FoL Ep 2:Spring Break down: Part 5: break out

Published Jan 25, 2012, 9:43:03 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 5, 2012, 7:39:33 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

Fairly Odd Life ep 1:Spring Breakdown My story picks up after Foop it born. Timmy and Anti-Cosmo spend spring break together, and soon realize what they mean to each other. Rated M for for violence and talk of suicide.Please R&R Please read Stolen Moment first.

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Chapter 5: Part 5: break out

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER!

Chapter 5: break out

*Timmy’s POV*

I cut of the game console and rubbed my sleepy eye."Man I’m Tired." I mutter. I turn t Father had already fallen asleep. “Wow,he looks really cute when he’s asleep." I think to myself smiling. I take his monocle off and place it on the end table.  I jot a quick note for him and cover im with a blanket. I pause a moment and stroke his hair. “sweet dream Cutie." I whisper to him. And give him a soft pic on the lips. “Dawww." I a voice behind me chuckle. I turn to see a grinning Terry."Timmy got a crush on father." I tiptoe other to him and swat him on the arm. “Shut up,before you wake him.” I hiss. And walk past him out the living room. He follows behind.

“So your gonna ask him out.” Terry asks, I roll my eyes. “Oh sure,I’ll go right up to my married father and say,AntiCosmo old boy. You look smashing in those slack,Care to join me for dinner and a smart cocktail sometime.” I remark sarcastically. " Get really Terry,What would a guy like that want in s scrawny nothing like me?"  "Timmy,You have a lot to offer." Terry says. I pause at the bottom of the stairs. I really wished I could believe you." I reply. Suddenly we here a load crash followed by.. Jorgan laughing?

Terry looks at me in horror. I rush outside,Terry close behind me. We got out just in time to see them flash away. Mom rushed over and hugged me.  Without thinking I pushed her away. “Why did you let them take him?” I screamed. she looked at me wide eyed. “He was trying to hurt you sweety.” She stammered “Or replace you.” She added looking behind me. Terry ducked behind me. I could feel his fear a looked at  our glaring mom.  “Hi,Nega-Timmy.” Dad chirped poofing behind me. ”Hiya. . Dad. Terry said shyly. "ah he called me dad." Dad beamed. Mine!" Dad shouted suddenly grabbing Terry into a bear hug.  I roll my eye and look at mom.

“All Anti-Cosmo was doing was watching us till you guys could come back.”I explained.  “Nega-Me have been with me since I was turned back to normal. Father didn’t create him.”They all looked at me shocked. “Timmy? Did you call anti-me..Father.” Dad asked floating close to me. “I thought I was your father. I could see the hurt in his eyes. “You are my is he.” I tell him. “He knows your my dad.” Poof floats over and hugs me. “so you still my bwover?” He asks. “Yeah, and I always will be.” I tell him ,hugging him back. “Same as Terry.” Poof looks at Terry. Terry gives him a smile. Poof rushes over and hugs him. “Hi new big bwover.” He says to Terry. “Hi lil’bro” Terry says back hugging Poof.

“Yay, Now I got three sons.” Dad shouts flipping in the air. Mom is silent. Terry walks over to her. “I know you don’t like me,but...” Terry starts to say,but is cut off when mom pulls him into a tight hug. “Try to blow anything up again,or your grounded mister.”She says softly. “And I don’t hate you baby.” I hear her whisper to him. “I won’t mom.” He says with a smile. “Not without parental permission.” “Speaking of.”She says looking at me. “Was anti-cosmo really taking care of you?” I nod”he even cooked for us when his arm was broken.”

“Timmy,Why was Anti-Me’s arm broken”Cosmo asked with a worried look in he eyes. “Because some brute fairies stomped the crap out of him.” Terry stated angrily.Dad's eyes darkened. “Oh no.” Poof gasped. “But,there not supposed to do that.” mom gasped horrified. “Did he tell you that?” She asked nervously. “Mom,I saw them do it.” I told her. “Wait,how did Jorgan know he was here?”Mom looked down sadly. “I saw you weren’t with the Turners and panicked.” She explained. “I never wanted him to be hurt.” “Looks like we have no choice but to bust them out.” Dad proclaims. We a look at him. He had an unusually wicked smile.“We’ll get in trouble if we get caught.” Mom says nervously. “We could loose Timmy AND Terry.” den we don ged caughd.” Poof chimes in smiling. “We godda hewp Andi-Me” Mom sighs “He probably was just sent to this castle.”  “There’s only one way to find out.” I declare “I wish we were at Anti-Cosmo’s castle” Before mom could object dad and Poof raised their wands and we were off.

End Of Timmy’s POV

In pixie world.At Sanderson’s penthouse

Sanderson’s POV

I listened quietly to a hysterical Anti-Wanda. “Clarice calm down. I’m on my way.”Tell her before hanging up.  I lean back and blow out a sigh. I was afraid  this might happen.“Trouble? I hear a voice ask from across the room. I look up and see Eugene standing at the door. “Yeah,I’ll be stepping out for a while." I tell him pinging into my place in bed. “You might as well finish sleeping in my bed I won’t be back till morning.” I ping myself dressed. “Do you want me to come along “He asks, but I can here the Sleepiness in his voice.He looked like he could barely keep his eyes open. “No,get some rest.” I tell him pinging up a cell wand. “If I need you I’ll call you on this private line.” He takes the wand and put’s it next to his pillow. “Be careful Eddie” he says,trying to muffle a yawn.”I will” I assure him and ping off to Anti-fairy world.

I ping in to see Foop dressed in full battle gear. “They will pay dearly for trifling with MY father.” He shouted. “I told ya ,ya ain’t coming.” I turn to see Clarice dressed the same way. Be for I can say a word I hear a poof. I’m floored to see turner and His fairies dressed as ninjas.  “Turner?” I say dumbfounded. “Where’s father?” He asks looking around. “Timothy,did you just call my father,father?”Foop asks as puzzled as I am. “uh yeah.”Turner admits. Clarice squeals with joy. She almost  knocks me down rushing to the boy. “I knew ya cared.”

What are you people doing here?” I ask As Clarice squeeze the boy breathless. “We were worried about Anti-Me.” Cosmo explains. “So we came to see if they took him home.” And If they didn’t Foop asks,suspiciously. “Then were gonna sneak into abacatraz and save him.”  I look at the boy who said it.  “Who are you?” I ask looking him over. “I’m Terence . He say backing away “Timmy’s darker half.” “Yur da anti-Timmy?” Clarice gasps surprised. I share her sentiment. “Yes, he is” Wanda snaps snatching Turner from Clarice. “And like Timmy, he’s MY son.”

No, dare MY boy’s” Clarice huffs Snatching Turner back. “No their Mine! Wanda Shouts back ,snatching the boy back.They back and forth with this. Soon grabbing turns to poofing and fooping. “Mom! Momma! Stop!” The poor kid screams. They freeze both with their hands on him. “Will you put me down?” Your making me dizzy.” “Sorry,sweety.” They say in unison,Putting the boy down. “Timmy,you ok?” Poofs asked floating over to him.  Yeah,I’m ok.” he moans in response Foop floats over as well, looking concerned.

“Tyler?” I call to the dimwitted fairy. “Ah you remembered.” He shouts rushing over to hug me. I suppress the urge the smile,and shove him off. “since when did Ti..Turner started referring to you guys as his parents.” I continue “Isn’t that against the rules.” Tear well up in his eyes.“Um yeah.But his real parents suck. And I spend more time with him besides I love him MOORRRRE.” He Stammer out almost crying. I start to feel a headache coming on. “Look Tyler,I don’t care.” I sigh out “I was just wondering.” Oh ok.” He says beaming. “what’s with the smile.”I ask. “It’s happy and at the same time disturbing.” “Because you still like me.” He says hugging me again. “Wait you guys are friends?” Wanda quips shocked. “No.” I lie

“Don’t lie Eddie.” He Interrupts. “Pixies only refer to there close friends and family by there middle name,and you called me by mine.” “Is that true mother?” I hear Foop ask. “Yup,that’s why he calls me Clarice.” Clarice informs him  “How dey don call dem by dier fwist name?” Poof asks floating to Clarice. “Because dey only call there kid and mates by there first.”She explains “OoooH” The fairies and Foop say in unison. “Speaking of names.” I hear Turner’s voice next to me. “What’s your full name Sanderson.” I Turn to him. “It’s Thomas. Thomas Edward Sanderson.” I reply Shoving Tyler off me.I don’t know why,but I feel myself blush when I tell him..  “what’s your full name?”

“It’s Timothy Tiberius Cosma-Ismadee.” I informs me. “Nice name.” I complement him “Thanks,I like it.” He says smiling at me with those cute buckteeth. My heart pings like crazy. Out the corner of my eye I notice everyone staring. I clear my throat. “We should focus on saving havoc.” I stammer. “Yes! We’ll storm the prison and blast anyone who get’s in the way.”Foop begins “An when we get uncy Ac to safedy we bwow da pwace to smidderins” Poof finishes for him. “ooohs,I like the way you think Fairy-Me.” Foop says putting a arm around his counter-part. “Dank you Andi-Me.” Poof replies hugging his anti-self.

“First of all you youngins ain’t coming.” Clarice says anti-poofing a butterfly net over them. “Hey!” they whine. “Secondly We’re not busting into the prison.” Wanda adds ,brandishing a ninja sword. “We’re sneaking in.” “Thank you Wanda.”Clarice sniffle out rushing over to hug Wanda. “Hey,that’s what family do.” The two exchange smiles. “We going to need a baby sitter.” Terry reminds us,eyeing the two struggling babies. “I got it covered” I announce whipping out my phone.

End of Sanderson’s POV

Abracatraz prison*

Timmy's POV

The six of us fooped inside the prison. “I can’t believe we were able to just pop inside like this.”dad whispered. “I can.”Sanderson whispered back. “Who’d expect a anti-fairy to willing come to this hell.”  “I did." A voice boomed behind  We gulped and turned around. Sure enough behind us was a very pissed of Jorgan van Strangle. Jorgan eyed Mom and.Mom had on a teal ninja outfit that matched her eyes. Dad had similar outfit ,but it was colored to match his bright new orange eyes. Jorgan sneered.”I don’t know who you fairies are,but helping filthy anti’s is a serious crime.”And you Sanderson.” he added pointing to Sanderson."HP will not be able to bail you out of this one.

“I’m not Sanderson.” Sanderson stated calmly. “What?” asked a surprised Jorgan.“You heard me. I said I’m not Sanderson,you racist prick.” Sanderson snapped angrily. “The names,Peterson. Do all us Pixie's really look alike to you?” Jorgan eyed the pixie suspiciously. “Why would any other pixie be helping Anti-wanda?” “I hired him ya dummy.” Jorgan turned and looked at her “ As opposed to getting Sanderson to help you for free?” he asked. “I didn’t want to get da poor pixie inta trouble.” she shrugged. "Beside he got work tomorrow."

"And he don't?" Asks Jorgan. "Nah,it's my day off." Sanderson replies. While they were debating the identity  of the mystery pixie,No one noticed Two "Blond girls sneaking off"

End Of Timmy's POV*

*meanwhile at Anti-Cosmo’s holding cell*

*AntiCosmo's POV*

I leaned weakly against the cell wall. Ever inch of me was in dire pain. “One session down two to go.” I think to myself. I feel myself shack uncontrollably at the mere thought of going back”Oh gods, how am I going to make it through,with my sanity.” I pulled the medallion from his hat. "Oh Lizzy, Will there be anything left of me for you to come home to?" I think to myself.“Good thing I had the presence of mind to put this in my hat,BEFORE stepping outside.” I hear footsteps coming down the hallway.I quickly  throw the medallion into my hat and place it back on.

Two brute come to my cell. “You ready for round two,girl man?” asked the crossed eyed one. “No thank you.” I reply. Though I'm not sure what's more unnerving Going back to the chamber, Or the eerily suggestive looks those brutes are giving me.”I would like to stay here  a while longer" I add. "You know to really let the fear build.” the brute looked at each other . “That makes sense.” remarked the beady eyed one.”

“We could always have some fun wit him.” The crossed eyed one suggests eyeing me.“He got a real purtty mouth.” He added licking his lips at . . At ME?!? With speed  I never knew I could muster healthy, let alone on me weakened state, I leap to my feet and make it to the back of the  cell in record time.“C..Come again?” I stammered with new level of uneasiness. “He does,don’t he.” The beady eyed one quipped." His skin looks might soft. The two brute entered the cell. I closed his eyes shaking. “Damn it, I thought rape only happened in HUMAN prisons.” I think to myself as I feel his breath on my ear.

“Gotcha”whispered a familiar voice. I opened eyes  and saw Timothy and Terence staring back at him. “That was you?” I stammer out,placing a hand over my rapidly beating heart. “Yup.” Replied timmy flicking his belt buckel,turning into the the crossed eyed brute and back again. "Glade he suggested swinging by the dump before coming here."Terence Adds “You little brats." I sigh out.I fall to my knees. As the fear leaves me,it take what little strength I had with it ”You almost gave me a heart attack.”"Father!" I ear my panicked boys shout.  I try to stand but ,it's A hopeless cause.

“Father,we’re sorry.” Terence manages,trying to hold back tears. “We’re sorry, we’re so, so sorry. “Timothy adds, He was near tears as well.I pull my shaking boys into my arms. “Calm,yourself children. "I tell them.I’m still weak from the effects of the electric chair,it’s not your fault I’m like these.” The boy’s pulled away. “What electric chair.” They asked in panicked voices. The panic in their eyes were replaced by outright terror. I was only trying to calm them. But it seems I made matters worst.

I Bite back all forms of profanity. How in the world do I even begin to explain this. "Father,please say something." Timothy Urges. He voice shook ah he spoke.Before I can utter a thing the rest of the rescue party bursts in. “Cozzie!” squeals  Anti-Wanda as she dart s over to hug my.I smile despite the pain I'm in.  I look at the cell door and notice to strange ninja fairies smiling at us.. “who are...?” I stop mid-sentence as I realized who they were. "Cosmo? WANDA!?!" I think to myself profoundly shocked.didn't they hate me?The two fairies smiled. I smile back as well. “This is a touching moment and all,but can we get the hell out of here?” Sanderson called from out side the cell.

Timothy and Terence flicked there belt buckles again and turned into two blond haired, green eyed girls. “Let’s hit it. They called back as everyone rushed out the cell. “Your not going anywhere.! Jorgan boomed as he atomic-poofed in with five brutes.   Everyone gasped in shock and fear. Well everyone except me. I gasped because Antiwanda was squeezing the life out of me.  “Anti-Wanda,my dark angel . “Not so tight,yeah."I whisper to her“ bruised ribs and all that.” "Sorry babeh."She whispers back Loosening her grip.

“I  don’t know who the other kid is ? Growled jorgan. ut this hair brained scheme could only be hatched by” he reached down and snatched off TImothy's Belt device. “Timmy turner. which means you fairies” He atomic-poofs Cosmo and Wanda back to normal.” Are Cosmo and Wanda!”He atomic-poofed them all in the same red jumpsuit I was wearing. “It’s the chamber for all of you.” He sneered. “put first.” he adds snatching off Terence's belt.  Jorgan and the brutes gasp. A frightened Terence hid behind AntiWanda“It’s a Anti-timmy.” stammers one brute. “Kill it!” shouts another. “Let’s see how it holds up in the chamber.” Jorgan said,smiling sadistically. “Don’t ya touch my boy.”Shouted Anti-Wanda  as she pulled  a terrified Terry into her arms.

Now that I was no longer being held,I Quietly make my way over to Thomas. "Psst, Thomas." I call to him." He rushes over. "Havoc,We got to get them out of here." He whispers to me. "Do  you have the Luner Shadow Medallion You?"I ask. " Yeah,In my hat."He replies. "Good." I remark pulling the Star Mist Medallion From my hat."Havoc,Your not seriously thinking about giving it to them." I Let out a low sigh. " I know it might be a tad soon." I reply. "But we have little choice, Your wings will never mend after a session in there."
Thomas regards me with concern. "Its it that bad?" He asks. I give a sad nod in confirmation.   A low growl escapes him as he pulls off his hat. "Fine,but only because their's no way in hell I'm letting you go back in their. Or our loved ones."He states as he pull out the medallion. "Especially Terry,He's far to young to face such horrors." I think to myself. " To be confronted
with such raw hatred." I turn to see my boys Huddled in their mothers arms. To my shock Cosmo was doing a damn fine job of keeping Jorgan and his thugs at bay.

He turns To my  With a defiant smirk. Did he know what i was planning? "Get the lead out you two?" He calls to us." Give it to them already,I can't keep them back forever." Thomas and I smile and give a nod. "Ready?" I ask him. "As I'll ever me." Thomas replies. "Timothy ! Terence! Catch!" I shout, as THomas and I toss the boys their Medallions.  Jorgan makes a grab at them, Only to be knocked back by a blast from Wanda. Timothy Catches the Star Medallion and Terence catches the Luner Medallion. A bright light engulfed the boys. A white light Shimmers around Timothy,and a black light around Terence. Wanda stairs at her sons shocked. Cosmo and AntiWanda cheer. "Yo punks gonna get it now." Mocked Anti-Wanda

Jorgan lifts his wand. No Anti Bitch." He sneered. "Their getting a new outfit." He  laughs menacingly,At least till his wand deflates in his hands. His cocky expression is replaced by a look of outright shock and horror. "No it..It can't be."He stammers" Don't stand their sniveling."He shouts to his nervous brutes. "Get those medallions! " Timothy raises a hand" Aqua Dreams." He calls out. Mist fills the room. One by one the brutes fall. "Goon night gentlemen."I call to them. "Damn you AntiCosmo." Jorgan growls falling to his knees."And damn you too Eliza." And with the he falls into a deep slumber.

Terence walks over to the snoring brutes. "Shadow amnesia" He whispers. A dark shadow snakes around the brutes. Entering and exiting through their mouths. Each time taking a litle ball of light. With a wave of their hand,Timothy and Terence change our clothes back to normal. They then turn to me with a smile. "Heal." They call in unison.  The pain I feel vanishes , I can even move my wing freely."Take care boy." I call to them "Don't o. . ." I'm cut off by a loud Ping? I look around to see my living room.

“Timmy! Terry!” Anti-Wanda and wanda Shouts catching the boys as they fall. “Are they going to be ok, Anti-Me?” Cosmo asks casting a worried glance at the unconscious boys. “They’ll me fine Cosmo.” Anti-Cosmo assures him. “There merely asleep.” “We could all use some of that.” Thompson called from the couch. In his arms He held a sleeping Poof and Foop.” Cosmo and I Go over and pick up the sleeping babies.” Thank’s for watching them Eugene.” says Cosmo

“Yes,thank you indeed.”I agree.”  “How did you get them to calm down” Wanda asked mystified. “I told them that as the only two fairy babies around,they would have blown your cover.” Thompson explained. “Thanks for the help Eugene.” Sanderson remarked. “No prob” Thompson replied.  “We have to get out of” mumbled Terry. “I only erased some of there memory,the rest I had to manipulate.” “They Think Father escaped from the house not the prison”Timmy finished.

We exchange worried glances. Cosmo and Wanda Lifts their wands and Poof us to their castle.We should be safe in my castle.” Wanda tell us. “Good idea Wanda.” I remark." They won’t think you guy’s would hide us out. “Let’s get these younins to bed.” Anti-Wanda whispers picking up Timmy. “Good Idea.”Wanda whispers back. “Eddie,Eugene.” Wait for us it the living room.” Cosmo whispers to the pixies. Thomas takes the medallions from the boys. Where’s that?” he whispers to wanda. “Down the hall to the right.”she responds.

End Of AntiCosmo's POV,Eugene's POV

The Fairies fly to the bedrooms with there counter parts close behind.Leaving Me and Eddie to make our way down the hall.  Man what a night. Temples of doom. Magic babies. I wonder if this was what he meant by embracing destiny. Wait a sec.“Did that fairy just call me,Eugene?” I ask Eddie nervously. “Yeah,Tyler always did lack a sense of boundaries.” Eddie laughed. “Not to self,ask Pinky her middle name.” What the hell have I gotten Myself into?  “Why do I feel like my life is about to spiral waaay out of my control.” I sigh under my breath “Be cause it is”Eddie replies with a big grin.”But look on the bright side.”

“What bright side?”I moan feeling like I'm suddenly flying with lead wings. Eddie lean close to me. A mad, wicked grin on his handsome face. " You'll feel more alive, Have more control, and feel happier then you ever dared to dream possible. As he pulls back I can only stare at him ,To shocked to speak. He looks me over for a moment then float into the living room laughing. I let out sigh and follow him in. I couldn't help but smile. He really was embracing destiny. I don't  know where this destiny was taking us,or even if I'll like it. But one thing I was sure of. I'm more then happy to ride shot gun.

End Eugene's POV

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