[Battle Duocast] - Midnight Oil

Posted Dec 27, 2023, 7:14:52 AM UTC

Prompt 3 - the research one (I'll update it later aaa >v<)


"So... you can't read."

"No. I mean, yes-- I, I mean... that is correct."

"Then what are you doing here in the library?"

"Um..." ~looking around, then his ears perk up~ "I can still help, promise-!"


Paiko is illiterate, so he isn't much help in the reading area-- but he makes a good lampstand! Now Victor can peruse the pages properly in this strangely unlit, misty, shady library...


Victor belongs to Smarty! Thank you for including Paiko in that amazing Elumis piece - I just had to draw your shiny guy in return ^-^

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  • Dec 27, 2023, 11:13:59 PM UTC
    AHHHHHH! PAIKO!!! I didn't know he was illiterate. Is it because he never got the chance to learn, language changed on him, or he's just not interested in learning?
    • Dec 29, 2023, 7:04:30 PM UTC
      He picked up verbal language at the lab easily (look at those big ears, perfect for eavesdropping and listening >w<Wink - technically he only knows how to speak one language, but I think his mother tongue is some older one that he's forgotten by now.

      The lab writes their notes in a different coded script, so they didn't think it useful to make him learn. But he wants to be able to read, and Telerand is supposed to teach him... he'll get it one day ^^
      • Dec 29, 2023, 11:06:36 PM UTC
        Ahhhh that's so cute! It would be so lovely if K80 taught him to read because K80 can only communicate through text box holograms when he's in his construct form, but I don't want to steal that bonding experience from Telerand lol
        • Jan 1, 2024, 6:28:09 AM UTC
          That would be a superb opportunity for Paiko to learn to read (or at least a big motivation for him)! Telerand is busy - though he won't admit it - and he wouldn't be opposed to people helping Paiko become literate.

          Only he insists on teaching Paiko how to write, for the sake of avoiding bad lettering skills later XD
          • Jan 1, 2024, 6:32:18 AM UTC
            Hahahaha! I love that! Sounds like that could be a fun drawing to do in the future then.
    • Jan 1, 2024, 9:19:55 PM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Jan 1, 2024 by DECALINE
      Dude never knew how to read, but knew how to write? Or did he know how to write, but cannot read?

      Or is he like Tarzan... if you know what I mean?

      (Oof. The chain is below, AAAAA)
      • Jan 3, 2024, 4:07:44 AM UTC
        His primary language skills are purely non-text based, no reading or writing but plenty of listening and occasionally speaking

        He can wield a marker but it won't yield a coherent sentence in any language unless he's trying to copy someone's sentence ^^"
        • Jan 3, 2024, 4:15:09 AM UTC
          So he's more trained on oral and speech than reading and writing...

          But his hearing might have been amplified due to the training he had.
  • Dec 27, 2023, 10:39:27 AM UTC
    Paiko is too cute lol, I love this so much. Star
    • Dec 29, 2023, 6:58:09 PM UTC
      I mean, Victor has a book on his head and seems to be fantastic at reading - Paiko might as well try out that method XD

      Thank you! Victor really is a lot of fun to draw, and his outfit is so intricate wow, I appreciate the effort more deeply when I have to draw it for myself >w<



Victor PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd3178
274 total points
8 approved points



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