Cameron in the Paperverse: Practice Battle: Earth Sense and the Universal Language

Published Mar 19, 2024, 12:13:41 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 19, 2024, 12:13:41 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

One very rainy, uncomfortable night, Cameron closed his eyes and fell asleep in a big, smelly city somewhere on a planet called Earth. He'd done this many times before, but on this one fateful day, he woke somewhere new: the Paperverse. Now he's on the adventure of a lifetime, perfectly content to wander through portals, learn lore and customs, and fight impossible fantasy creatures side by side with his new friends.


I plan on this "book" to remain rather wholesome in nature. While there may eventually be some mild fantasy violence, Cameron is a rather peaceful soul. As a note, Cam is an LGBTQ+ character, and I'm an LGBTQ+ writer. I may eventually create another story file with slightly more mature content, but I'll make sure to tag that carefully. Please feel free to draw, write, or duocast/tricast with Cameron. I ask that you not use him in NSFW content without contacting me first, but he's always up for SFW hijinks and friendship. See ya round the 'verse!

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Chapter 1: Practice Battle: Earth Sense and the Universal Language

I felt the thing first, heard it second, and then finally saw it: a jiggling, wobbling green slime. I sucked in my breath and ducked behind a tree. 


Then I poked fun at myself. Running from a gelatin mold? Typical. I’d never been a fan of artificial lime flavoring, I reasoned.


But I was struck by something then. A thought - not the slime. How had I… felt it? How did I know there was something nearby before I even heard it slurping and slorping along its merry way? The longer I remained in this place, the more I could see without seeing. As long as my feet were on the ground, I could sense with more than just my eyes and ears. The ability seemed further amplified out here in the wilds between towns and cities. 


I heard a soft ‘slurp, slurp’ moving in my direction. I peered around the tree, and the slime was bobbing excitedly a few feet away.


“Heyyyy buddy,” I ventured. “You’re, uh, kind of a little earth-spirit dude, huh?”


Slorrrrp. Slorp.


“Okay? Well, I’m kind of earth-oriented, I guess. So how about we come to an understanding?” I dipped a hand into my pocket and fished out the gummy rice candy I’d bought from the last traveling merchant I’d passed. I tossed a few pieces at the slime. The candy landed squarely on its dome-like apex and then sank into the membrane.


Slorp, slorp! It bounced twice and then settled.


“Pretty good, right?” I watched as the candy pieces sizzled away deep inside the slime and decided that counted as a ‘yes’. “Sooo… mind if I pass by?”


The slime bobbed once or twice again and then oozed off in the opposite direction. I smiled as I watched it go.

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  • Mar 2, 2024, 5:13:41 AM UTC
    Aw I love this very wholesome interaction with the slime and the discovery of earth sensing powers <3 Very nice descriptions too, it's like ASMR but through reading hehe ^-^