Writing Critique Requested

  • Cover for Seven Treasures

    Seven Treasures

    Written for the Hero21 mailing list's drabble game. Shippou thinks about what is really important. SPOILERS for events in the manga from chapter 463 forward. An older drabble originally posted 7/23/06 at other sites.

    Last updated Aug 27, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Balance of Magic

    Balance of Magic

    Adrian wants to do all he can to uphold his foster father's ideals and plans. When he stumbles into the enemy's headquarters, though, there is more than one surprise waiting...

    Last updated Aug 23, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Running With Demons

    Running With Demons

    My entry in Forthright's 'Feudal Fables Challenge'. It's a dramatization of the events surrounding Rin's first encounters with Sesshoumaru.

    Last updated Aug 22, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for It


    A poem about loss, gain, and everything in between. Short and hopefully right to the point. This poem was absolutely screaming to be written, so here it is. :) I would LOVE crits; please oh please :yes:

    Last updated Aug 22, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Shrivastava


    Shaadiv is a world swathed in mystery and shadow. It is also home to the pleasure gorgon, a demon with the ability to seduce mortals and feed upon their sexual energies. A young pleasure gorgon, Nehrashti, has his life turned upside down when he is taken from his family at an early age to become a concubine for the Gorgon Queen Hahtra Abi Bhevya. What is in store for the demon-boy taken from all he knows and forced to placate his fickle mistress?

    Last updated Aug 19, 2007
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for You saw her again..didn't you.

    You saw her again..didn't you.

    a short drabble writtin during lecture. Inuyasha and Kagome have a talk about Kikyo.

    Last updated Aug 19, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Decade


    [Harry Potter] How long is ten years?

    Last updated Aug 19, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Hellsing love

    Hellsing love

    Hellsing romantic fanfiction

    Last updated Aug 17, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Chosen Few

    The Chosen Few

    Intense fire turns to vampyric sadomasochism

    Last updated Aug 11, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Tales of Trugan - Palace Vahin

    Tales of Trugan - Palace Vahin

    When the young High Templar , Vendrevin, begins to have vivid dreams about a coming catastrophic war he set off to investigate. His first stop is Sebalia, deep in the demon wold of Shaadiv, with in the halls of the pleasure-gorgon king, Lord Nehra Shrivastava. With his friend Ha-Ha, a fairy, in tow he braves the dark of the demon world and the potentially deadly thrall of the gorgon king. However, when Vendrevin arrives he discovers the gorgon King is not all that he's cracked up to be. Or is he?

    Last updated Aug 10, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Hard Way

    The Hard Way

    The things they don't prepare you for are usually the hardest lessons to learn.

    Last updated Aug 5, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for When It's All Said And Done

    When It's All Said And Done

    Chad and Ichigo and a bond founded on a promise.

    Last updated Aug 5, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Please Come Back

    Please Come Back

    Following Ch470, Sesshoumaru becomes unhinged in a way he did not expect. With the sword unable to revive souls more than once, can he, by pretending she lives, bring her back?

    Last updated Jul 30, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for You Want Me

    You Want Me

    Miroku kept waking up & finding that his clothes were disheveled. He suspected a woman was molesting & raping him in the middle of the night, while he slept. But when it wasn't Sango or Kagome, who could it be? What could it be? Bestiality.

    Last updated Jul 30, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for The Half Moon Personified: The Avenger

    The Half Moon Personified: The Avenger

    Book One of "The Half Moon Personified" series. The cover art is by Hug-a-Cactus on photobucket. This is a very unique sort of Naruto fanfic.

    Last updated Jul 28, 2007
    Total Chapters 20
  • Cover for Consacra


    A man with questions inevitably goes to their place of origin. The story of a mercenary prince, a beautiful machine, and a peaceless guardian, on a journey after answers to questions too deep to ignore. Vegeta, 18, Piccolo

    Last updated Jul 15, 2007
    Total Chapters 9
  • Cover for Damaged Souls

    Damaged Souls

    The death of a loved one not only brings pain; secrets. hiden feelings, old wounds, resentment can be exposed. Warnings for the first chapter: Death of a character, angst. Vegeta/Goku

    Last updated Jun 29, 2007
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for Death & Rebirth

    Death & Rebirth

    Tried something new for a change but i'm not so sure if i want to write like this in the future... I need to think what i'm writing for christ sake =D This poem is all about some personal issues i have bottled up within me, and writing them down "kinda" helps. *Edit: since i'm so good at english, i had to add description for some of the words... 'Yknow, the starred ones? ^.^;; *

    Last updated Jun 14, 2007
    Total Chapters 2
  • Cover for The Day Before The Mission

    The Day Before The Mission

    A One-Shot of the events that took place before "The Half Moon Personified", which is in Red Curtain.

    Last updated Jun 14, 2007
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Things Warriors Must Suffer

    Things Warriors Must Suffer

    Also Caroline's POV. This one might also pop up in my story, as it seems like something Caroline might use to explain why she's so serious about the way she lives.

    Last updated Jun 13, 2007
    Total Chapters 1