Boss Attacks: Trash Monster - ramblings of a madman - 555 words

Published Mar 27, 2024, 9:36:16 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 27, 2024, 9:36:16 AM | Total Chapters 6

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fine I'll make its own story for these they don't look nice in the misc. story aegh

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Chapter 4: Trash Monster - ramblings of a madman - 555 words

3. Ask the Locals. The swamp’s residents probably know something, right? But as you start asking around, you realize that some of their voices sound… familiar? It might be your imagination, but it sounds a lot like the crying coming from the monster. Draw or write your character inquiring with the locals, and perhaps making a connection.



"Unhand me! Or... un-tail me, or whatever!"


Taranshiia tightened the coils around the half elf on the floor. She let his insults flow off her scales like water, despite their growing volume and arguable offensiveness. The Nagi turned to a colorful-looking person, trying her best to recall this one's name. "Excuse me? Caspian, was it?"


Caspian turned away from a Wouagan local. They weren't much of a talker, so he wasn't missing out on much information, if any at all. He faced Taranshiia. "Hm?"


"I believe you said something about..." The Nagi glanced at Lucius, who, in addition to grumbling curses under his breath, seemed to squirm around as if trying to bite his captor's tail in an attempt to free himself. Taranshiia tightened her grip once more. It made the man squeal softly like a dog toy. "...issues with this guy. Care to elaborate?"


The eternal blinked a few times, digesting the question. He almost gasped. "Oh, I say a lot of things." Caspian shrugged awkwardly. "It's not like a lot of those things make sense, I guess. Don't listen the ramblings of a madman and all that."


Taranshiia's eyes widened in both disbelief, and surfacing frustration. It all concentrated itself into a snarl across her face in an instant. "And how was I supposed to know that? You prance around like you know everything, and then you say not to listen to you? That's absurd!"


Caspian scoffed, crossing his arms. "Should I prance around in a straitjacket for your convenience, then?"


"Oh, please," Lucius interrupted the two with a lash of his thorned tongue. "Everyone can see what your deal is, dude."


The shifter's demeanor changed within a single blink as he turned to the man on the floor. He knew what those words meant. What they were aimed at. Or, he thought he knew. He always thought that he knew. Knew and understood, how everyone's intentions were nothing but vantablack.


Taranshiia scanned the tall fellow's figure with her pale gaze. The way he had tensed up instantaneously was... unsettling. She saw him turning his eyes away. The Nagi leaned towards him, without loosening her hold around Lucius' body. "Are you alright?"


The speech-made needles weren't the reason Caspian began to inspect his surroundings with his eyes like a bloodhound. The large monster's cries saturated the air with their sorrow, and mixed with the half-joyous atmosphere of the tavern. The howls sounded vaguely familiar. They were like something he had heard before - or was currently hearing. They were like the ambience itself that hovered over the swamp world's cities. Only, it had been distorted with woe and worry.


His mind snapped back to the moment like an icicle getting bent in two when his name was called. Caspian turned to the Nagi, connecting the dots between the situation, and her facial expression. The Athos flashed a fake smile. "I'm fine enough."


It melted off his face before he had the time to turn away.


Taranshiia watched the neonpole walk off. She turned to look at Lucius, her gaze striking sparks like flint and steel.


"What?" Lucius spit with a vexed tone. He was wrongly accused, whatever it was he was accused of. Besides, he had only spoken his mind, and rightfully so.


The Nagi crossed her arms. Under her breath, she nearly growled.

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