Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

Temporary group closure & update slowness

Hi all!

A bit of an unexpected announcement, and I apologize for that -- however, communicating would be best, wouldn't it?

The current staff team is down by two, one of these people being myself (Zin), due to difficult real-life circumstances. While everyone's excitement is wonderful, there's an increasing pressure with queues when there's not all hands on deck to do them.

Because of this, new join requests for Bloom have been closed temporarily. There is no ETA for when they will reopen, due to the unpredicatble nature of the difficulties facing the staff members effected.
Queue times may also be slower, as we're not operating with our full team. Thank you for your patience in regards to this!

Update and event delays

Because of the unexpected life difficulties I've been facing personally, it's difficult to develop more for the ARPG while I am grieving. While initially planned for early may, the first story/boss event is likely going to be pushed back until things get a bit more stable and I am able to focus on working on things again.

Thank you greatly for your patience and understanding through all this!

-- Zin