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  • Cover for Weekly Prompt No. 123: First Love

    Weekly Prompt No. 123: First Love

    Larina fell in love with someone for the first time when she was 12 summers old. Her best friend was a girl named Aurora. Their mothers had been friends, and Aurora would often come by to visit. Larina would look forward to these visits every single time. Aurora was older, 14 summers, and lived in the nearby village. Close enough to make visits possible but far enough to make them infrequent. 


    Aurora, a tall girl with blond hair and green eyes, was the sun around which Larina’s world revolved.  From the time Larina was eight years old until the summer of her 12th year, Aurora would come to stay at Larina’s home in the country. Here, they spent their days playing, swimming in the creek, and sometimes doing the work needed for Lar’s and Sian’s apothecary. But Larina’s father, Lars, was terrible at making his daughter work, so he often let her and Aurora play or sit in the back of the shop and talk while he did the work the girls were supposed to be doing. Sian, her mother,  would pretend not to notice. But even then, there was sadness in her eyes when she looked at Aurora. It was not till many years later that Larina would discover why.


    During those summer nights, Larina’s upstairs room would be too hot for both girls to sleep in. So, they often took their blankets and candles outside. Larina wanted to tell ghost stories, but Aurora never liked those. So, they looked up at the stars and imagined what they were like. Were they the gods like the elders in the village said, or points of light in the fabric of night? Larina thought they were worlds like this one, with people on them.  Aurora turned the conversation to the future and wondered what her husband would be like, whether she would have children, and what her home would be like. Larina told Aurora she wanted a husband who was just like her. Aurora only said that her stepfather expected her to marry a rich man soon. Larina could not even think of being married. There was still so much of the world she had not seen yet. Aurora told Larina she was just a girl, but she would understand one day. Larina said nothing. She knew there was a lot she didn’t know about the world, but she was sure there was more than what Aurora wanted. If the two them were together, then they both could have everything.

    Larina moved closer and held Aurora’s hand, and both girls fell asleep under the stars.


    As summer drew on, the girls had more adventures, including finding a cave that Lars had to rescue them from. Sian scolded the girls for being reckless, but Lars, in his fashion, sang them a song about two brave princesses who entered a dark cave to slay a dragon.


    When the summer ended, Aurora’s stepfather came to claim her, not her mother. Larina could tell this was unusual, and Sian had asked many times about her friend with no answers.  


    Aurora did not return the next summer. Larina was deep into her studies of witchcraft now, and she had been initiated into the coven that previous Autumn as a full member, so she was constantly reading and practicing her witchcraft that she also didn’t notice.


    It was not till many years after that that Larina realized what she had felt for the other girl was love.

    Last updated Jun 25, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Just Crazy About Fighting!

    Just Crazy About Fighting!

    "Lost my title, got kicked out what else can go wrong!?" this is a story about a dark elf who turns into a renowned Hunter who can fight just about anything!

    Last updated Feb 13, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Key of Holly, Lock of Hawthorn

    Key of Holly, Lock of Hawthorn

    Charlotte receives her talisman. 

    Last updated Jan 14, 2024
    Total Chapters 3
  • Cover for Mushroom waltz

    Mushroom waltz

    Suika and Yuugi have a debt to pay in Faedin for a mysterious doctor.

    CW: Swearing, explicit mentions of psychoactive drugs (mushrooms) and drug use


    Prompt #4 - Doctor(?) Xan

    Doctor Xan is a willowy half-elf half-.... Something. When you look at her in the corner of your eye, she doesn’t ever look quite the same as when you look at her straight on. Pictures of her never seem to turn out. Doctor Xan has, as far as anyone knows, no evidence of any official doctorate. That doesn’t stop her– nor does it stop her customers. She’s known for magicking up custom brews that work wonders– or wreak havoc. She claims it’s merely science and the mushrooms of Faedin and there’s no magic involved, but you’ve heard the stories. Having been far too busy on some project she refuses to speak of, she has asked your character to help her fulfill orders. Show your character going on Dr. Xan’s mission. Your piece must include your character interacting with Dr. Xan, hunting down mushrooms, or constructing a concoction.


    [ Titlecard render was simply created for fun / as an eyecatch and is not to be graded. Models were created by me using permission-allowed parts, backdrop is a creative commons model by Corey Keeling on Sketchfab. ]

    Last updated Jan 5, 2024
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Flash and fight Luca list bell

    Flash and fight Luca list bell

    Flash battle gathers close the story of lusts struggle starts here . let's see how long she lasts with help of the few she's met so far .

    Last updated Oct 7, 2023
    Total Chapters 7
  • Cover for Aiding the Injured

    Aiding the Injured

    The initial attack had left several creatures injured in Ponyville. Witching Hour and Harvest Moon are doing their best to help these creatures amid the raid. Harvest Moon poofs in with a rather stubborn patient.

    Last updated Mar 29, 2023
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Old memories, new opportunities

    Old memories, new opportunities

    Swan Song is a singer that was asked to perform at a small charity event that her friend/crush Chatter Cherry organized.

    Everything seems to go fine until the news of an old friend joining the Knights of Equestria reaches her and old hurtful memories Swan Song thought she buried resurface to haunt her.

    Last updated Nov 10, 2022
    Total Chapters 4
  • Cover for A Childhood meeting

    A Childhood meeting

    When Swan Song was a foal she was just looking for a quiet place to practice her singing.

    She believed to have found just that when she noticed a hole in the fence behind her parents house that lead to a peaceful forest clearing.

    However, Swan Song didn't know that her singing would lure someone else towards it as well.

    Last updated Sep 24, 2022
    Total Chapters 1
  • Cover for Spin The Bottle

    Spin The Bottle

    Jade regrets agreeing to play a harmless party game when she's faced with rejection from someone she loves. Little does she know, Neo's "rejection" was the complete opposite.

    Last updated Aug 31, 2022
    Total Chapters 1