FoL Ep 2:Spring Break down: Part 3: Truths and Promises

Published Jan 25, 2012, 9:43:03 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 5, 2012, 7:39:33 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

Fairly Odd Life ep 1:Spring Breakdown My story picks up after Foop it born. Timmy and Anti-Cosmo spend spring break together, and soon realize what they mean to each other. Rated M for for violence and talk of suicide.Please R&R Please read Stolen Moment first.

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Chapter 3: Part 3: Truths and Promises

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER!

part 3: Truths and Promises

*Still in Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

I wake up feeling considerably less pain. I’m pleased that my body has begun it’s healing process. I look to the fish bowl and see it’s empty. “They must be up with Timothy.”I rationalize seeing I had woken up alone this time.  I  shift over to the other night stand to retrieve my monocle that was lying on a stack of book. “Why couldn’t he put it closer to me.” I mutter as I put on. The book it was lying on catches my eye. First of all it was oddly thin, second the cover was completely blank.

I decide to indulge my curiosity and pick up the book. Underneath it was book,this one was marked Timmy’s sketch pad. “I must look at that one next.” I think to myself with a smirk. “But first things first.” I open the book in my had, immediately I know what it is. “This is a wish journal for a deluxe emergency wand.” I think to myself a little surprised. “Why would he have it. Unless Cosmo and Wanda wasn’t here.” It made sense. No way Wanda would have permitted me to stay, let alone sleep next to the boy. I read through the journal, what I find is both surprising and unsettling.

First of all I’m shocked to learn that it was Timothy who had wished me and my family out of prison. Also that he had only wished up my bandages,which meant he had wrapped them himself.  I can’t fathom where he learned how to or why. Second,I’m deeply disturbed that the boy has not wished for any thing to eat in two days. I prey he’s at least capable of preparing simple dishes. But,I might be reading to much into it.surely he parent were there. Cosmo and Wanda wouldn’t leave him other wise...Right?  They may seem incompetent, but they were dedicated godparents. And they both were fiercely protective of the boy.  I’m most bothered by the wish he made the night after he wished me free. He had wished to die.”

Thankfully the wish was rejected.A sick feeling gather in the pit of my stomach.I pray that the boy merely miss spoke. I set the book to my side. I needed to think. Listen as well. I note the the house was oddly silent. I don't like it, it worries me.“Ah,your awake.” The sound of Timothy’s voice pulls me from my thoughts,he sounded happy enough. I look up to see him coming in carrying a tray. I sense the other boy near,but I can’t see him. He must be hiding,but why? Surely he doesn’t think I’d harm him, does he? Surely Timothy has told him I was no danger to him. Then again,the boy could simply be shy. Timothy sets the tray on my lap.  I’m relieved to see beacon and eggs. I was messy,but it looked edible. so the boy can cook,somewhat.

I give him a grateful smile He smiles in return and pulls up a chair. “Where’s Cosmo and Wanda?” I ask trying to sound casual. The boy shrugs. “There at a godparent conference.” Oh,right. it was that time this century.” I think to myself. If I had won the boy,would I be required to attend? I shutter at the thought of being surrounded by a bunch sneering catty god parent.  OR sending so much time with Jorgan. I decide to shelve such eerie thought and turn my attention back to Timothy. “So it’s just you and parents for spring break.” I ask taking a bite of the eggs. They weren’t as bad as they looked.Nether was the bacon.

Timothy’s smile fades. “Their not here.” He says with a sad look in he eyes. I’m taken aback. “They left your with a babysitter?” I asked in disgust. he eye saddens more as he turns away from me. “Oh,Lizzy. He eyes have the same look about them your did when we met.”I can’t help thinking to myself. “But,why?” I don’t wait long for my answer. “They didn’t leave me with a babysitter.” He says  as tear gather in his eyes. “They just forgot to take me along.”I could only stare at the child,both unbelievably shock and deeply horrified.How? How could anyone forget there own child? Especially one as vibrant and charming as my Timothy?.

“ long was this.” I manage to ask. “If you mean how long they’ve been gone” He states, his voice now devoid of emotions. “It’s been three days.” I feel physically sick as I think to he’s death wish. Had he really miss spoke? Me heart race,as my mind began to panic. Come to think of it, why was he even in the woods yesterday? “Was he going there to..Oh dear gods NO!.” I thought to myself. I studied the boy for a moment. He whole demeanor radiated sorrow.  His eye were suffocating pits a despair. My head starts spinning. What has happened to the vibrant boy I new and loved?

 “Are you going to be ok?”  Timothy’s sudden question brings back to reality and thankfully my senses. “What?” I ask trying to calm down. “Are you going to be ok?” he asks again,gesturing to my wounds. I some how have forgotten about them. “Oh,that.” I state matter of factually. “I’ll be fine Timothy. My broken bones will take another day to heal completely though.” He smiles weakly. “That’s good” He sighs out sounding relieved. I have to admit it felt odd to have him fret over me. “Timothy” I begin. His shifts nervously. He knows what I’m going to ask. “Dear boy, Have you been alone this whole time?”

*End Of AntiCosmo’s POV.*

Timmy stiffened at the question. He knew it was coming,But that didn’t stop his body from tensing up. He nodded slowly. The tears he’s been holding back threatened to overwhelm him. “Timothy, why didn’t you wish for Cosmo and he’s family back.” AntiCosmo pried gently. “The god parent conference is mandatory. “Timmy explained. “They.. they wouldn’t have been able to stay with me.Not to mention they would be worrying the whole time they’re away.” So instead you wish me and my family free?” Anti-Cosmo asked cautiously. The boy nodded. Anti-Cosmo paused before continuing. “Hoping We'd cause enough trouble that’s you’d be sent in to save the day, and got to be with cosmo and wanda for spring break,yes?”

Anti-Cosmo couldn’t but feel hurt at being used by the boy in such a manner. He hope he was wrong,but he didn’t count on such vain hopes.To his delight and relief timmy shook his head no. “I was hoping you guys would stay with me.”Timmy explained. Anti-cosmo felt pleased the boy wanted him near.But he knew he couldn't rejoice yet. He still had more he need to ask Question he dreaded asking. But dread nearly as much as the answers he feared receiving. “Timothy,” he began the dreaded question. “Did you mean to wish yourself dead?” Timmy looked at AntiCosmo shocked. He’s eye shifted from the anti-fairy to the nightstand. “Looking for this”Anti-Cosmo called to the boy, holding his wish journal. Timmy shock gave way to out right horror. As he stared at the book in AntiCosmo’s hand.Panic and shame grips Timmy’s heart. He turns from AntiCosmo, to embarrassed and ashamed to to maintain eye contact. It took everything in him not to cry.

His silence told Anti-Cosmo what he wanted to know. His own heart was racing. He cant fathom why he would make such a wish. AntiCosmo steeled his nerves and looked to the now trembling boy.“Timothy. Look At me” He called to the boy sternly. He waited till Timmy returned his gaze to him. “Why were you in the forest yesterday?” Anti-Cosmo asked dreading the answer with every fiber. “I..I...I”Timmy stammered,grasping for a good lie to tell,or at least a good excuse to leave. “I think I hear the phone ringing.”He spits out,finally. “I don’t hear anything.”Anti-Cosmo countered,giving the boy an annoyed look. Before Timmy could think up another lie. The phone rang. “See.Phone” Not waiting for Anti-Cosmo to reply he jumped up and rushed out the door. “Oh no you don’t Timothy.” Anti-Cosmos muttered “Your not getting away that easily.” Anti-Cosmo grabbed his wand and Antipoofed out the room.

*Timmy’s POV*

I rushed down the stairs. I hoped Anti-Cosmo wasn’t too mad, but right now I was all to happy not to have to answer that question.”Oh man,what are we going to tell him?” Terry’s Voice echoed in my mind.”I don’t know.” I think back. “Well think of something.” I take a deep breath and answered the phone. “hello” said a voice on the line.” Mom? Is that you?” I asked, somehow happy to hear her voice.”Oh dear.we did leave you behind.”I heard her sigh. “No kidding,ya think.” I snap. “Don’t you take that tone with me.” she snapped back."Put Vicky on the phone.” Vicky’s not hear.”I tell her a little shocked.” Vicky had gone to Europe on a class trip. She knew this. Vicky told her.”Oh well,when she gets back thank her for watching you over the break.” She continued like Vicky had gone to the store. “Mom,She’s not here .

“She’s in Europe. She left four days ago.”I tried reminding her. “Oh,and tell her we’ll pay her
extra for the inconvenience.”She wasn’t listening. Why wasn’t she listening to me.”I was home,alone as far as she knows. Didn’t that matter to her. “Don’t we matter to her?” Terry sobbed. I fall to my knees shaking. Mom! will you listen to me.Vicky’s not here.”I scream to her,Unable ti hide the panic in my voice. “I’m alone. I need you and dad to come back.”

There’s silence on the other end. Did I get thought to her. “Ok,I’ll give your father your love.”Oh,gods they weren’t coming. I was home alone,and they didn’t care.I really was nothing to them. No,it can’t be true. Please no,This couldn’t be happening. “This CAN”T be happening.” I hear Terry’s deviated voice echo in the back of my mind. “Mommy,Please come home I’m...Scared.” We beg her in unison.Unstoppable tears raining down onto our lap “Tell Vicky I called.” She says as if I wasn’t crying on the phone. “Mommy Please.” we cry out. Tears still stream down my cheeks. “Please,Listen to me..” “Bye Timmy.” “Mommy Wait!” The line goes dead. “Mommy!” I sob out to no one “Mommy,don’t leave me.” Terry is silent.

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Somewhere in Cancun*

Mrs.Turner hangs up the phone, ignoring her child’s pleas for her to return Now he wants to call me mommy.”She thinks darkly to herself..” how i hate that word.” “Finished already Theresa?” A  voice came from behind her .She smiled and turned to face her husband.  All done, Todd sweety.”She chirped to him smiling. “Well?” He asked expectingly holding out a drink to her. “It’s like I told you honey.”She replies taking the drink. “We left him with Vicky..” She lied taking a sip.” Todd sighed in relief. “And here I thought we forgot the boy like a couple of jidiotes.” He laughs before taking a sip of his own drink. “oh honey.”Theresa Laughed “you know I’d never Accidentally forget our son.” She takes his hand and leads him towards the spa. “Finally,I have you all to myself.” she thinks to herself. “WithOUT that little bastard getting in the way.Just like my dream.”

*Back at the turn residence.*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV.*

I stand at the top of the staircase shocked at what had just transpired below. My blood boiled with fury. While I could only hear his side, it wasn’t hard to figure out what was said. The poor boy pleaded, He out right begged for her too return.HE he damn neared groveled on the damn phone. It has a heart wrenching sight to see, to hear. Still his desperate pleas fell upon deaf ears.My heart broke for him. Both of them,I realized I had heard the others boys voice coming from Timothy. He was inside of him.I mattered not how or even why  All that mattered was They were in need of comfort. They needed some to hold them. They needed a shoulder to cry on.They needed... me.

I Anti-poof down to him. Gently a pry the receiver from their shaking hand and hang it up.  He looks at me stunned. Wordlessly I pull them close. Needing no further encouragement they dive into my embrace. I hold my sobbing boy the best I can.It pained my hear such anguished cries from my dear boy.I wish with all my might that my other wasn’t broken,Sadly one arm would have to be enough. I feel his arms circle around me, holding me tightly. Apparently it was.

*End Of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*Timmy’s POV*

I don’t how long we sat there on his lap crying. All I know we were grateful he let us. “I’m sorry.”I begin not really sure how to go on. “AntiCosmo looks down at me with a puzzled expression. “Sorry for what,Timothy.” He ask wiping the tears from my eyes. “If I hadn’t selfishly tried to wish you here,you wouldn’t be hurt.”I explain ,fresh tears falling.”I’m so sorry AntiCosmo.” AntiCosmo only smiled. “Don’t be silly Timothy.” He says,drying my eyes. “I’m happy be out of prison. Besides someone has to be here to take care of you two”.

My eyes widen. Did he just say you TWO? He stands up suddenly,causing me to roll onto the floor. I look up at him,unsure of what to say. “Terry?”I think to Anti-Me.”how does he know about you.” “I ran into him when I was lost in the forest.”Terry Stammers “He must be able to sense me as well as see me.” He admitted. “He can see you?!” I shouted at him im my mind. “Yes.” He meeped back. “why didn’t you tell me?” I ask him inwardly. Before he can answer we hear anti-poof sound.

We look stunned at AntiCosmo,who had changed to a adult human sized. “You boys haven’t eaten, have you Timothy?” He asks picking me up.I stare at him, not sure what to make of the odd question. “I’ll take that as an no.”He states rolling he’s eye. “Really Timothy,has no  one taught you proper nutrition?” He huffs as he carries us to the couch.I’m surprised he’s able to do so with one arm.  I warp my arm around his neck and snuggle into him. Hoping it’d make it easier on him. I can’t help feel a little strange about him carrying me like this,but at the same time found it comforting. “You two can return to whatever deep conversation it seem you were having.” he mocked setting ‘us’ down on the couch. “I’ll go make us lunch.” He turned and walked to the kitchen.

I sat there and and try to process what just happened.”Timmy,Ac just hugged us.” Terry remarks appearing at my said. Yeah he did, and Anti-Cosmo’s was making us lunch dude.” I whisper to Terry.  “I know,my mind is blown too.” he whispered back. we sit awhile longer. “Maybe...we should cook.” Terry suggests ,sounding unsure. “Yes,maybe we should.” I agree still trying to wrap my head around the idea of Anti-Cosmo cooking.“ He does have a broken ark after all.” I jump and head for the kitchen Terry follows close behind.  “You still should have told me. “ I huff. “I know,but to be fair. I thought We’d never be that close to him again.” Terry replies. “I wondered if he sense me at court.” “Good question.” I think mindlessly

We get to the kitchen and stop dead in my tracks. I feel Terry bump against me. “Why’d you..” he voice trails off as he sees what I saw. Anti-Cosmo was reading something.We both swallow hard. We both knew what it was. “Why did I leave it in the table”I think to my darkerself cursing my stupidity. “Man we should have thrown it out.” Terry thinks back, We jump when he slams the note down. He braces himself against the the table. “Geez, he must be so pissed.Terry states nervously. I think back to how sternly he looked at us in the bed room. He never looked so serious. We looked at each other then at him.He was shaken, violently,He really was pissed. I walk around to the side of him. Terry follows  “Uhm,AC?” We begin but stop when we see his face. He didn’t look angry, he looked hurt,and he was crying? But..why?

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

I walked into the kitchen feeling quite please. I had many questions,And I intend to get answer to every one of the them. But that can wait till after I prepared lunch. I feel so delightfully parental. I take inventory of the contents of the fridge. I’m glade to see it was well stocked. Sadly it was most processed garbage,humans seemed oddly fond of consuming. Granted, I was no stranger to a snickers bar. But snake food should not take the place of real food. I had enough for a decent stir-fry, but I’ll need to go shopping latter.  I put on some rice and look around for paper to make a shopping list. I notice a sheet a paper on the table.

I go to retrieve it,but freeze when I’m close to it.  Never before have one sheet of paper filled me with such dread. I take note of the dried water marks the seemed to cover it. It looks like someone sprinkle water over it...OR rather was crying on it.  The  sense of dread that had come over  me,was steal precious air from me. I think back to the question I ask Timothy. The question that caused him to flee the room. With trembling hand,I pick up the paper. Slowly I unfold it. I had no reason to hesitate so. I might be a shopping list. My head almost laughed mockingly at my hearts foolish hope. I begin the ominous task off reading the letter. What I read fills me with more pain then anything I have ever known to date.

Dear person who find this

Please follow this note to the letter.

To “mom” and “dad” Leave this note by my fish bowl.Don't concern your self with why. Though I you will.  Just know that I’m dead, and yes it’s your fault. So go have your party to celebrate you new found freedom. And leave the rest of this letter to the fishes.

To Cosmo and Wanda

I’m sorry Mommy, I’m sorry Daddy. Please ,don’t blame yourself. There was nothing you could have done. I was broken when you found me. I love you both soo much.I hope your next god child treats you better and doesn’t fail you like I have. Please,I know I have no right to ask,but don’t let Poof forget me.

Please give this letter to AntiCosmo. this next part for him.

Please read this to Anti-Wanda,And, if you feel he can handle it Foop.

I don’t know how you guys take the news of my death.I it hurt’s you, then I’m sorry.Please know that I wish I could have been closer to you. I hope you don’t think to badly of me. I’m sorry I was so weak. I just want you to know I care.Tell Antiwanda I was proud when she called herself my momma at the courthouse. And I’m so deeply sorry if I made her cry.  

Anti-Cosmo, please give this note to Sanderson

HP please stop reading and give this note to Sanderson.

I might have laughed at that bit,if my heart wasn’t bleeding in my chest.

Please forgive Sanderson. I miss you so badly. My heart break that I can’t see you. But I could never find a excuse to even enter Pixie world,let alone seek you out.My biggest regret is that I never asked you name, your full name, and that I never  told you I love you.

Forgive me, my love.and good-bye.

I slammed the note the table. I didn’t want to believe it.I lean on the table as I struggle just to breath. But each breath was like molten acid burning my throat and lungs.Oh gods, I didn’t  want to believe it. Even now with th suicide note in my hand. I still  can’t believe. How the hell did he get pushed to that point in a mere three days. In just three damn days. How? How can a boy go from being a happy vibrant child, to wish for the peace of the grave? “Dearest AntiWanda,What has happened to our child?” I think to myself closing my eye,trying in vain to stop the onslaught of tears that flowed from them. “Uhm, AC.”I hear Timothy call to me. I wait beat. Nothing. I know sees me crying.

I straighten up and place my monocle on the table. I cover my eye, wiping away tears as I try to regain my composer. “A..AC..I..We can...” “Sit down! “I snap out with more force the intended.  They gasp, but don’t move.I glance over at them They had the wide eyed look of a frightened deer. I lower my hand guster it towards the chairs. “Please,take a seat.” I tell them again, this time in a softer tone. To my relief they comply. I take a seat myself. My legs could no longer be trusted to hold me up. We sit in silence for several minutes. As I dry my monocle,A thousand thoughts race though my mind.A million questions ring out. But out the madness. From that perfect storm of words. One question rings loudest.

?And I'd give up forever to touch you.?
?Cause I know that you feel me somehow.?

“Why?” I ask them finally. They look at each other, then at me. Timothy is the one to speak. “Why,not?” My heart almost stops completely.Were my ears deceiving me? Did those words really come out his mouth. “What do you mean why not?” I shout.,scared for their sake, “Have you gone daft boy?” They look at me and shrug “A little.” They say in unison. I stare at them. Their indifference is chilling. Their eye held no emotions, giving them the look of a lifeless doll. It terrified me top see them this way.

?Your the closest to heaven that I'll ever be?
?And I don’t want to go home right now.?

. “What about your family?” I ask them. “The Turners would be better off with me dead” Timothy says in ice laced tone.  It freezes my heart, and plunges the temperature of the room to arctic depths.“What about Cosmo and Wanda,there your parents too,yes?” I ask,almost pleading. Trying to Draw some life, some warmth out of these frigged children. To gain some life back into there eyes. They exchange looks,thank evilness, their expressions seemed to have softened. “What about Poof?” I add hopefully. They look at me with deep sadness in their eye that’s almost unbearable to see.

?And all i can taste is this moment?
?And all I can breath it your light,?

“They’ll lose me any way.” I could her the pain in Timothy’s voice as he speaks. “So,I guess it doesn’t really matter.”I try to speak but words fail me. “He’s right AC” The ghostly boy chimes in. “I’m not even meant to exist. They don’t even know I do.If I died, they wouldn’t even notice.” The boys eye’s radiate loneliness and sorrow. Was Timothy the only one who knew of him. Come to think of it who was he. I didn't even know his name.“What is your name child?” I ask him“It doesn’t matter.” He states firmly. “It does to me.”I Counter just as firmly. “My name was Nega-Timmy.” He informs me ,looking at Timothy. “But,Timmy seemed to have renamed me Terry.” “Is that what your wish to me called.?” I ask with genuine interest. “Yeah,I like it.” He says shyly. “Then Terence it is.”I proclaim.
?Cause soon or later it's over?
?I just don't want to miss you tonight.?

They look ate each other then me,and almost smile. “Now about this death wish.”I begin but is quickly cut off my Timothy. “Wouldn’t you be happier if I was dead?” He ask,almost as if he knew the answer. I feel as though he had just plunged a knife in my heart. “Timothy?” I breath out,horrified by the very idea. I place a hand over my heart,almost expecting to feel blood seeping from my chest. I see tears in his eye. “If I was dead who’d oppose you? You could take over the world,yes? Makes Friday 13th last forever,Right?” He ask as tears stream down his cheeks. “I couldn’t.”I hear Terence chime in again. “I’d fade to nothingness with out him.”How could they say such thing. So factually,no less.

?And I don't want the world to see me,?
?Cause I don't think that they'd understand.?

I remain silent.,Barely able to fathom their word. Let alone,grasp the word for a response.  Were they trying to make it sound like a good thing,or worse trying to make ME want them dead. I feel myself begin to shake again. I’m torn between seething rage and and soul shredding anguish. “I suppose that little speech was to make me yearn to dance on your grave?” I ask looking at them.The pain and darkness clear in my voice. They say nothing. “Tell me,How can a father feel joy when two of his sons have DIED!?” I ask,shouting at them.Almost screaming.I feel hot tear stream from me as I stand . “Has ether of you once thought about me?Or AntiWanda?Or Foop?"

?When everything's made to be broken,?
?I just want you to know who I am.?

We’re you family too,damn it. “I shout, holding up the letter.”You say you want to know us,but you can’t do that if your dead Timothy.”  I fall back in my chair,unable to remain standing. “You may think we,Antifairy are incapable of loving any other then our own kind. But,we can,and do.” I try to explain. Hoping, pleading to be understood. “I should know. Because I love you,both of you.So much it hurts.  “how? You barely now me.” Terence asks in a small voice. “I doesn’t matter Terence.”I say looking him in the eyes. “Love can form in an instant,especially between a parent and child.And I do, love you my boy.” He blushes and turns away.

?Ant you can't stop the tears that ain't coming?
?Or the moment of truth in your lies?

“She’s loves you,you know.”I continue. “You mean Anti-Wanda?” Timothy asks. I nod”Yes, with all her heart. So does Foop.” He looks at me with disbelief. “It’s true.” I assure him. It’ll take some time before he admits it, but he really admires you.” I turn to Terence. “And I know they’d love to get to know you Terence.” They trade glances. I hope my words are sinking in. My hope fades when tears flow down TImothy‘s lovely cheeks.“You don’t understand.” Timothy sobs out. “I’m going to die AC.” “Timothy,please.” “No! Don’t talk, just listen.” He shouts cutting my off. “please.will you just listen to me?” I nod. “In seven years Jorgan is going to come and rip to away everyone who ever loved me.

?When Everything feels like the movies?
?Yeah you bleed just to know your alive.?

 To make matters worse,I won’t remember they loved me.” I notice he begins to tremble as he speaks. “I’ll be alone. My friends will dessert me. I already heard them call me a pink hatted freak.” I  stunned to hear that but remain silent. “My parent forget to even feed me. I won’t be able to talk to Terry. I won’t remember the wish that created him. I’ll think I’m crazy for seeing him. Hell if all the magic it ripped out of my life, he might not even exist.You and your family’ll be locked away forbidden to see me.”I wouldn't even know you if I saw you.

?And I don't want the world to see me,?
?Cause I don't think that they'd understand.?

“All I’ll remember is pain. The of pain of being tortured by Vicky. The Pain of losing my friends. The pain of..losing my sister.” Words fail me. Timothy had a sister? “I know it’s selfish but I don’t care.I rather die remembering I knowing I was loved. Then die a unwanted nobody.” I watch silently as Terence pulls Timothy in is in his arms,holding him tightly. “You know what’s really messed up?” he asks looking at me. “No,what Timothy?” I ask return. He straighten up,pulling from Terence, and looks me head on.

?When everything's made to be broken,?
?I just want you to know who I am.?

“There ok with that.” He answers simply. “Who?” I ask Puzzled. “Everyone. Jorgan,especially.He’d dance in the streets doing the monkey. The council, The fairy community. The magic community as a whole. Won’t loose a wink,that I’m gone. Anger swell in his voice,matching the sorrow that laced it.  “I’ve fought for them,I’ve fought YOU,but it doesn’t matter. It doesn’t mater how fight how hard I fight. Or will fight from now till I’m eighteen. I doesn’t matter if dad beg, mom pleads, or poof cries. All I’ll ever be to them is just another worthless human godchild.Not one of them will EVER care “ Timothy was almost screaming know. Sparks of rage dances in his otherwise pain-stricken eyes. “And it Kills me to know that my fairy family will just...go.He chuckles dryly. In the end it’ll be sorry sport we tried and they’ll go. “ He pause to gather the strength to continue. “I’ve fought for them. I’d die for them. I’ve thrown myself to the obese, And would gladly do again.So Why....Why won’t any body fight for me?”

?And I don't want the world to see me,?
?Cause I don't think that they'd understand.?
?When everything's made to be broken,?
?I just want you to know who I am.?

So it wasn’t just three days. This have been building for months. I watch Terence try to console him,though he was of the verge of tears himself. No wonder you were so willing to cast you life away. With such a bleak out look of the future,How could anyone find the will to go on. I stand and clear my throat,summoning their attention. I feel the medallion pulsate. “I’ll fight for you Timothy.I’ll fight for both of you.” I announce.”Your not alone and you never will be.”
 ?And I don't want the world to see me,?
?Cause I don't think that they'd understand.?
?When everything's made to be broken,?
?I just want you to know who I am.?

They look at me in disbelief. “What can you do?” Timothy asks. “I have a plan,”I inform him. “ I can’t go into details right now, but if we pull it of we’ll all be free. Free if the council, free of Jorgan, free of fear” “And if we fail?” They ask together “I will not fail you.” I tell them firmly. “I swear to you,Both of you. I’ll never leave you.”I vow to them. I meant those words too.With my entire being ,I meant them. “What to you want in return ?” Terence asks,still unsure.I circle the table till I’m standing right behind them. “I want you to promise me you’ll live.”I tell them, putting a hand on Terence’s shoulder. I’m pleased that it doesn’t pass through again,taking
it as a sign of trust.

?I just want you to know who I am.?
?I just want you to know who I am.?

They look back at me then each other. Hope and life sparkled in their eyes once more. Then without warning I’m pounced upon,causing my to tumble down to the floor. “We promise Father.”My boys shout in unison.I wince at landing on my still broken wing,but the pain barely registers. I hug them the best I can. My heart is flying. My son’s were alive again. Not just empty living dolls,but really alive. Caught up in the moment I don’t realize my picture of her drop from my  pocket . My boys do. “Who’s this Father?” They ask pointing to the girl in the photo. I smile and take it from them. “This is my daughter.” I inform them “And your sister.”
?I just want you to know who I am.?

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

The song is “iris, by by the googoodolls.”

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