FoL Ep 2:Spring Break down: Part 6:Midnight Promise

Published Jan 25, 2012, 9:43:03 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 5, 2012, 7:39:33 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

Fairly Odd Life ep 1:Spring Breakdown My story picks up after Foop it born. Timmy and Anti-Cosmo spend spring break together, and soon realize what they mean to each other. Rated M for for violence and talk of suicide.Please R&R Please read Stolen Moment first.

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Chapter 6: Part 6:Midnight Promise

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER!

Part 6:Midnight Promise

*Timmy’s POV*

I woke up in my room in the Castle. "Mom must have brought me to bed." I think to myself. I turn to see Terry sleeping soundly in a bed next to mine. I let out a low sigh of relief. as I get out of bed. "I can't believe they wanted to hurt you." I whisper to him. I kiss him softly on the  forehead. I start to get back in bed when I feel my stomach growl .So I decide to make my way to the kitchen Instead. On my way I peek in on mom and dad. "Is some thing wrong Timmy." Dad asks. I didn't think he would still be awake."Nah,I'm just going for a snack." I tell him. "Oh,Ok."He Replies back. "Night Timmy." "Night dad." I call and continues down the hall.

I stop by the nursery and check in on Poof. Sure enough he was sleeping soundly in his crib snuggled up against Foop. I smile at the sight. "Cute ain't they?" I here a voice behind me remark. I turn to see momma smiling at me. "Yeah,they really are."I reply. I walk over to her and hug here tightly.She hugs me back,just as tight "How come you up babeh?" She asks stoking my hair. "I got the munchies." I reply."How  about you?" She takes my hand and we walk to the guest room. "I'm just come from the bathroom,and decided to peek in on da youngins."  How come you didn't use the one in the guest room?"I ask. "You dark daddy always take forever in dare." She chuckled. I chuckle as well.

"I heard that."Father Huffs. I peek in the room to see him sitting on the bed reading a really. . .  thick book. Man,is that what he calls light reading? "Timothy,What are you doing up at this hour?" Father asks. "Getting a snack."I tell him. He nods. "As much magic you use,it's not surprising that it's leave you a bit peckish."He remarks. "Speaking of which,when Am I going to learn more about that? I ask. "Father smiles. "In the moring son."He replies.  My heart heart flutter at him calling me son. Momma crawls into bed with him. "Dang it Cozzie,we all know your smart." She huffs, "So put that Freakishly huge book away,an go ta sleep." It's Not that big." Father huffs back. "It wouldn't hurt for you to pick up one once and awhile.

That comment earns him a dark glare from Momma.I never seen them fight. This should be good. "Care ta say that again boy?" Momma almost growls. "No thank my . . Dark rose."Father replies."In fact I'm applaud I even uttered it the first time." "Ya ain't the only one." Momma huffs,still glaring at him.father blows out a sigh. "Ok I admit it.I was a out right ass for saying it,and I'm sorry." Father says to my surprise. I never Expected to apologize so quickly,or at all in fact. I thought he said what ever he wanted to her,and she just took it. Then again,isn't that what mom does? "Please forgive me love."I hear him say.

Momma smiles at him. "I furgive ya Cozzie." She says hugging him. "I jus don like bein talk to like that." "I know my dear."Father says."I'll take pains not to let such boorish speech happen again." "Daw,Cozzie your so sweet." Momma Chirps. "I lean against the door and smile. "They really are a cute couple." I think to myself. The door move suddenly and I fall to the floor. "Ooow." I moan as i hear a antipoof next to me. "Timothy,Are you alright." Father asks Helping me up."Yeah,I'm ok." "Mah gosh,I forgot you were dare." Momma gasps. "I'm sorry you had ta hear us fussin like that." "Quite right my boy,"Father agrees. "I hope it didn't upset you."

"Nah,it's cool." I tell them."I think it's nice how you to can talk thing out like that." "You sound surprised."Father remarks. "I am Kind."I admit. "Whether it's the Turners or Mom and dad. Arguments usually end up in a shouting match before it get better."Father and I sit on the bed.I lean against him. "I'm sorry to hear that." Father remarks."shouting match or no,it's still not proper to fight before you child." I let out a chuckle. Father look a me puzzled. "What's so funny?" He ask. "You."I reply." What about me?" He asks.  I chuckle again. "You such a dad."I reply earning a even o puzzled look from father.

I can't help but laugh momma does as well. "You get,don't you momma." I ask her."Yup." She replies still giggling." Mind filling me in on the humor."Huffs father. "I'll leave that to momma,night father." I remark kissing his cheek." "Yes,Good night my boy."Father replies,still giving me a puzzled look. "Night night momma."I call to her." "Night night babeh." She calls back.I get up and head out the room." Well?"Father asks. "Night bebeh."Momma tells him.As I turn to close the door I see her kiss his cheek. "Damn it woman,I want answers."He huffs asmomma turn out the light. "Tough go ta sleep." She yawn. " Humph." He huffs. "Nighty night babeh."She call again. Father let out a sigh." Night my love."He concedes.

I laugh to myself. It was kinda a odd thing to say,but it was what I was thinking.It was one of the things he had in common with dad. They were both so dad like. Like they where born to be fathers. Like mom and momma were natural born mothers. I wonder if I'd make a good dad. I'm so busy thinking i don't notice Thomson till I bump into him. I almost knock the poor guy into the door. "Sorry about that." I stammer out."I didn't see you there." "It's cool." He replies. "I wasn't watching where I was going ether." "are you sure your ok?" I ask.

I mean being knocked like that had to hurt. Not to mention he was short,even for a pixie. "Yeah, it's all good." He replies." Your turner right,?"  "Um,yeah." I reply."Why does it feel so odd to be called that. I mean it is my last name. "Are you ok?" Thompson asks. You look a bit pale." I nod. "yeah,Hey Thompson,I know we just met but. . " I pause and wonder is it was even right for my to asks. "But?" Thompson urges me to continue."Can you call me Ti,it's my middle name."I asks softly."If it makes you to uncomfortable,I understand."

Thompson lay a hand on my shoulder."It's cool with me." He says. I give him a grateful smile."You can even call me Eugene."He adds smiling back. "Thanks Eugene." I reply hugging him. "No prob."Eugene says. I let him go and for a moment we just stand there smiling at each other.It's funny,no that I have a chance to look at him,he looked a lot like a doll. The though makes me chuckle. "What's so funny? He asks."Have anyone ever told you looked like a doll?" I answer his questions with on of my own." He looks at me puzzled. "Um..No." He replies."Why,do I?" I nod,"One of those Antique ones."I tell him. "The kind that cost bucket of money."
Eugene looks at me stunned,then laughs. "Your a funny kid Ti." He laughs. I laugh too."Hey,what are you doing up?" He asks. "getting a snack." I reply."You." On my way to the john."he says."Isn't there one in the guest room." He looks at me puzzled."I dunno is there?" He asks." We head back to his room. There should be." I tell him. I the bedrooms have them.didn't they tell you?" Eugene just shrugs." They might have." He says." I was so tired earlier I was just concentrating on not flying into a wall." I chuckle. Have that ever really happened?" I asks.

"To be honest."He sighs "More time then I care to admit" We both laugh.""It's through that door." I tell him pointing to the door just past the bed. I thought that was I closet." He remarks. "Nah,that's the closet." I reply pointing to the door at the opposite end of the wall." Wow."Eugene remarks. I didn't even notice that one Man,I must be tired." "well I'm better go before I die of hunger." I tell him. "Ok,Night Ti." He call after me. "Night Eugene."I call back.  When I finally get to the kitchen, I’m surprised to see Sanderson there. Then again,I've bumped into everyone else,why not him.“Hi,Sanderson.” I call to him. He turns to me and smile. I don’t know why,but my heart flutters. “Hey,what are you doing up?” He ask pulling out a chair for me.

 â€śI got the munchies.” I mutter shyly. Why do I feel so shy. “That’s cool.” he remarks pushing in my chair. “what can I get you?” He asks. All this time,I never thought about what I wanted to snack on. "I’ll have what your having.” I say with a shrug. He  chuckles. “What?” I ask,a bit puzzled. So this is what it's like to be on the other end of that. " I afraid your to young to smoke and drink brandy.” My eyes widen “You smoke?” I ask. He laughs at my reaction. “From Time to time.” He chuckle. “Why did I react that way.” I think to myself,Cursing myself for being so childish. He notice my reaction. “If it upsets you,I don’t need to smoke right now.” He says softly. I look at the ash tray. “You can’t get sick from smoking,Right?” I asks shyly,feeling a bit panicked.

“No.” He replies. “Pixie cigarettes is pure tobacco,with none of the deadly chemicals humans put in theirs. It won’t hurt me.” I breath A sigh of relief. “Good.” I whisper. I don’t know why I whispered,but I did.I peek up at him and notice him smiling at me. I quickly turn away. My heart felt like it was going to pop out. A bowl of chips ping in front of me. “How about that snack?” He suggests. I look at him and smile. We share the bowl in silence. It felt nice,just being with him. “Can I call you Ti?” he ask,out the blue. I look at him, he’s looking down,blushing? “Sure,of course you can.” I tell him, not able to hide the joy in my voice.

*End Of Timmy’s POV*

*Sanderson’s POV*

I feel my heart do flips.I can't believe he said yes, and so easily. “Can,I Call you Eddie?” I hear him ask. “I’d be honored if you did.” I tell him. “Thanks Eddie.” He says giving my a hug. “I hug him back,and it felt wonderful.  I suddenly feel as though a vice painfully clamped down on my heart,and was getting ever tighter. Why was is suddenly hard to breath. I know I don't need to, But it felt as though my lung were being crushed as well. I hold him tight,as it hits me,I almost lost him. Jorgan was about rip him from all of us. Can I stand loosing him? Would I be able to live without him,knowing I'll never look upon him again? Could I ever say goodbye?  “Eddie? Are you Okay?”I hear him ask. I realize I’m was shaking. I look down into his gentle eyes. He looked up at me with concern. "Damn it,Why do you care?" I think to myself. "about me of all people."  “No.” I barely manage to say. It’s been ages since I’ve been pushed so close to crying. “What’s wrong Eddie?”  He asks, softly.

“I almost lost you.” I whimper. As I struggle to keep tears at bay. “But He’s not mine,is he?” I think to myself. "He'll never be mine,right?" Some reason those thoughts feels like salt on a raw wounds. I realize he was silent.I look at him,He wasn't looking at me anymore. “Would it matter?” He asks.Words fail,as I could only stare at him utterly shocked.  He doesn’t look at me. There’s a unspoken sadness in his eye that chills me deeply, and sends a icy blade through my heart. Why does that look scare me so? "Why does it hurt so much to see it. Yes,it would.” I state firmly. Tears fall from his eyes. “Why?" He asks. "Why would someone like me,Matter to someone like you?"

 I look at him puzzled, And more then a little worried." I don't understand.." I tell him. "What's that supposed to mean." Oh come on Eddie. It's no secret you the VIP of pixie world. "He says. "Why would you care about a little nothing like me?" Why did I care. From the moment we met,we have been enemies,right? Yet he still cared enough to worry about me,something I still can't quite understand. He even took care of me,why?"  "Because you love him stupid." The voices in my head remarked. "From the moment you laid eyes on him." For once the voices were right. I pull him closer. My poor little angel was shaking. "I don't care how important you think I am.Or what any on has told you about your importance." I tell him. "You matter damn it.You Matter to me,a lot."

I feel him grip my blazer. "I'm sorry Eddie,I'm so so sorry." He sobbed. He buried his face into my chest."What does he have to be sorry about?"I think to my shelf. I eerie breeze waif through the kitchen,sending chills up my spin. I don’t know why I dread what I was about to ask,but I do. With all my heart  and soul I do. “Why are you sorry,Ti?”I asked,I immediately regret it “I almost died.” He sobbed. He was violently shaking now. “Ti,We wouldn’t have let it get that far.” I stammer out. “I promise you.”

*End of Sanderson’s POV*

*Timmy’s POV*

I’m not sure why I was telling him, But I wanted to tell him. I needed to tell him,But Would he hate me for it? “You don’t understand Eddie?” I sobbed “I’m not talking about tonight.” I felt him shake,I was shaking too. “Ti? What are you talking about?” He ask his voice shaking.  “Before I helped Father.” I began. “I wasn't out on a nature hike,I was going to...” My voice failed. The  word seemed to be stuck in my throat,Almost choking me.“Ti? Please,don’t tell me.” I heard him say.“I almost killed myself Eddie.” I found the courage to say. "I almos killed myself." I froze,waited for him to push me away. To tell me he was disgusted in me. To tell my I was a freak, and that he hated me. For to shove me off him and ping out the room. Leaving me alone. My mind began to panic as these thought and more raced through. Why did I tell him that. I ruined everything. Why was I always screwing up? My gods,What was I thinking.

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Sanderson’s POV*

My heart stopped dead, I couldn’t believe my ears. He was always full of life,always happy, always confident. Then again confidence was a far cry from happiness. I should know personally. I pull my boy close. “Do you know Pixies can’t cry?” I asks,knowing the answer. “You can’t?” He asked looking up at me with curious eyes. “No,not unless we’re deeply hurt and profoundly happy.” I explain. “Really?” he asks. “Ask Havoc of you don’t believe me.”I reply

“I believe you.” He tells me. “But..” His voice trails off. “Why did I bring up that little fact?” I ask leaning close to him. I could feel his breath on my cheek. “Because I care,about you.” I whisper in His ear. “ And your death would hurt me so deeply,I would drown in a sea of my own tears.” I tell him. Magic give way,I turn back to my normal pixie size. "That is,If I don't die of a broken heart first."As I spoke I felt my tear fall. I feel his Arms around me, as he pulls me onto his lap.I lye trembling in his arms.

“Why”I ask. I needed to know."why would you do such a thing? “Couldn’t bare the thought of dying Alone.” He sobbed. “I couldn’t bare knowing I would forget you.” I sit up in his lap,unable to fathom his words.“Timmy, What am I to you?”I ask him. I finally asked the question that has hunted me day and night for months. I’m both relived to to have asked it,and terrified of the answer.” “I love you Tommy.” He whispers to me. “I’m sorry, I don’t mean to make you uncomfortable but...” I stop him. Without thinking I kissed him. I back away surprise at what I have done.

He pulls me close and kisses me back. I feel my heart takes flight. Is this what it feels like to be in love? What this what it was like to be loved back?  I lean into his kiss hungry for more. I lick at his lips,he allows me entry. I explore the sweet,oasis of his mouth. I savory it’s taste, Never in my life have I tasted anything so exquisite.Never before I felt so great a need. My hands stray up his shirt and cress his chest. His skin was soft to touch.His dance up mine.I almost gasps as his gentle loving hand graze the base of my wings. My wings fluttered with delight. My head began to spin,as reason gave way to the pleasures of the moment.

 He pulls away,far too soon for my liking. Have I done something wrong? Was I moving to fast?Before I ask why I hear the reason. Footsteps,coming closer. Soon a sleepy Terry stumbles in. He doesn’t look at use. Instead he make a bee line for the fridge. He takes out a carton of milk and downs the contents. He toss the container in the trash,And grabs another Carton from the fridge before, close the fridge. He grabs a bag of chip from the pantry. “As you were.” He shouts back at us as he stumbles back out the kitchen. We wait till his foot stops fade. I feel him kiss my cheek.  
I snuggle in his arms. He holds me for a while longer. “Promise me, You’ll live.” I plead to him “ You’ll live,no matter what.” “I already promised father that.”He sighs out.“Then you can make the same promise to me.” I counter. "He look at me wordlessly. "Please Timmy." I plead again." Promise me."  “Ok,Tommy.” He say’s holding me tighter. “I promise,I’ll live.” I look him in the eyes. “I’ll make you a promise as well.” I tell him. Then I do what was forbidden to pixies except for the head pixie. I take off my shades and look him in the eyes.  He’s eyes were more beautiful then I could ever imagine.

*End of Sanderson POV*

*Timmy’s POV*

I let gasp Tommy’s eye’s were gorgeous. Not even Trixies eye’s could compare to his. My  heart went crazy. I've always felt them when they were on me,but to see them. They were more amazing the I ever dreamed they could be. “You don’t have to.” I stammer,suddenly breathless. “Yes I do,And I will.” I hear a ping and He’s adult sized and I was being held tightly in his arms. I tilt my gaze upward to meet his.“I promise you Timmy,He says “That with all that I am and all that I ever will be,I will fight for you. And vow to you on  this night,On my very life, I’ll never let you go.” I feel tear run down my cheek.

I throw my arm around his neck. Those were the words I’ve been dying to hear. Not just from anybody,but from him. I feel his arm tighten around me. “Here’s Another Pixie fact. He whispers in my ear. “Other then the Head Pixie, pixies are forbidden to show there eyes to non-pixies. Even then,We can only show them to our mates. “ My heart freezes. “Why did you show me yours?” I ask,as He knew I would. “Because,my shade only let me see in shades of grey “ He explains “And I desperately wanted to see yours.And your just that special to me.” I feel my self blush as I let out a sigh. I feel fatigue slip over me again. as I snuggle in his arms. A yawn escapes me. “Sleepy?” He asks.

“Yeah,I should head to bed.” I admit though I didn’t want to leave his arms. They were so comfy, so inviting, So very perfect. “Carry me to bed.” I moan, half joking. “ok.” he agrees,much to my delight. He put’s his shades back on and stands. I snuggle in his arms and breath out a content sigh. "Thanks Tommy." I yawn to him. "My pleasure Timmy." He replies.
I close my eyes and drift happily to sleep,in my beloved pixies arms.

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Sanderson’s POV*

I lay him on his bed. Terry had already fallen back asleep. My Timmy had fallen asleep as I carried him up the stairs. I don’t know why I agreed to do it. Scratch that,yes I do. I wasn’t ready to let him go. I run a hand through his hair, before bringing it down to caress his cheek. His lips were parted showing off his cute buckteeth. “Damn,what was it about those things that were so damn sexy.” I thought to myself,fighting off the urge to kiss him again. How was it even possible for one human boy to be so damn gorgeous. Ah who cares,this gorgeous boy was mine. And I will horde him jealously. Well maybe if he asked nicely,I'll let havoc have a share. . .Maybe.

“Night Tommy.” He murmured in his sleep. “Night Timmy.” I whispered in his ear. I start kiss his cheek,but as I get close his head turns,and I kiss lips instead. I pull back quickly. I look to Terry. To my relief he was still asleep. My gaze drift to Timmy, he was sleep as well. I take this as my cue to leave. I walk out,closing the door softly behind me.“I Love you Tommy.” His words dance in my head. I ping to pixie form, and float to my room. He loved me. I can’t believe it. I smile to myself. I knew I loved him too. “One day I’ll be brave enough to tell you how I truly feel.” I think to myself. “And that, my love,is a promise.

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