Ravi's Boss Fights: Miser Shen Prompt 1

Published Nov 11, 2023, 10:51:28 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 11, 2023, 10:51:28 PM | Total Chapters 12

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Boss fights that Ravi participated in. Chapters will be improved afterwards

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Ravi PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2475
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Chapter 7: Miser Shen Prompt 1

You don’t know where you’re going but the carriage beasts do. Draw or write about your character freeing the carriage or the beasts to track down the party. What the carriage beasts look like is up to you.


When Ravi had received the invitation, they had originally thought this was just another one of those celebrity events. But when Tanner pulled up in this awkward looking box on wheels that was being pulled by giant weasels, Ravi realized that this night was probably going to go a lot different than what they had originally thought.


“Is this yours?” Ravi questioned Tanner as they got into the right side of the carriage. 


Tanner shook his head. “They showed up at my place as well; scared the crap out of me.”

“Any idea where we’re headed?” Ravi settled back into the beanbag chair as the ducks pulled them further away from town. 




Tanner had fallen asleep and it baffled Ravi as to how he was so calm in this type of situation. As the minutes passed by, it became clear that the weasels were having a harder and harder time pulling the carriage. Ravi wondered if they were just getting tired, but when the carriage drew to a halt and the weasels were still trying to pull, they realized that it was due to the ground. What had looked like solid ground, was very definitely a thick much that dragged at the carriage's wheels.


“Tanner. Wake up. We have to get out of the carriage.” Tanner startled and got out of the carriage on autopilot before fully waking up.

“We’re here?” He yawned


“No. The carriage is stuck, help me try to push it.”


Tanner grumbled, but followed Ravi behind the carriage and they both began to push. It quickly became apparent that the carriage was not going anywhere and Ravi sighed in frustration.


“I should’ve just stayed home, then at least my boots wouldn't have been ruined.”


“Maybe we can just let them go and follow them? Since we were not given a location then presumably these weasels know where they’re going?” Tanner walked over to the weasels with Ravi close behind.


“You can free them. I’m not touching them.” Ravi stood slightly behind Tanner. “They shouldn't be this big and that creeps me out.”




However they forgot to account for the fact that once they released the weasels, the weasels would instantly start to run. This left Ravi and Tanner trying their best to keep up, huffing and puffing the entire way.


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