Champions of the Summer Rose: An Aldean's Adventure: Chapter Four: Naizen Ashary

Chapter 4: Chapter Four: Naizen Ashary

      Initially pleased as punch with herself, Antigone’s mood soon turned sour as the slime’s leftover goo ate away at her dress. While the plant matter coating her hair saved it from damage - though a good portion of it was melting away, and she was starting to lose the green color in patches - her skin started to itch as the viscous liquid ate away at the fabric protecting her. 

      So, much to her chagrin, she headed towards the street market, seeking a new dress. 

      Without Avea, who had a knack for finding items her friends would look phenomenal in, but never touch on their own, shopping for clothes had always been a nightmare. Frankly, Antigone could not imagine a time in the future where it wasn’t. The money was never a problem due to her grandparents’ entrepreneurship, but, as much as she hated to say her grandmother was right about anything, she was forced to admit she really was awkwardly shaped. 

      It wasn’t the missing arm - that just made her shoulder less muscular on one side - but her diminutive height coupled with the curves that had to have come from her father’s side of the family made finding clothes that she didn’t have to have custom-made almost impossible. Those few ready-made pieces she did find badly needed tailoring. All to say that finding something off a mannequin or a rack that she could wear out of the store was… 

      â€ś... Impossible,” she sighed to herself, gazing slowly, a bit helplessly, around at the various vendors. “Where would I even start?” She looked down at her slowly disintegrating dress and sighed. “… Maybe I should just go home.” 

      â€śHmm, but if you did that how would you ever find someone worth spending your life with?” 

      Antigone jumped, her heart flying into her throat as the golden-haired seafolk’s soft whisper sent an intense chill up her spine, as well as the intense desire to flee, even though her feet skittered to a stop after a mere few steps. 

      â€śWho-? How-?” 

      The seafolk laughed softly, crossing their arms as they leaned forward slightly to talk down to her. 

      â€śCall me Naizen, Miss Edis. And I heard you talking with Miss Rowanoak earlier. You weren’t exactly in a private place. I’m just surprised to see the future head of the family business in such a state in the middle of the street.” 

      What an ass… 

      Still, Antigone forced a warm smile and a soft chuckle. 

     â€śWell, Naizen, if I may say, it’s particularly rude to listen in on people’s conversations, even in public. … Besides, I’m sure it would please some people to see less dress, even on a woman like me.” 

      â€śNot the people you’re seeking to please,” Naizen tutted softly, fiddling with their long, golden braid as they looked the now half-dressed young woman up and down. “... But I can help you put yourself back together tonight if you like…” 

     â€śAt what price?” 

      It was Naizen’s turn to look momentarily surprised, but it didn’t last as a sly smirk crossed their face. 

     â€śYou’re as sharp as they say… But if it helps, I’m not looking for money. I have other hankerings,” they explained, motioning for Antigone to follow as they turned off towards a darkened back street. “Mainly for… information.” 

      â€śInformation?” She followed after them, silver eyes narrowing, flickering in the dark as she quickly grabbed another stone, just in case. “What kind of information?” 

      â€śGossip, mainly. I ah… I have a certain craving for the dramatic. Especially among the city’s elite.”

      Immediately, Antigone inhaled to decline; after all, Avea was the one who knew all of the city’s juiciest gossip. But, as if they knew her mind, they held up a finger, wagging it patiently. 

      â€śNo no… the diplomat’s daughter is altogether too well known, both in face and in name. You, Miss Edis, are more… well, you’re a known troublemaker, certainly - ah ah ah! I’m merely saying what I’ve been told -” they interjected, smiling at Antigone’s narrow-eyed frown, “ - but you also seem to have developed a distinct sense for keeping your mouth shut. People talk around you more than they talk about you.. And the advantages of having a summon that can be practically invisible, with such keen hearing only adds to your-” 


      â€śYes, Miss Edis?” The seafolk continued walking, though Antigone could have sworn that she saw the flicker of their golden eyes glancing back at her from over their shoulder.

      â€ś... Jason’s abilities have only ever been directly tested when I was first enrolled in the finishing school. Those records are sealed, save for the staff, myself, and my guardians. There’s no way you-” 

      â€śAh! We’re here!” Naizen chirped, cutting her off as he took a step back and put an arm around her shoulders, dragging her into the light of a brightly-colored vendor’s tent. “... This may take a while, but don’t worry, you’re already covered this time. Just consider my offer, alright? I can do far more for you than a simple dress, darling.” 

      â€śI- what? But I-” 

      â€śJust consider it, Antigone.” 

      Antigone squealed as she was quickly snatched away from Naizen, a strong arm on either side of her lifting her off of her feet, one wrapped around her arm, the other around her waist. In a blur, she was placed on a small turntable and spun slowly around, two pairs of dark, glittering eyes staring back at her. A pair of half-snake humanoids of some kind, their coils wove around each other in perfect synch as they looked her over. 

      â€śHow unfortunate! It’s worse than we thought!” 

      â€śIt could damage your skin! Quickly dear! We wouldn’t want you to come out of tonight any less beautiful than you already are!” 

      While she was certain they made introductions, she couldn’t tell, as they both started chattering quickly to one another in a language she didn’t understand, pulling her eagerly behind a curtain as they simply ripped off the remains of the disintegrating dress and provided her with a robe to wear. 

      Finally given a moment to breathe as they prepared what appeared to be some kind of bath, she peeked out from behind the curtain, only to see that Naizen had vanished in the chaos. That cheeky smile… they seemed charming, disarming, and generally well-acquainted with the art of the deal - that is to give just enough information to offer the hook to your target… Just enough for them to start asking questions of their own and swallow it of their own free will. She sighed, putting her head in her hands.

      What an ass!

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