Newest Writing

  • Cover for Ella's Life

    Ella's Life

    Ella grew up surrounded by family. Ella grew up surrounded by family. Up until the age of sixteen, she spent her entire life in the forest. She was kicked out at the age of sixteen and charged with her closest friend Syrah’s murder. She continued travelling with her pet and companion Almiraj (Kiki), and a newborn wolf (Atlas) she had found on her adventure. At the age of twenty, she resides in a treehouse she built in a forest close to a trading town. She makes ends meet by stealing, trading, and going on adventures. Ella has become independent and has learned to trust a few individuals. Despite her difficult childhood, she finds comfort in the seclusion of the forest and the companionship of her devoted animal friends.

    Last updated Jun 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Baal Character Development

    Baal Character Development

    A collection of character development prompt submissions

    Last updated Jun 29, 2024
    Total Chapters 6
  • Cover for First Battle: The Slime

    First Battle: The Slime

    When a wizard's experiments go awry, it takes a witch to fix them. 

    Last updated Jun 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for #63 What is your character's favorite item they like to carry with them?

    #63 What is your character's favorite item they like to carry with them?

    I interview Larina about her various magical charms and one very important one. 

    Last updated Jun 28, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Weekly Prompt #124: Mr(s). Right

    Weekly Prompt #124: Mr(s). Right

    Larina’s life was a testament to order amidst chaos, her every possession meticulously organized except for one glaring exception—her love life.

    If you were to step into Larina’s world, you’d find her personal library sorted with the precision of a librarian’s dream, her spice cabinet a model of culinary organization, and her collection of magic charms cataloged down to their last enchantment. Yet, when it came to matters of the heart, Larina’s journey had been anything but orderly.

    If you were to ask her who her perfect is, she would laugh and say, “At what point in my life?”

    Her romantic history read like a series of chapters in on of her favorite Scientific Romance novels, each chapter marked by a different character, each a potential Mr. or Mrs. Right in its own time, and each ending is some sort of spectacular disaster. 

    In her youth, Larina fell deeply for Eric, a charismatic and enigmatic figure who embodied danger and allure. He was her first love, her first husband, but also her first lesson in heartbreak. As their relationship deepened, Eric’s darker nature emerged, driving a wedge between them that even Larina’s magic couldn’t heal. She left him and hoped he would never pursue her. 

    Katrina “Kat” followed soon after, a woman just slightly younger than her from a troubled background. Their connection was intense, fueled by shared scars from their pasts. It was a love born in tumult, a stormy affair that ultimately foundered on the rocks of their unresolved traumas.

    Then came Scáthaithe, a Vata’an Lord whose arrival in Larina’s life was as unexpected as it was transformative. Despite their rocky start, their union gifted Larina with their beloved child, Taryn, a testament to the complexities of love that defy neat categorization.

    Now, at this juncture in her life, Larina seeks a partner who understands her, who shares her dreams, and can converse in the language of her heart. Blonde or white hair would be a charming bonus, she muses with a smile. Gender is no barrier; Larina has loved both men and women, often wondering if her ideal partner might combine the best of both worlds.

    Perhaps, she ponders whimsically, her perfect match isn’t singular but plural—a perfect threesome, a harmonious trinity where the energies of three intertwine like threads in a potent spell. Three is a magically potent number after all. She had tasted this once with Asabalom and Maryah, a Rezean couple whose brief but intense connection left an indelible mark on her heart despite their eventual parting. These nature adepts had responsibilities to their lands, and Larina had her responsibilities as well. 

    For Larina, the pursuit of Mr. or Mrs. Right isn’t about finding perfection in one person, but in finding harmony amidst diversity, understanding amidst complexity, and love that transcends the boundaries of convention. In her world, where magic weaves through every facet of existence, love too must be magical, potent, and transformative.

    A fondness for tea and books is not required, but a nice bonus.

    Last updated Jun 26, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Weekly Prompt No. 123: First Love

    Weekly Prompt No. 123: First Love

    Larina fell in love with someone for the first time when she was 12 summers old. Her best friend was a girl named Aurora. Their mothers had been friends, and Aurora would often come by to visit. Larina would look forward to these visits every single time. Aurora was older, 14 summers, and lived in the nearby village. Close enough to make visits possible but far enough to make them infrequent. 


    Aurora, a tall girl with blond hair and green eyes, was the sun around which Larina’s world revolved.  From the time Larina was eight years old until the summer of her 12th year, Aurora would come to stay at Larina’s home in the country. Here, they spent their days playing, swimming in the creek, and sometimes doing the work needed for Lar’s and Sian’s apothecary. But Larina’s father, Lars, was terrible at making his daughter work, so he often let her and Aurora play or sit in the back of the shop and talk while he did the work the girls were supposed to be doing. Sian, her mother,  would pretend not to notice. But even then, there was sadness in her eyes when she looked at Aurora. It was not till many years later that Larina would discover why.


    During those summer nights, Larina’s upstairs room would be too hot for both girls to sleep in. So, they often took their blankets and candles outside. Larina wanted to tell ghost stories, but Aurora never liked those. So, they looked up at the stars and imagined what they were like. Were they the gods like the elders in the village said, or points of light in the fabric of night? Larina thought they were worlds like this one, with people on them.  Aurora turned the conversation to the future and wondered what her husband would be like, whether she would have children, and what her home would be like. Larina told Aurora she wanted a husband who was just like her. Aurora only said that her stepfather expected her to marry a rich man soon. Larina could not even think of being married. There was still so much of the world she had not seen yet. Aurora told Larina she was just a girl, but she would understand one day. Larina said nothing. She knew there was a lot she didn’t know about the world, but she was sure there was more than what Aurora wanted. If the two them were together, then they both could have everything.

    Larina moved closer and held Aurora’s hand, and both girls fell asleep under the stars.


    As summer drew on, the girls had more adventures, including finding a cave that Lars had to rescue them from. Sian scolded the girls for being reckless, but Lars, in his fashion, sang them a song about two brave princesses who entered a dark cave to slay a dragon.


    When the summer ended, Aurora’s stepfather came to claim her, not her mother. Larina could tell this was unusual, and Sian had asked many times about her friend with no answers.  


    Aurora did not return the next summer. Larina was deep into her studies of witchcraft now, and she had been initiated into the coven that previous Autumn as a full member, so she was constantly reading and practicing her witchcraft that she also didn’t notice.


    It was not till many years after that that Larina realized what she had felt for the other girl was love.

    Last updated Jun 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for #50 Does your character have a base of operations between portals?

    #50 Does your character have a base of operations between portals?

    Here is the story of Larina. The little girl who would become the Queen of Witches.

    Last updated Jun 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Flying Free

    Flying Free

    The story of how Melody Eldheart will learn to leave the proverbial nest and a build a life for herself. 

    Last updated Jun 24, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Submissions


    Just where I'm going to put all of my written submissions 👍

    Last updated Jun 24, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Knell's first fight

    Knell's first fight

    Knell discovers a threat to his freshly dry-cleaned clothes and deals with it accordingly.

    Last updated Jun 24, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Aspiring Adventurer - Paiko in the Paperverse

    Aspiring Adventurer - Paiko in the Paperverse

    A collection of written short stories as part of Paiko's character development challenges. Enjoy.

    Last updated Jun 24, 2024
    Total Chapters 6
  • Cover for Dreams of Blue Roses

    Dreams of Blue Roses

    Lissa Ardellian dreams of nothing more than becoming a Knight of the Blue Rose. However, despite Aldea's egalitarian society, the circumstances of her birth make it difficult to achieve that dream. Only when she leaves her home behind does she take her first step to knighthood. 

    Last updated Jun 22, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for PDARPG MISC


    Miscellaneous writings for PDARPG, that don't really fit to other story submissions. A lot of bosses, apparently.

    Last updated Jun 21, 2024
    Total Chapters 23
  • Cover for PDARPG Boss Fight Entries

    PDARPG Boss Fight Entries

    Since these tend to be shorter, lower-quality vignettes, and I don't want a gazillion of these spamming up my characters' dedicated stories, boss fight entries go here

    Last updated Jun 20, 2024
    Total Chapters 16
  • Cover for The Bull of the Arena

    The Bull of the Arena

    Stories with Calix as the focus.

    Last updated Jun 15, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Style Quest

    Style Quest

    Follow the Clydesdale tailor, Varick, on his quest to become a renown stylist throughout the portal network.

    Last updated Jun 14, 2024
    Total Chapters 65
  • Cover for Strategy


    Kevalin, Noxin, Romeo, and Area run a restaurant for the festival :)


    Not my best work but it's mostly a ruft draft for the comic I wish to make once I'm not so busy ^^'

    Last updated Jun 13, 2024
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for In the Arena

    In the Arena

    Foxglove is thrust into the arena for Weekly Prompt #122

    Last updated Jun 12, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Captain's Log

    The Captain's Log

    A place to read all about this Paperdemon pirate captain.

    Last updated Jun 11, 2024
    Total Chapters 14
  • Cover for Cursebound


    The cursed race of the Jurogumo have been hidden and shunned for thousands of years, while the beautiful family of star born unicorns have been adored for equally as long. However when a prince of the unicorn family is fate bound to a Jurogumo, the curse taking hold in his flesh as well, things might just have to change. Banishing the prince and hiding the whole situation from their people will only work for the royal family for so long. You cannot put a bandaid on a cannonball wound as the balance and reincarnating cycle in their family has been completely obliterated. 

    Last updated Jun 8, 2024
    Total Chapters 2