Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 136 Members

MISSION: Help my darling sleep ✭

The deadline has passed
Deadline: Apr 25, 2024, 5:00:00 AM Pacific Daylight Time

Help my darling sleep

-- Gallade


My darling Ralts has lost her favourite toy, she won't stop crying. I've looked everywhere for it but alas I cannot find it. Maybe you'll have better luck? I have to rock this little one to sleep for now.

Feel like giving this pokemon a hand? Complete this weekly mission to earn rewards!

Create something involving your pokemon, using gallade's predicament as the prompt! How will your team solve this dilemma? It's entirely up to you!

When submitting your work, be sure that it follows the minimum requirements of…
An unshaded halfbody for 2D artwork
300 words for narrative writing
Half of a standard-format pages for screenplay/script
3 verses for poetry
A uniquely posed model for 3D artwork

When you’re finished, submit your piece to PaperDemon and then submit your entry below!

Leave the EXP points blank for the characters you’re including – and for courtesy towards the queue review staff, paste and fill out the applicable form in the request details text box!

Missed the deadline? You can use wondermail to submit to a mission that's passed its deadline!


  • 50 bonus EXP for pokemon included
  • 25 poke
  • One random item from the loot pool

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