Flash Battle - Miser Shen: ONE: 218 words

Published Nov 11, 2023, 10:48:16 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 11, 2023, 10:48:16 PM | Total Chapters 6

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Caspian PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd602
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Chapter NaN: ONE: 218 words

PROMPT 1: You don't know where you're going, but the carriage beasts do. Draw or write about your character freeing the carriage or the beasts to track down the party. What the carriage beasts look like is up to you!



Caspian yanked the chains that held the creatures attached to the carriage behind them. The metal wailed as the welded links broke, pulling off the wooden frame that held the beasts in their places. The shifter growled as he paced in the mud. Yet another dress ruined. Great.


The eternal grabbed the mane of one of the creatures. It froze like it had been trained for it. Caspian ran his hand over its side and to its flank. He could feel every single bone under its skin - but see nothing with the naked eye.


He swung himself up, and landed ungracefully on the back of the being. It whinnied like an emaciated, cursed equine under his weight, but calmed down near-instantly. Caspian patted the side of its neck. He could feel the mangled ligaments running down its withered muscles underneath its hide. The creature snorted, a dark cloud with shimmering particles escaping from its widened nostrils.

"Calm down, moron," Caspian cursed under his breath. Vexed, he dug his heels into its sides. It reared, howled, and lunged forwards. He didn't want to hurt it, but he wasn't exactly an expert. At least he had learned something from Greenheart.


And at least this one was no wingless dragon, ready to fry his every cell if he made a mistake.

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