FoL Ep 2:Spring Break down: Part 2: Life

Published Jan 25, 2012, 9:43:03 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 5, 2012, 7:39:33 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

Fairly Odd Life ep 1:Spring Breakdown My story picks up after Foop it born. Timmy and Anti-Cosmo spend spring break together, and soon realize what they mean to each other. Rated M for for violence and talk of suicide.Please R&R Please read Stolen Moment first.

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Chapter 2: Part 2: Life

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER!

 part 2: Chances &Chance Encounters

*A few minutes earlier*

*Timmy's POV*

I walk though the forest, playing with the razor blade in my hand. I don't know how long I've been walking. I don't know I why I haven't gotten it over with yet.  Maybe I was hoping I'd find him again. I don't know. I do know I couldn't do it at home. Not because I didn't want my human parent to find,that wouldn't both me. I doubt they’d care.I could see it know. They'd come in and kick my lifeless carcass aside. Whining about the mess I made. "Heck they'd probably bitch about having to pay for a funeral." I think darkly to my darkerself. "No, I'd bet they be really happy." Terry says return."They’s finally be free of our burden.”  No, I..We was worried what would happen if my fairy parents found me. Or worse Poof did. We both shutter at the thought.

My thought drift from Poof to Foop. I wondered how he was. I haven't seen him since the court hearing. I wonder if he's ok.

*Months earlier at the fair court house.*

I sat in my seat. From where I was sitting I could see antiCosmo and AntiWanda. Foop was in a cage off to the side. He looked pissed. IT was funny,even pissed off,he still looked cute.  The judge comes into the court room.  We all stand. “BE seated.” The judge says. I can tell by her thick accent and pointed ears she was a lepricon. I was glad. I meant AntiCosmo and AntiWanda would get a fair trial. From the look on their faces,they were relieved as well. “We are here to see if AntiCosmo and AntiWanda should keep custody of there wee one.”

I watch as both side argued back and forth. Jorgan argued the Foop should be taken and sealed away. Anticosmo pointed out Foop was still a baby,and need to be near his parents,for love and support. It seemed like it could go ether way. “Your honor I like to call the stand ,some one who is not only a respected person in the magic community, but Someone who is a side himself. My heart froze. He was really doing what I think he was? “I call none other then Timmy Turner.” He was,and he did. Mom stood up.” Mom shouted. “He has nothing to do with this.” Dad shouted as well.

“He does.”Jorgan countered. “AntiCosmo Wanted him as a godchild. The boy resisted. He can tell the courts why?” I stand as well. “It’s ok you guys.” I tell my fairy parent. “I want to.” I could see fear in Foop’s eyes. In AntiCosmo’s and Anti-Wanda as well. “ You honor,I can hardly see how that’s relevant.” AntiCosmo objected. “ who better to judge the skill of a parent the a child.” Jorgan countered. “And Timothy knows him better then any other god child.” The judge nods and agrees. “I’ll allow it.” She declares. I can see defeat in Anti-Wanda eyes.

Jorgan come over as soon as I’m seated. “Timmy is it true.Anti Cosmo wanted you as a good child?” Jorgan asks. “Yes.” I answer. Is it true if ha had won,he would have taken you from your real parents.” “Yeah.” I reply. He would have taken you to live with im in his castle,right.”Jorgan asks. “Yeah,he would have.” “Do you think you would have been scared?” Jorgan asks. “I nod. I hear whispers in the court room. “You didn’t want to go with him did you?” jorgan asks with a sickening grin. “Well,no but...” “No futher questions your honor.” Jorgan says ,cutting me off.

I sigh and lean back in my chair. “AntiCosmo,you may cross examine him.” The judge says. AntiCosmo stand and come over to me. “Timothy,Do you hate me?” AntiCosmo asks. “I object.” Jorgan shouts.  “You honor,I’m merely seeing if the child is biased against me.” AntiCosmo counters. “Over ruled.”Orders the judge. I squirm in my sea.” Answer the question laddie”THe judge tell me. “There’s no need to be frighten,just tell da truth.”

I take a deep breath. “No I don’t.” A hush come over the courtroom. AntiCosmo eyes me in shock. We both know you can’t lie in magic court. A spell placed on the room made it impossible. “Say that again.”AntiCosmo asks. “I  don’t hate you AntiCosmo.” I repeat. To my surprise he smiles. “Tell me Timothy,Are you afraid of me.” He asks, I shake my head.”No.” I reply. Ladies and gentlemen of the court,It’s true I would have taken the boy.But as a antifairy,being the opposite of a fairy,it only seemed natural, that my godchild should live with me and not his real prents.  As he had with his fairygod parents. Don’t you agree timothy?"  I nod. “It makes sense to me. “I repy. “Tell me Timothy,Why would you have been afraid?”

“I would have been in alone in a world I know nothing about.” I admitted. “I didn’t even know if I’d be able to see Cosmo and Wanda again.” AntiCosmo nodded. “Timothy tell the court honestly.”He says. “ If you hadn't want to stay with Cosmo and wanda so badly,would you have wanted to come to live with me?” The court room was deathly silent. I was sure I was the only one still breathing. I look at him then AntiWanda. She smiled at me. I smiled back. “It would have been an adjustment,But if I didn’t already had the best god parent’s I would have been cool with going with you guys.”

They courtroom gasps. “One last question Timothy,Do you think AntiWanda and I,will make good parents?” He asks I smile at him. “I think you guys would make awesome parent.” I reply. “Foop is a lucky kid.” AntiCosmo beams with joy.” Thank you Timothy.” He says,before turning to the judge. “No further questions you honor.” After that the case quickly went to AntiCosmo’s side. Jorgan was beyond furious,but he couldn’t punish me for being honest.  Be fore we left I excused myself to go to the bathroom.

Boy sure dodged a bullet.”AntiWanda chirped hugging Foop. “We did indeed.” AntiCosmo agreed. “When he called the boy to the stand,I thought we were done for.” I turn and started to tip toe away. “ Dare’s the lil dickens now.” AntiWanda shouted. antipoofing me over.  “Uh Hi guys.” I say shyly. “Congrats on the win.” “We couldn’t have done it with out you.” AntiCosmo says patting me on the back. “I don’t think you need me.” I reply,blushing. “Thank you all the same.” antiCosmo say. “Yes thank you Timothy. Foop agrees. As far as humans go,your not a total waste of space.” I can’t help but laugh. Both at Foops comment and the look antiCosmo gave him for it. “What ?”Foop huffed. “It was a compliment.” “I better head back to Cosmo and Wanda.” I tell them.

I turn to walk away. “Timmeh,wait.” AntiWanda shout.  I turn to see her hand Foop to AntiCosmo,before rushing over to me.  She comes over and pulls me into a tight hug. “Thank you fur keeping our family togedder.” She say. “Ma and Cozzie appreciate it.” She pull back and smile at me before whispering. “I know you lil antibrother does too.”She kisses my forehead and adds. “You momma,antiwanda. Is powerful proud of ya babeh.”  I look at he blushing,before darting off. I could hear her giggling be hind me.

*End Flash back.*

 I hear a scream that stops my heart and rips me from my thoughts. I drop the razor from my hand and run in the direction of the voice. From the sound I knew it was near by. I also knew who was screaming. It was AntiCosmo ,and for HIM to scream like that I knew he was in serious trouble."But who would be dumb enough to go toe to toe with the king of the antifairies.” I think to my darkerself. “Other then a bucktoothed busy-body and his fairy parents.” “The scarier question is,who’s cruel enough to make him scream like that.” Terry replies. “ And who got enough juice to pull it off.”

I arrive at the scene, and I can't believe my eyes. Nether can NegaMe AntiCosmo was lying hurt on the ground. Three buff looking fairies standing over smiling at his pain. But,how could this be. Fairies were good,weren't they? They didn't do this kind of stuff,right?  I'm brought out of my shock when I hear him scream again. I watch in horror As the frightening sight unfolds.They were laughing. One of them even kicks them when tries he to stand. They blast him three more times. He screams with each painful shot.

I feel myself tremble in both fear and anger. I feel the same emotions radiate from Terry.Those heartless bastards.” We think in unison.  I hear them demand to know the whereabouts of his wife and child. "I'd rather Die," He shouts at the fairies. I see them smile and raise there wands. "Oh gods, they really plan to kill him." Me and Terry gasp in unison, as we dash towards them. Their wands glow. "No! Don't hurt him you jerks!" I blurt out without thinking. They pause and turn towards there heads me. I don't stop till I'm between them and anti-Cosmo. I steal my nerves and face them head on. "Get out the way runt." One of them growls. "Not a chance dork." I yell putting my arms up defiantly. "If you want to hurt him,You'll have to go trough me."

"Timothy."I hear ACs voice call from behind me. "No! Run a..."his voice trails off. I know he fainted. I got to get him out of here. I hear laughing.  I  turn my attention back to the three in front of me. "I wish they where out cold" I command. Three rocks appear out of no where, knock them out. "Good thing I brought my wand"I think patting my pocket. "I wish they had no memory of me or hurting Anti-Cosmo, only that he escaped them somehow.

I hear a poof and know my wish was carried out. I kneel down next to Anti-Cosmo and feel for a pulse. I sigh with relief when I find one. “He was in bad shape.” Terry gasps " I wish me and Anti-Cosmo was back in my room." With a poof we're back at my house. I'm glade to see he got poofed on to my bed. Terry comes out on me and kneels next to him. I examine him ,his left arm is broken, so if his right wing. He also has a few cracked ribs. “I'm so glade I wished for basic medical training.” I comment. “Me too." Terry agrees. “I wish I had a first aid kit with everything I need to bandage Anti-Cosmo. " I command. I turn to the case and open it.this was going to take awhile.

*End of Timmy's POV*

*At Wish Fixers*

*Sanderson's POV*

I sit in HP's office. He's giving a dictation, but I'm barely listening. My thought are on the event's that took place a few month earlier. Event's that changed the way I thought of a certain bucktoothed child.

*Flash back to months earlier.*

I stare up into Turners eye's. Tears flow freely from them. "I'll have more wishes, But if I lost you....I....I." You'd what Turner? What do I mean to you? "It'd hurt me more then you'll ever know. More then you could ever understand."

*End Flash back.*

Your right Turner I don't understand, at all.Why would you care if I died? Why do I even matter to you at all? Why the hell I can't stop thinking about you? Why my heart keep pinging so fast when I do? "Cute hearts." I hear a voice over my shoulder. My heart stop pinging as I see HP peering down at the paper in my hand.  Then it register that he said something about hearts. I look down at the note pad to see I've drawn hearts all over the page, I've also had written T&S forever, in various places. What the Hell? when did I turn into a love sick teenaged GIRL?!

I feel a blush burn my cheeks as I turn back to HP. "Sir,I'm so so sorry." I stammer, not sure what to say, or how I can even explain. HP just laughs. I stare at him like he lost his mind. "Sanderson's got a girlfriend." He mocks me still laughing. "If only you knew." I think dryly to myself." Out of nowhere a picture of Turner in a dress flashes in my mind. Damn, he looked cute. I suppress another blush and will the thought  away. Great,I’m dreaming of the kid in drag now. HP finally stops laughing and looks directly at me. I squirm, I know what he's gonna ask. "So?" He begins,here it comes. "Who's T?" I feel my blush deepen. "Um,you don't know..her." I stammer out. "I don't, do I?" He ask, giving me a knowing look. My heart start pinging like crazy.

"Uuhh.No?" I squeak out. "Oh,ok."He says simply ruffling my hair. He floats beck to his desk and take his seat. I stare at him blankly. "Why Sanderson,you look flushed." He says to me still smiling. Still with that knowing smile. I say nothing. "Why don't we take a break, you can get a drink and regroup." I float up from the chair "Yes Sir,thank you sir." I mutter. I turn and bolt from the room. In my haste I hear HP laughing.

I rush into the nearest break room. I get a cup a water and downs it like I was dying of thirst. My mind, like my heart, was racing. I lean back against the counter. How much did he know? Did he figure out who T was? When did I draw those DAMN hearts? I hear the sound of someone entering the room. I look up to see one of the cubical boys. I look around and notice I had rushed into their lunch area. He looks at me nervously as if he wanted to say something, but as not sure if he should. "Go ahead and speak." I tell him deactivating the non speech function on his collar.
I hated that function. It was one of my father's bastard legacies. I hope your burning in hell dad.

*End of Sanderson's POV.*

*Thompson's POV"

I wait a beat before speaking. "Sir?" I begin still feeling unsure. "Are you ok?" Sanderson Look at me puzzle. "Yes,I'm fine."He answers calmly "Why do you ask?" I shift nervously "Well, Higher level pixies don't usually come in here, let a alone stand around in here." I explains  earning a nod from Him. "Also, the cup in your hand looks like it's cursing it's life right now. Sanderson look down at the paper cup,now crushed in his hand,then back at me. I shift nervously. “Why did I have ti me such a smart ass.” I think to myself"This is why we're not aloud to speak freely.”  To my surprise, Sanderson only smiles at the comment. "I suppose it is."He laughs tossing the cup in the trash. Sanderson floats over  and stops just behind me. "What's your name kid?" he ask, I turn to him shocked. No high rank pixie ever asked a cubical pixie their name. They just say you or boy and point to the desired pixie.

I can't believe my ears. Did he really ask my name? "'s Thompson sir." He shakes his head. My heart pings nervously. Did I do something wrong. "No no."he corrects me. "What's your full name?" "Did he?What?" I panic in my head. "My name sir?"I ask somehow sounding calm. He nods "It's Andreas.Andreas Eugene Thompson." I tell him,feeling strange saying it to him. He nod's and smile  "I'll remember that."he informs me. "And you."  He turn a starts out the door, but stops just sort of it. "Thanks for the laugh Thompson."  He calls back to me. I can't see his face But I'm I have a feeling he's smiling. "I really needed it." He adds before leaving the room. I'm left staring blankly in his wake unsure of what to think, or even to feel, about what just happened.

*End of Thompson's POV*

*That night at the Turner residence.*

*Anti-Cosmo's POV*

I wake up in pain. With great effort I manage to sit and look around the room. I'm honestly shocked at the sight. "I'm in Timothy's bedroom." I think stunned. But how did he manage to get me away from those brute fairies? How did he convince Wanda not to turn me in to Jorgan.More importantly where was the boy? I feel the bed move and look next to me. There I see the lad,sleeping soundly. I can't help but smile down at him.

My dear ,Young Timothy issmade, you never ceases to amaze me. He manages to stop only mine,put the pixies evil schemes. I've lost count of times  I've heard of him losing and reclaiming his fairies something no other god child have done. I know how dearly you love them,Another unheard of thing in a god child. you defeated the darkness, Another thing, once thought impossible,made possible by you. I look at my bandages. "He even manage to dress my wounds." I think to myself.  I reach over with my good arm and stroke his hair. "I wonder if you know how amazing you are,Timothy " I whisper to him still smiling with pride.

"Father." I hear him moan in sleep. "Father?"I mimic back drawing back my hand. I never known the boy to call Mr.Turner that. Then I could be wrong. A stray thought hit's me causing warm feelings to stir within me. "Could he have been referring" I shake the silly thought from my I head. "That's preposterous." I think leaning back on the bed."

"Then why did he throw himself in the path of wolves to protect you." The thought persists. “He even defended you in court, why?” "Why indeed." Is my only thought. Unbearable fatigue comes crushing down on me. I lay back down ,never taking my eye off Timothy.  I move a few strands of hair from his eyes. I freeze when he reaches up and grabs my hand. I wait for him to open his eyes,he doesn't,instead he does the last thing I expect "Father,please be okay." He whispers in his sleep,giving my hand a gentle squeeze.

I lean forward a kiss his forehead. "I shall be fine,son." I whisper back. "Thanks to you." I lean back and think of my other son. "I hope he and his mother is okay." I think to myself concerned. I sigh sadly. "There nothing I can do tonight." I look back to timothy and smile. His hand was still in mine. "I might as well enjoy this moment" I chuckle allowing sleep to take me. "It shall never happen again." There I fall asleep, Timothy's hand mine,Feeling happier then I have in a seemingly long time.

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