Von Blut Gerettet

Posted May 14, 2024, 12:42:17 AM UTC

Character Development

 #50 Does your character have a base of operations between portals? A home, even? Draw or write about where your character hangs out during the downtime.

Between his search for a human-blood alternative, Renato returns to his base of operations, where his followers are waiting.

The demographic of his followers range from the very sewers to the tops of society; those seeking to keep fatally ill family members alive, those seeking immortality for personal reasons, or two lovers wishing to never meet death's embrace. Renato invites them all, but has a particular fondness for those he deigns most in need of redemption. Those dregs that seem trapped in endless cycles of misery, wrought on by the morta coil.


That is what his coven is all about, after all: second chances. Where mortality traps us, vampirism frees us. Yes, it has its... 'drawbacks', but until there comes a day where immortality can be granted by some other path, he will continue to save humanity in the best way he knows how. To transform all into a form that transends even death.

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  • May 17, 2024, 2:35:22 PM UTC
    This is insanely cool art, like WOW.
  • May 16, 2024, 11:18:57 PM UTC
    This just makes me want to have my characters interact with him more he's such a cool consept!!
  • May 14, 2024, 3:35:55 PM UTC



Vincent Renato PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4873
22 total points
5 approved points



  • Do You, Too, Crave Immortality?
  • Incidental Trapeze
  • By Blood, Youth.
  • Take Em' Down!
  • Concentrate...
  • Fly-By Trash Monster
  • Down the Well - 08
  • Candy Heart Suit - Cyril
  • Down the Well - 07


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