
Posted Aug 27, 2023, 2:38:37 AM UTC

Prompt #1 - Umpteen Urchins

There are so many urchins that you hardly even know where to start. But start you must, before the tiny beasts disrupt an entire ecosystem. Draw or write about your character’s efforts to catch or kill Frilled Urchins. Your piece must include your character, a character from the opposite ARPG, and a Frilled Urchin.


Cypress, Flick and Timmy, as well as their new friend, Sigrid, work together to round up and catch the urchins. Luckily, or unluckily, the urchins had mistakenly assumed Cypress' home would be a good place to infest. However, no one gets away with messing with his home. 
Thankfully the cleanup didn't take too long, and soon enough Cypress and Sigrid got the remaining urchins scooped up to be relocated ^^

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Sigrid Schenk PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd943
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