A New Sewing Machine

Posted Feb 8, 2024, 5:42:10 AM UTC

Happpy Birthday  penguinparty!!

Varick II recieves a brand new sewing machine from his father — the same model as Varick learned on.


Perhaps a... not-so-subtle suggestion to follow in his father's hoofprints, but come on!

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  • Feb 11, 2024, 4:33:31 PM UTC
    The detail you slip into these pieces is mind-blowing. Your take on anthro characters is just so… *chef’s kiss*.

    I love everything about this.
  • Feb 8, 2024, 3:07:14 PM UTC
    This is so sweet, I love it :3 That pincushion on the left...



Varick PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1045
713 total points
5 approved points



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