Champions of the Summer Rose: An Aldean's Adventure: Chapter Two: Tiatris Ven

Chapter 2: Chapter Two: Tiatris Ven

      The air buzzed with a thrum of excitement. The portal opening just outside of Aldis drew a great litany of guests, while also driving the most adventurous of the nation out into the wilds beyond the shimmering, undulating veil; into that so-called ‘Paperverse’. 

      Antigone leaned on her window frame, watching the trickle of people come and go through the mysterious, flickering spires, silver eyes placid, even though every inclination in her body was to throw a bag together and make a run for it. There was so much to see! Worlds completely untapped by any Aldean where she could learn and experience and just… finally get away. 

      “The tournament is sure to attract someone you can deal with, so please detach yourself from Miss Rowanoak for one night. As much as I wouldn’t mind seeing you two bonded in marriage, I know full well her mother would be hard to- Face me, will you? And stand up straight. This slouching you’ve been doing is hardly becoming, and you don’t need to get any shorter.” 

      With a soft sigh, she turned to look up at the severe face of her grandmother, whose mouth seemed to draw into a perpetually sour pucker - an illusion amplified by the sharpness of her cheeks and the flintiness of her eyes. The enchanting business was a hard job, and several decades of bartering and workmanship had pulled any softness out of her, thought Antigone wasn’t sure there was ever any softness in her to begin with.

      The elderly woman nodded, holding up one dress, then another, before sighing and shaking her head. 

      “So awkwardly shaped… A prosthetic arm would really help, but I suppose if you really don’t want one, we’ll just have to keep tying up sleeves.”

      “Can’t have that stump hanging out for everyone to see, now can we?” Antigone murmured, eliciting a sharp gaze from her grandma, only for it to roll right off her psyche. 

      In turn, the elderly Mrs. Edis clucked her tongue and went back to sorting. 

      “You know if you weren’t so stubborn, your life would be much easier.” 

      “And if you let my mother and father be together, then everyone would be happi-augh!” 

      Her mutter turned into a strangled yell as a strong, sinewy hand plunged into her thick curls and grabbed a massive fistful, dragging Antigone onto her toes. Jason, responding to her pain, flickered into existence just as the old bat conjured her own summon, the brilliant, shining peacock fanning its tail and locking the hagfish out of an isolatory bubble.

      “I am sick of this attitude of yours,” she hissed into Antigone’s ear as the hagfish swam around outside the bubble, pounding on it, unable to help. “But… your grandfather and I have been talking… and we have an offer for you.” 


      “So now she’s saying that if I can find someone they approve of to marry, they’ll let my mother go so she and dad can be together again.” 

      “What happens to you, then?” 

      Antigone slowly shook her head, and Avea’s ears drooped. Even amidst the celebration and the crushing throng swarming the streets of Alids, it was hard to feel anything but cold. 

      “... At least you wouldn’t be alone…?” the vata asked, her soft, seafoam eyes flicking around as she attempted to find even the smallest silver lining. After all, she’d known Antigone for years, and getting her parents away from her grandparents’ control would be a dream come true. They probably didn’t imagine that she would sacrifice her own freedom and independence for it, which is why they made such a ridiculous offer. However, by the setting of her jaw, and the way she was fidgeting with her skirt, Avea knew she was sincerely considering it. 

      “... B-besides! You don’t have to do it right now,” she backtracked. “You have plenty of time, so why not enjoy the night?” 


      Antigone rolled her eyes slightly as Avea whirled around with a sparkle in her eyes, silky hair floating in a brilliant halo for a moment as she greeted her boyfriend, Josif Neptune. 

      Having met him through Avea, Antigone found herself distrustful of the film star. Even with her friend promising that he wasn’t just playing with her emotions, she couldn’t bring herself to embrace the idea that he was being genuine. Who knew, though? Perhaps he really did love her - blegh… the thought gave her nausea - but, if he broke her heart… 

      Josif waved to Avea, and she turned back to Antigone, giving her a hug before rushing off. 

      “Just don’t rush, okay? No matter what you decide!” 

      And with that, she and the film star disappeared into the crowd, leaving Antigone to fend for herself. 

      She huffed, then turned, not bothering to try and follow them. Even if she didn’t like the man, he made Avea happy, and she deserved that much. In the meantime, she’d make her way to the tournament stage. Maybe, if she kept her eyes open, something would just… hit her. 

      With a heavy sigh, she spun on her heel and face planted straight into someone’s ribs. 

      “Oh! I’m so sorry sir!” she apologized profusely, taking a step back to gauge the reaction of her unintentional victim. “I didn’t mean to-” 

      … Oh… That was definitely not a ‘sir’, to speak of. For all of her muscle, extensive height, and strong jaw, there were definitely some telling features Antigone was surprised she didn’t feel pressing on the top of her head during their run-in. Cripe… 

      “Ma’am… I mean… I’m so sorry, I’m in a bit of a tizzy tonight. Are you… looking for something?” 

      The vata’s stormy blue eyes looked her up and down, without a hint of malice. She didn’t seem upset; quite the opposite, really. The calm rolled off of the woman in waves, reminding Antigone a bit of the finishing school’s etiquette tutor; the kind of person who gave the same look whether she was praising or punishing her students. 

      This flat, even demeanor, made it even more confusing when the woman got down on one knee, keeping her voice low and calm. 

      “What are you doing out here by yourself? Where are your parents? I can take you to them,” she offered, holding out her hand. 

       Oddly, while the deep tenor of her voice felt soothing, Antigone felt an odd strain in it… either like someone who damaged their voice while raising it some time ago, or like someone who barely talked at all. She pondered what this could mean for a moment, before shaking it off and mentally addressing what the vata actually said. 

      “I- oh!”Antigone chirped, trying not to laugh. “I’m not a child, miss. Please stand. You-!” 

      She gasped as her new acquaintance hopped to her feet without a shred of awkwardness, as if she hadn’t literally just been on the ground, the only visible differences being the dusty prints on her pant legs, and her upper lip disappearing as her mouth drew a bit tighter. 

      “I’m looking for the tournament grounds.” 

      The sudden redirection of the conversation left Antigone a bit baffled before she remembered that she had, in fact, asked if she was looking for something. Plus, it made the woman’s build, mannerisms, and movement make more sense. Of course a warrior would want to see the tournament! Maybe she was even participating. So she nodded towards the noise and lights from the return of the Traveling Court. 

      “They set up multiple temporary stages. Are you looking to participate or watch?” she asked, motioning for the stranger to follow her. 


      The woman’s short, crisp speech only reinforced Antigone’s assumption about her being a fighter of some sort, and she walked with a practiced, measured gate, keeping almost exactly a pace and a half behind her guide as the awkward girl lead the vata towards the city’s center. 

      “Well, miss… if you’re looking to get into the ring, I believe they’re taking people until sunrise, so you may be able to do both… Though if you sign on too late, you may have to do a single-person performance rather than participate in the tournament bracket since they like to keep the audience engaged while they prepare for the next bout. … Oh…” she paused, eyes widening as she realized how long her rambling had gone without any input from the person following her. “You probably already knew that… I do apologize.” 

      “... The city did a number on you.” 

      Antigone froze in her tracks, a couple of people nearly running into her at her abrupt halt. She slowly turned and shot the pale woman a questioning look. 

      “You sound like a caricature of a noble… like someone who is trying to fit in in a place they don’t belong.

      "Do not misunderstand… You’re good at whatever this facade is, but it’s not natural in your skin,” she explained, calm eyes warmed with a tinge of something like sympathy as she walked up alongside Antigone, clapped her shoulder, and then kept going, her measured step easily lengthening as she took full strides. 

      “... W-wait! Miss, I was supposed to take you!” Antigone protested, moving to follow, but separated as a fresh stream of people moved between them, pushing her back.

      “... Tiatris,” she called back, pausing and turning to look at the girl with the first hint of a smile on her face. “My name is Tiatris. Don’t worry. I’ll find my way from here. You have more important things to find, don’t you?”

      As the warrior turned to walk away, a shiver ran through the young Miss Edis. Being read like an open book was not a common occurrence for her, so she wondered how much this Tiatris had actually figured out about her just by watching and listening. 

      “... Please call me Antigone!” she called after her. “It was a pleasure to meet you, Miss Tiatris! … Stay safe tonight!” 

      With a casual wave over her shoulder, the vata wandered off and melted into the crowd, leaving Antigone alone again. … But maybe it wouldn’t hurt to go see the tournament after all.


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  • Jul 3, 2024, 7:51:22 PM UTC
    Well now! This sounds promising. I was going to include Tiatris in a story of my own, but I think I would rather watch your version play out.
    • Jul 4, 2024, 12:12:01 AM UTC
      Oh! Go ahead and write her! >w< After all, all of these canons are separate.
  • Jul 1, 2024, 3:39:46 PM UTC
    Now I need to know how she lost her arm!