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System Error 123 #pd5114

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Character data
Date addedMay 23, 2024, 10:14:17 AM
Date last editedJun 25, 2024, 7:19:03 PM
Owner penguinparty
Designer URL

Character Full Name: System Error 123

Character Age: Unknown

Character Species: Protogen

Hair color: Primarily grey with light blue accenting and white underbelly

Eye color: Black Pixel 

Gender Identity: Agender

Pronouns: They/Them

Relationship Status: None

Height: 5’7”


System Error 123, or as they have redubbed themself, Systor Ontworee is a protogen from a home and a time they can’t remember. Their creator, along with their lab, was sucked into a portal while the protogen was sleeping in a stasis pod. Systor wasn’t aware of what had happened with a low battery when they awoke. Seven hundred and eighty-four files were corrupted or missing, including the ones that contained their name, creator’s name, home, and purpose. Their few vague organic memories provided little help. Now, in the Paperverse, Systor must try to track down clues to reclaim their past and maybe find a new home.


Systor protogen who is primarily covered in grey fur along its back and tail. Its fingers, toes, and ears are light blue, and the same color forms a divide along its body from its primarily white front. Their chest, leg armor, and the metal on their visor are matte black with red lights. The visor itself is the same light blue as the fur accents. It can display faces, symbols, and numbers as needed. A hidden refrigerated compartment on their legs holds their nutrient boosters, with a different hatch holding an emergency charging cable. Finger and toe claws are made of a silvery metal.


Access Denied: With most of their brain cyberized, they are immune to mental attacks.

Visor Vision: Systor can see in normal vision along with Ultraviolet, Infrared, and X-Ray. It provides a limited HUD that monitors battery, nutrient levels, and 360-degree radar. Also has a built-in cell phone.

Can Do Math: Between the popup calculator on their visor and computer parts, they can make the most complicated math look like grade school homework.

Tank is Never Empty: Their newfound water magic powers keep their liquid cooling system full at all times.

Steam Vent: When Systor gets too excited or is too active, its cybernetic components heat up, turning their liquid cooling into steam that needs to be vented. The protogen’s metal parts are covered in tiny vents to release the pressure. By controlling which ports open, Systor can weaponize high-pressure steam.

Semi-Waterproof: When submerged in water, Systor’s armor seals mostly airtight, and a type of gill system can filter oxygen from water for a short time.



Visor: Provides Visor Vision along with a pseudo face. Using black pixels, Systor can form a face on the blue screen, along with symbols and numbers.”

Metal Armor Body: The matte black metal armor that covers the protogen’s chest, waist, and legs provide protection for their more sensitive organic parts. Red lights provide a way for people to monitor Systor’s health from the outside, as when they dim, it isn’t a good sign.

Support Gauntlets: Black metal flows from under their skin to coat Systor’s hands in these gloves. The gauntlets increase the protogen’s strength tenfold and allow steam to vent through them. A medical mist can be emitted from the black metal gloves to heal minor wounds quickly.

Jet Boosters: Twin jet pack boosters fold out from the back of System Error 123’s chest armor to provide jump assistance and flight. For short bursts, the jets pull in moisture from the air and then separate the oxygen from the hydrogen to ignite the engines. If a longer boost is needed or they are in a dry climate, Systor can draw water from their water cooling system to supply the needed oxygen for the reaction.

Temperature Controls: With their advanced heatsinks and thermal controls repaired, System Error 123 can perfectly control its internal temperature. By raising or lowering their system heat, the protogen can vent water and ice in addition to steam from their metal parts.

Energy Blades: These twin blue wrist blades are each made of four pieces of hard light energy. In default mode, they are a foot and a half long on each arm. One can be retracted to lengthen the other up to three feet long. As the blade lengthens, it turns red, and the four hard light pieces start to separate into more of a claw weapon. With the weapons came a whole slew of tactical combat data and fighting styles.

Brown Cloak: This brown linen cloak is more of a comfort item to Systor than anything else. It is water-proof and blessed by the earth goddess Amell from Aridin. As such it also provides protection from detection and magical attacks.


Recovered Memories

Their armor was originally silver with blue lights (maybe false)

Wanted to be fully converted to protogen (maybe false)

Creator’s name is Dr. Mal, a female cross-fox

Was used as spare organic parts for their twin

Name may have been Gamma

Fought in a war against an evil AI (false)

Their support role in the war was as an assassin

They were built to kill

Was tricked into killing their own kind by having their vision drivers display a false reality


  • 71
    Ability Points
  • 3
  • Steamroller Talisman Ability


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