 - Arcus

1. Draw or write about your character fighting the boss!

261 words


The sword's flaming blade hit the marble floor, its sound echoing from the walls in waves. The sensors under Arcus' face screen searched for the vampire, as she scrambled up, back to a defendable position. Her nonexistent eyes turned towards a sound, as the man, pale as Death, emerged from the shadows he had slipped into, out of the way of her flaming fury. His arrogant chuckling made her sick.

Arcus straightened her whole being into an almost royal-looking posture, as her bright mane caught itself ablaze. The blade of her massive sword scraped the floor as she made a half circle with it, leaving embers and soot in its wake. She wasn't going to use words. She knew she didn't have to - if she'd have to, she'd know that her opponent was either an idiot, or still calculating their chances.

The wyfex saw a crooked smile rising to the vampire's lips, stained red from who knows how many meals before. The gleam in his eyes emanated a thirst for something else than blood - and that something was violence. He knew very well this strange creature wouldn't stand back, and let him walk away, back to his antics. His eyes glowed red, just as vividly crimson as the highlights of his dark hair against the cold light of the moon, as his fangs peaked from underneath his receded lips.

Arcus' grip on her weapon's handle tightened. She wouldn't leave here scatheless - but she'd make sure the vampire would have to endure the same.


She shifted her hands to two-hand her blade.

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