What Am I Supposed to Be?: Slime Fight

Published Jun 22, 2024, 3:17:22 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 22, 2024, 3:17:22 PM | Total Chapters 10

Story Summary

System Error 123, or Systor Ontworee, awoke in the guild suddenly one day. They don't know who they are or what they are supposed to do. With no other choice, they set out into the Paperverse to look for clues

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Chapter 2: Slime Fight

Systor looked at the small slime creature, unsure what to do. This little green gelatinous blob was all that stood in the way of the grey and blue protogen and being able to explore the Paperverse. According to the readout on the blue visor, it wouldn’t take much to defeat this enemy. Was Systor originally built for battle? If so, did they have weapon systems lost in the portal network? 


“I don’t suppose you would just surrender and tell Martus I beat you would you,” Systor asked the slime as their large blue ears dropped low on the protogen’s head. No answer came from the gelatinous being as it sat on the ground and jiggled a bit. “Yeah, I didn’t think that would work either.”


System Error 123 ran number after number, trying to figure out how to beat the slime. They were worried that hitting it with a punch or kick would ooze into their cybernetics, causing dangerous system errors. Detaching their large fluffy tail to beat the slime with it was an option, but something about uncoupling a body part like that felt a bit unsettling. A few calculations led to corrupted or missing files that may have been battle tactics at some point. These calculations and Systor’s current mindset were causing their liquid-cooled machine parts to heat up to dangerous levels. Steam venting warnings flashed across the visor, and as the grey and blue protogen was about to open to ports to release the evaporated water, an idea hit them.


“I’m sorry, but this might burn quite a bit,” Systor apologized to the slime as they dug their silver claws into the ground to brace themself. 


They usually opened many ports to vent the steam at a safe pressure. This time, however, they only opened the dozen over the red middle piece of their chest armor over the now magical water tank. Dangerous pressure warnings bloomed across the visor as a high-pressure jet of water steam fired from the protogen. The green slime melted from the heat as it was bisected.


“I guess that’s one way to use the magical water in my tank,” Systor sighed as they closed their ports and the heat warnings faded. As they walked away, the protogen couldn’t help but wonder if that was a tactic they used before they lost access to their memories. “Probably wasn’t as useful before.”

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