Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

Welcome aboard!


Welcome to Mysterious Bloom!

Bloom is intended to be a sandbox-like ARPG, where the prompts, rolls, and choices you're given are seen as a chance to forge your own story, either by yourself or with friends! There's no right or wrong way to play, as long as you have fun!

While one may ultimately tell their story however they wish, Mysterious Bloom does have some optional setplay...
The world of pokemon is in the full swing of a raving industrial revolution! New technological and scientific innovations are everywhere, with more being discovered every day! Villages and townships of days past have become massive cities and centers full of pokemon looking to become something greater.
But... there's one last mystery nobody can seem to solve.
The 'border' is a mysterious, almost mythological entity. Beyond it, there's legends of an entire other world... but anyone who dares look to far into always seems to wind up missing.
What is the truth behind this mysterious border, and the legends of what lie past it?

Mysterious Bloom is a a fanwork and is in no way officially affiliated or associated with Game Freak, The Pokemon Company, or Nintendo.
It serves as a community space for fans, as well as an opportunity to find creative motivation. Mysterious Bloom does not make any financial profit off of the fan-created depictions of Pokemon.
Pokemon is (c) The Pokemon Company and Nintendo.

Featured Events

  • 📌 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT - Group closure

    Hi all! After a bit of a stalemate, I have some unfortunate news.   When I (Zin) went into Bloom, I was in a relatively stable place of health – not perfect, but stable. However, after a series of bo...

  • 📌 Updates, and the Future!

    Howdy y’all! We’re so happy you guys have been enjoying Mysterious Bloom so far. It’s been a blast seeing all the art and writing and characters you guys have been creating, and seeing s...

  • 📌 MISSION: What's that sound? ✭

    Stellar guild archives

    What's that sound? -- Noibat ✬✩✩✩✩ Hush hush, do you hear that…? A scraping noise in my home…. coming from my attic…. but every time I check I don’t find anything…! It’s hard to focus… hard to sl...

    The deadline has passed
    Deadline: May 3, 2024, 5:00:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time
  • 📌 Is this thing on?

    Welcome to Mysterious Bloom! It's been absolutely wonderful to collaborate and work on Bloom, and I'm happy to say – it’s launch day! Finally! Though there were some delays, we’re ready to take ever...


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