Encounters with Hostiles: We Were Just About to Eat!

Published Sep 16, 2023, 7:14:54 PM UTC | Last updated Sep 16, 2023, 7:14:54 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

The worlds of the Paperverse seem safer than Rogtuk's homeworld. But that doesn't mean Rogtuk never needs to fight.

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Chapter 2: We Were Just About to Eat!

Prompt 2- What were we doing again?

Word Count: 196


β€œSo you guys just have food ready for you?” Rogtuk asked, scratching his head at the dinner buffet before him.

β€œYup!” Ginger said gleefully, taking a pair of tongs and moving a biscuit onto her plate. 

β€œAnd we have farms so we don’t need to hunt down a pig to maybe kill it and get dinner.” Seifer added, with a small hint of annoyance on his face. Rogtuk was beginning to think that the man either found everything around him an annoyance, or that was just his face. 

β€œPig?” Rogtuk quirked a brow.

β€œYou know? Like yo-” Seifer was cut off by Ginger shoving him in the gut with his elbow. She gave him a scolding look.

β€œYou might know it as a boar?” Ginger’s expression softened as she addressed the orc. β€œPigs are what we call the boar we domesticated.”

Rogtuk nodded, but still felt mildly confused. Why did it need a different name? Regardless, he got a plate ready and started shuffling precooked meats, breads, and vegetables on. Azkol whined from the table that he was forced to sit at and Rogtuk put a few strips of β€˜bacon’ on to give to his wolf.

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