Blood Stained: Chapter 3: Shattered Dreams


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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Shattered Dreams



Blood Stained


Chapter 3: Shattered Dreams


Kagome felt a bit dizzy as she landed in the Feudal Era. This had been her first trip back home in two weeks and it had been extremely short. They had run out of many supplies thus Inuyasha had allowed her to return home for a few hours to let her stock up again. He hadn't even put up a fight and she figured it had been because she would only be gone for a short while.


As she climbed out of the well with much difficulty, her heart began to face. She couldn't help the strange feeling of dvu taking over her body and mind. Kagome found herself holding back her breath, almost expecting Sesshomaru to appear out of nowhere. As a matter of fact she hadn't thought about those events in a while and having those memories being rushed to her mind wasn't exactly thrilling.


Kagome had been extremely busy in the past week, which was something she was grateful for. It had helped her forget the faithful inside, though now it appeared it hadn't fully worked. It left a bittersweet taste in her mouth since she had no desire to be stuck in the same whirlpool of guilt.


She finally let herself breathe out, before shaking her head.


Kagome was well aware that she wouldn't see Sesshomaru again, though many questions were dying to be answered. Her main one was if her recent pain attacks were related to him. Frankly, she doubted it, but she couldn't help the little voice within her head. Ever since their encounter, chest pain would come around at least twice a day and it was becoming so frequent, that it was daily routine. However, something was different about them; they were affecting her heart.


She felt heartbroken, as if a being in need was calling out to her with its whole soul. Kagome really couldn't explain what she was feeling, but it was almost terrifying; sometimes, tears even came to her eyes and she couldn't stop herself. She could see the concern in Inuyasha's eyes every day, but there was no explanation she could give him. The only hint of a suggestion was Sesshomaru, but even that was far fetched.


How could it have anything to do with him?


Granted Sesshomaru had touched her a bit, but that wasn't enough to affect her. Unless he had truly been under a spell, and somehow she had become infected as well?


No, this was something else, probably stressed. Kagome wasn't getting enough sleep and they were often running around, fighting and her body was simply trying to tell her it was tired. Yes, this was the logical explanation. Suddenly, Kagome was brought back out of her thoughts by footsteps.


Immediately, her whole body froze and she closed her eyes, hoping this was all just a dream. As the footsteps got closer, her heartbeat increased and fear installed itself in her heart.




She almost jumped when she felt a hand on her shoulder. "Kag?"


Kagome felt so relieved when she realized it was Inuyasha. Wrong Brother. She put her best smile on before turning around and facing him.


"You al'ight?" he asked, trying to catch her in a lie.


Most of the time she was having panic attacks, as she called them, and she would lie to them, pretending it was something else. He had smelled the fear when he got near her and naturally assumed she was having another episode. He wished she would just be honest with him. It was already enough that he couldn't help her; she could at least allow him to bring her comfort.


She nodded. "I'm just a little tired." And have a little too much imagination…


Inuyasha didn't believe her one bit, but he still let it go, so he grabbed her bag from her and started to head in direction of the village. Kagome was grateful that Inuyasha dropped the issue so often since she didn't want to lie to him more than she already was.


Plus, she'd probably end up sitting him into oblivion; she was very PMS, causing her to have less patience than usually with the hanyou. She was pretty sure he noticed it too, because he seemed to try to not annoy her. Obviously, his nose had told him it was not the time to be bothering her.


Kagome watched him walk ahead of her and her heart felt heavy. It had been two weeks now, since he had finally put Kikyo behind him and made his move towards her, yet nothing had happened between them. Kagome brought her hand to her lips, touching them; she still hadn't her first kiss.


Some little voice inside of her was wondering if he were still interested in her. She would reassure herself by saying he wouldn't have come forward if he hadn't, but she still wished they could make more progress. After all, what seventeen years old still hadn't kissed anyone?


Kagome understood this was still new and they were still young, but honestly all she was asking for was a kiss, while most girls her age had already gone all the way. However, she knew better than to push Inuyasha when he wasn't ready. Although, he wasn't good at decision-making, and could never make up his mind, so maybe he was waiting for a sign? Maybe she would need to be the one to come forward and initiate everything.


Kagome took a deep breath before walking faster so she could catch up to him. Her heart was beating like crazy as she reached out for his hand. She could feel herself blushing, and she didn't know why; it was only a kiss.


But, this would be her first kiss. It was important, it was a big step.


"Inuyasha?" she asked, her voice almost a whisper.


Immediately he stopped walking, and focused all his attention on her. He didn't know what had her feeling so distress, but he didn't like it. Her eyes looked all tear up, and her cheeks were red. Was she sick?


Kagome decided to not waste any time, thus she closed her eyes and leaned forward slightly. Right away, Inuyasha let go of her hand and his surprise caused her bag to fall on the ground. He was trying to figure out if Kagome was implying what he thought she was. Did she want him to kiss her?


Since she remained like that for a few more seconds, he nervously decided to take his chance. Inuyasha wasn't very experienced with all of this; he had only kiss Kikyo before and only a few times. On top of that, he had a feeling that kissing her would be much different from kissing Kikyo. The warmth would be a big factor.


Inuyasha put his hands on her shoulders and brought her forward crashing his lips on hers. Kagome felt the whole world around her stop for a second as she finally obtained her wish. She was kissing Inuyasha.


Her heart was beating like a hammer within her chest. At first, both of them were going very slowly, keeping a certain distance, but after a few instants, Inuyasha wrapped his arms around her waist and brought her closer.


She had never been so happy of her whole life. She lost herself into Inuyasha, finally getting a taste of him. Inuyasha gently nibbled on her bottom lip before releasing her. As he pulled away, they were staring at each other, a little bit out of breath. Kagome couldn't hide the small smile on her face as she grabbed Inuyasha's hand.


Maybe today wasn't such a bad day after all.



Something had happened.


Sango watched as her best friend walked beside her, a smile on her face. Ever since she had come back with Inuyasha the previous night, her mood had been extremely good. Heck, she hadn't even sat Inuyasha when he had acted like a jerk. Sango was determined to get to the bottom of this, so slowly she got closer to her friend and bumped into her. Kagome, who had been lost in her thoughts, turned to look at her friend. She immediately recognized the look in her eyes.


She wanted answers.


Kagome shook her head softly before glancing around. Inuyasha and Miroku, who had Shippo on his shoulder, were walking ahead of them and Kagome decided they were far enough. Moreover, she had never been good at keeping things for herself, especially good things.


She got closer to her friend's ear and whispered, "I might have kissed Inuyasha last night."


Kagome herself still couldn't believe that such a thing happened to her. After all the heartaches he had put her through, it had seemed impossible for them to ever make it in the end. Kagome always believed her love would be one sided until the day she would finally get over it. Yet, it seemed life had graced her with a bit of luck.


Sango couldn't help the smile that took over her face. Although Inuyasha had his bad side, ever since he had dropped Kikyo and officially taken Kagome, her friend had been happier. Her mood was better than Sango had seen in years. If things were finally good between them and Inuyasha made her glow with joy, Sango couldn't ask more for the woman she considered her sister.


"Kagome, that's great!" said Sango before wrapping her arms around her.


Kagome smiled at her, but couldn't help but feel a small sadness. She wished Sango could be happy too and make progress with Miroku. After all the taijiya deserved it a lot more than she did. After the loss she had gone through, it was about time she got some happiness. It almost felt unfair that she was getting a taste of love when Sango was still so alone.


"You know, you could make the same progress," she said before looking in direction of Miroku.


Immediately Sango blushed and gazed away to hide her embarrassment. It wasn't as though she hadn't thought about it, but Miroku's ways always stopped her. Not only did he flirt with every woman he saw, but also she knew it would only encourage his perverted side. Not that she disliked that side of him that much or anything…


When Sango remained silent, Kagome shook her head. "You know he would never turn you down Sango!"


"Miroku wouldn't turned down any woman," said Sango, her tone extremely serious.


Everyone was aware of Miroku's lecherous side, but Kagome also knew that no matter what he did, the houshi had feelings for Sango. It was shown by the way he tried to grope her more often than anyone else, or those moments where he actually behaved himself and was there for her. More than once he had risked his life to save Sango. Maybe her friend couldn't see the signs yet, but Kagome could.


At the moment he wasn't tied down at all and it mostly explained why he allowed his hand to travel so much, but if there was a real commitment between him and Sango, Kagome strongly believed he would cease his lecherous behavior, or at least improve himself.


Kagome shrugged her shoulders. "I still think you should give him a chance."


Sango remained silent, but deep inside she wanted to. Maybe if Miroku made an attempt that wasn't all about grabbing her ass, then perhaps she would go for it. Scratch that, she would probably let him. Before she knew it, she giggled softly, earning her a strange look from Kagome. She had a feeling whatever Sango was thinking about, it had something to do with Miroku.


It brought her attention back to her hanyou and a big smile still adorned Kagome's face as she watched Inuyasha walk in front of her. Usually, he would carry her but today they had no lead and there were in no rush to get anywhere. In addition, she had a feeling Sango had wanted to talk to her, so she set it up so they could have some girl time at some point during the day.


Slowly, Inuyasha turned his head to gaze at Kagome. She was brightly smiling at him and it made his heart melt. Deep inside, he was aware that he had done the right thing by breaking things off with Kikyo. He still missed the clay miko, but Kagome could fill that void in him that Kikyo had never been able to.


There was also the fact that his heart had never been completely fulfilled. Inuyasha trusted Kagome, but he had been betrayed so many times that it was hard to fully give his heart. There was a pain within him that would never be chased away and the only solution he had was to learn to live with it.


Still, there were situations that brought him happiness. He still couldn't believe he was lucky enough to have someone like her in his life. She loved him, and only him. He had noticed her devotion over the years and he knew there was nobody that could be so devoted.


Once everything with Naraku would be over, he intended on mating with Kagome. She was the first one to accept him and he didn't want to risk losing her. In his mind, she was the only one who wouldn't be ashamed to be his even though he was a filthy hanyou. Only Kagome knew how to make him find peace within himself and he was grateful for that.


Of course, he hadn't talked about this with her yet, but he could hardly see her saying no. Especially since he could also travel through the well. He would even let her pick which side they would live on, whatever made her happy.


Her world was a bit strange, and it was true that it would take some time to adjust, but it was a sacrifice he was willing to make. Plus, his own world didn't hold a lot he held dear. He had no family here and he was considered an outcast. On the other side, he could start new and perhaps a fresh start was all he required.


Inuyasha gently smiled at Kagome as he came out of his thoughts, before turning his head back in direction of the road.


Kagome hadn't felt that good in a long time. Actually, she didn't have a single panic attack during the whole day; maybe things were looking up for her! Now that she felt like the weight of the world had been lifted off her shoulders, Kagome's spirits were brightening. Not only did she have confidence in herself, but also into their victory.


Often, when Inuyasha had picked Kikyo over her, it had affected her self-esteem, but now, she felt good in her own skin. No more trouble, no more doubts. For once there was only one direction she could go into and it was forward. She was first and she was on top. Never had Kagome realized how much it had affected her in the past, but now that her life was brightened, the veil had been lifted. Still, Kagome decided that she shouldn't dwell upon it.


After all, Inuyasha and her already had their difficulties and they had come through all of them. She had no doubt they could make it through whatever lay ahead of them. The wind caressed her face, as she closed her eyes. Yes, her heart, her soul, and her body belonged to Inuyasha. She would give her life for him, and never would she endanger him.


After all the heartache he caused her, she still loved him.




Nothing better to relax.


Kagome was at the springs by herself, taking a long deserved bath. It had taken her a few minutes to convince Inuyasha that she would be just fine on her own. He had insisted it would be dangerous since it was a fairly good distance from their camp, but she had sat him and he had let her go. Sometimes he was over protective of her, but she liked it since it meant he cared about her.


Although at the moment, she was enjoying the hot springs maybe a little better than his caring. The stress from the past weeks had started to affect her and this break had been exactly what she needed to relax her tensed muscles. Moreover, unlike Inuyasha she wasn't worried because if something were to happen, she wasn't really far from the camp, or at least not as far as he put it.


She knew if she screamed, Inuyasha would hear her and come running, so there was no risk.


Kagome moved her bag near the edge of the water and took out all the products she needed. Kagome hurried to pour shampoo in her hand and started to massage her scalp. She couldn't help but take in a deep breathe, as she loved the scent of mango and pineapple coming from the shampoo. Inuyasha would always complain the scent was too strong, but she didn't care because for her human nose it was perfect.


Slowly she dipped her head under water, rinsing off all the shampoo from her hair. Kagome felt a little lonely without Sango there with her, but the taijiya had not the same view on bathing as Kagome. Unlike her, they did not think bathing every day was a necessity. It probably wasn't, but she couldn't chase a habit she had followed her whole life.


Nonetheless, it was nice to have someone to chat with and at the moment she felt like she had so much to share, yet she had to keep it inside. To distract herself Kagome began to imagine herself in a bubble bath with a little plastic duck floating around her and she chuckled. It used to be her favorite thing in the world when she was a little girl.


Kagome closed her eyes and rested her head on a nearby rock. Here she was naked and all by herself. The thought made her blush and she couldn't help but think about Inuyasha. Surely, there would be a time where they would become closer physically. Maybe not now, or not until Naraku was defeated, but one day.


Of course, thinking about such thing only made her go three different shades of red. The thought of being naked in front of Inuyasha was extremely embarrassing, but at least she was relieved that both of them had no experience in the domain. She wanted her first time to be special, just like every other girl.


Although, for her special didn't mean roses, candles, and a big banner. She just wanted to be with someone she loved and who loved her back.


The presence of someone nearby brought Kagome out of her thought. She felt warmth in her lower regions as she wondered if it were Inuyasha. What would she do if he showed up while she was here, alone and naked? It was way too soon wasn't it? Her heartbeat increased as she opened her eyes, only to gasp.


In front of her was standing the last person she expected to see and the one she had been trying to chase out of her mind.




Fear took her over when she noticed that just like the previous time she had encountered him his eyes weren't amber but crimson. His aura was just as unusual, and his fangs were sticking out of his mouth making him look even more like a predator. Her whole body went on alert, as his unexpected presence was a mystery.


Last time, she had blamed his presence on her blood since it had appeared to be the object of his interest. But this time she had no idea what he was doing here. After all, she hadn't hurt nor cut herself and her period wasn't for another couple of days. On top of that all those things together shouldn't be a reason for him to lurk in the shadows like that.


"Sesshomaru?" she tried, as she slowly swam away from him.


She could already not trust him when he was acting normal, so when he was in this state, she knew she couldn't. Though at the moment she could not go very far.


Sesshomaru didn't say a word but simply sniffed the air around. Kagome couldn't help but wonder if he had been glancing around for something, but simply stumble unto her? Why did that sound way too convenient? Two times in a round? No odds were that good. At least not in this case.


Suddenly, Kagome slightly jumped when she hit a rock, thinking it was something else. Her heart began pounding, as she felt trapped like a prey.


Sesshomaru locked his red eyes on her and proceeded to walk forward. He wouldn't come in the water would he? She was naked for Kami's sake! Although she had a feeling Sesshomaru couldn't care less about that detail at the moment. Kagome knew it would be safer for her to be out of the water, then in it and from the look of it, Sesshomaru was ready to go in the water if he had to.


Slowly, and carefully, she emerged out of the water and as quickly as possible, she hid behind a rock; she didn't want to give him a free show.


Then, Kagome, calmly - or as calmly as she could - started to consider her options. She could run, but Sesshomaru would probably catch her in not time, or she could also scream for help and Inuyasha would come running, but that would be dangerous. She recognized that Sesshomaru could kill his half-brother in a second and she didn't want Inuyasha to be dead because of her.


It was true that Sesshomaru had not attempted to kill his brother in a long time, but there was something different about him. Sesshomaru didn't look like Sesshomaru. She never trusted him or anything, but he appeared to be ready to commit some harsh actions.


Technically she had no reason to fear Sesshomaru; last time he had crept her out extremely, but he hadn't hurt her in any way. Not a scratch. Maybe she would be able to deal with this on her own. After all, hadn't she handled herself the last time? She wasn't a damsel in distress that always required rescuing.


Kagome gulped before covering herself the best she could, trying to get to her clothes, or at least the towel. She thanked the Kami when she reached the light blue towel and grabbed it with her left hand. She was about to wrap it around her body when Sesshomaru stopped her.


She felt his hand wrap tightly around her wrist and her heart skipped a beat. There, she was standing completely naked in front of Sesshomaru and on top of that, he was staring at her naked body with no shame, causing Kagome to be even more uncomfortable. In her heart she knew something was wrong because he would never do that.


Kagome tried to pull away, but he only yanked her back painfully. He growled at her, his eyes growing even bigger. Kagome felt a lump caught in her throat as she watched the powerful youkai approach her. His face was only inched from hers, when he ceased all movement and smelled her face. Apparently, he wasn't happy with what he found out because a deep angry growl came out of his chest, almost causing vibrations to go through her body.


Kagome couldn't help the fear that took her over and once again, she tried to pull away from his grasp, wishing for nothing but to be far from him, but it was hopeless. Angrily, he dragged her over to a grass patch area and threw her on the ground, her back slamming against it.


She wanted to say something, but her words were caught in her throat and she felt like a mute. In a desperate moment, she could not even rely on her voice to help her. Sesshomaru wasn't the nicest person, but she knew he wasn't that horrible. He was cold and careless, but didn't go out of his way to harm people who hadn't done anything to him. This couldn't be happening.


As far as she could think, she hadn't done anything to him. If she had, she certainly didn't remember, but surely it hadn't been her intention to do so! A silent scream escaped her lips when Sesshomaru kneed down to the ground and forcefully parted her legs, before nesting in between them.


Kagome tried to back away the horror of the things to come flashing through her mind, but before she could do anything, he had her pinned down to the ground. He held her hands above her head, while his other hand was holding her down by the waist. Kagome felt tears coming up to her eyes, as her body started to shake. The reality of her helplessness was crushing her guts.


She wanted to chase the bad thoughts away, but she couldn't help but imagined what he would do next. She wanted to scream and hope Inuyasha would come, but she didn't, she couldn't. She loved Inuyasha, and no matter how strong he was truth was, Sesshomaru was stronger.


Inuyasha had only half the blood Sesshomaru possessed and she refused to endanger his life. Sesshomaru wouldn't kill her. If her death were what he wished for, he would have done it already. She would live… unfortunately. But Inuyasha, he wouldn't be so lucky. The thought of bearing his pain alone was breaking her heart.


Sesshomaru paid no attention to the tears rolling down her cheeks as he forcefully pressed his lips against her. He had to kiss her. He had been so far away from her when he had caught the divine scent of her body and perhaps he wouldn't have been so harsh if she had only remained away from the filthy hanyou. He made sure to suck, and nibble on her lips, getting rid of the hanyou scent, which had been staining her cherry lips.


***I'll start the warning here***


Satisfied once the scent had been removed, he left her lips to move down and attacked her neck, while still holding her in place. There was nothing he needed more in this world than her scent and her taste. Her soul had been calling out to him for a long time now and tonight she was making it so difficult on him to wait. He licked her collarbone, slightly nibbling her skin, while Kagome struggled under him.


This was not happening. She couldn't let this occur. It didn't matter how weak she was, she had to find a way to break through this.


"Please, Sesshomaru," she begged, hoping he would come back to his senses.


Kagome knew it wasn't Sesshomaru. If only the real one could come through. Never had she wanted to see his amber eyes so badly.


The Lord didn't even raise his head, letting her know her words mattered very little to him. Couldn't she understand it was supposed to be this way? Now she was begging him to cease his actions because her mind had been corrupted by the hanyou. Too often her scent had been drown in his, but it would no longer happen.


Sesshomaru decided to taste her, his mouth moving to her left breast, and immediately, he took it in his mouth, sucking on it like a pup. Kagome's body being so untouched reacted to Sesshomaru's touch, but her mind didn't. She ignored the feeling of warmth going through her as she tried to kick him away with her feet.


"Let me go!" she said, a lot louder than she expected.


She didn't want her first time to be like this; she didn't want her first time to be with Sesshomaru, when it was meant to be with Inuyasha. She prayed to the Kamis he would come back to himself soon enough. Once again, she tried to push him away from her, but it only made the situation worst.


It was obvious that he wasn't pleased with her defiance; he was her alpha and she was supposed to submit to him. How dare she? All he desired was to make her his, but she showed such disrespect! Sesshomaru raised his hand and smacked her across the cheek.


Kagome was too stunned at first to say anything. Her cheek stung like a million of needles were pricking at her skin and her eyes were filled with heavy tears. She could not believe Sesshomaru had just hit her; she was pretty sure she would bruise. He didn't seem very fazed about the whole thing since he had gone back to her breast. He played with her nipple with his clawed fingers, causing them to harden.


"My bitch."


After all that time waiting, wanting. He hadn't planned for it to be today, but now that he was so close to her, he knew he couldn't rip himself away anymore. Too long he had waited and now there was no turning back. Tonight she'd be his.


At his harsh tone, Kagome found herself overwhelmed with fear again. No matter how much she had hoped, Kagome knew he wouldn't come out of this. Her heart sunk has the realization settled in. Words weren't reaching out to him, neither were tears nor begging. Unless he was broken away from his trance, this would happen.


He hadn't gone this far last time and she couldn't see his eyes changing back. She feared for Inuyasha's safety but the more seconds that passed and the more she wanted to scream. Surely, if all her friends came, they could at least get rid of Sesshomaru right? Maybe at the worst cause him to flee!


That was when her stupidity hit her.


Sesshomaru would never be a coward in front of anybody. The result would be him killing all of her friends and she couldn't bare such a thought. He had shown mercy before, but he had also shown death. She would not carry the guilt of their deaths, it would kill her.


Then all the sudden Kagome was pulled away from her thoughts as she gasped when she felt an intrusion in her body. Kagome raised her head slightly and glanced down only to find Sesshomaru still sucking at her breast. What she couldn't see but feel was his finger inside her womanhood.


He was fingering her at a very quick pace, being careful with his claws. Kagome had of course masturbated a few times, but when someone else was doing it, it was extremely different. The more his pace quicken, the more Kagome hated herself. She could feel herself getting wetter against her will and it was killing her, twisting her stomach into knots.


I don't want this.


She wished this could all be a nightmare and that she could wake up. When Sesshomaru inserted another digit, she felt more tears coming. She needed to get him off her and right now.


Sesshomaru could sense and smell her distress, which was why he kept increasing his speed. She was going to be his mate; he had to learn to chase away her pain. Was he not providing her with pleasure? Why did she cry? He was only doing this to make the whole process easier for her.


In her desperate moment, Kagome did a desperate attempt. She grabbed his wrist with her hand and attempted to use what little power she had trained.


Unfortunately for her that wasn't much since she had mostly focus on bows and arrows. Still, a small pink glow came out of her hand and it was enough to slightly burn Sesshomaru.


He let go of her hand nearly immediately, but his expression told her he was very enraged. She backed away from him, removing his fingers from inside her core simultaneously. Her wetness was slightly dripping as she tried to scramble on her feet to run away. Obviously, before she could barely make it on two feet, Sesshomaru had caught her again.


His little bitch was starting to annoy him; especially with the way she kept challenging his alpha status.


"Submit," he demanded.


She needed to learn that her place was beneath him and then she would be able to feel happiness and joy again. Why did she make it difficult? He didn't wish to see her tears, but she gave him no choice. He needed her to understand she was his and that he could provide her with a pleasure still unknown to her.


Kagome shook her head, trying to free from his grip. "DON'T TOUCH ME!" she screamed, trying to hit him, and break free. Let this be a nightmare. Let me wake up.


He felt saddened by her words; he loved his female and her tears were stirring a rage inside of him. He had hoped she would have seen how good to her his attentions were and that it would have made her cries cease. He had struck her out of necessity and had made sure it didn't leave a mark.


Why did she insist on fighting him? She was his, and he wouldn't let her go back to that hanyou. She didn't belong to that filth, she belong by his side where he would give her everything she required. He didn't want to her hurt, but apparently, she wouldn't see things his way; he would need to teach her how to treat her alpha and he would secure her position at his side.


He would have been kind to her, but she didn't want it that way. So be it then. He had to make her his at all cost before he completely lost her. He wished she would have been happier, but apparently, it could not be helped. Sesshomaru, despite her struggles, put her on four on the cold earth. Kagome felt more tears coming, as she knew what was about to happen.


"NO! PLEASE!" she screamed, as she felt something touch her virginal womanhood.


Oh Kami. This was never what she had pictured.


Sesshomaru positioned himself at her wet entrance, excitement and thrilled traveling through his body, before putting both of his hands on her shoulders to keep her in place. He growled in satisfaction when the tip of his cock felt her wetness. She was his, she would never leave him.


Without a second thought he plunged his dick within her awaiting pussy. Sesshomaru only stopped when he reached her hymen, proof of her pureness. A smirk appeared on his lips before he broke through and took her virginity. Kagome cried out in pain as she felt him take something sacred to her.


"Stop, PLEASE, stop!" she cried as she tried to move away from him. Oh God, it hurt.


Ignoring her plea, Sesshomaru started to pounce his dick into her tight, wet cunt as some blood dripped out of her. The scent of her blood combined with the scent of her heat was enough to drive him wild. Not hearing her cries of pain, he let his cock ravaged her pussy, thrusting harder and deeper every time. For so long he had lusted after his little mate and now finally had the chance to taste her. The only reason why he was pushing aside her cries, because he knew, eventually she would learn this was better.


The abuse was causing her wetness to disappear, but the blood inside and outside of her was acting as a lube, causing Sesshomaru to be able to slide in and out easily. Kagome's eyes were tightly shut, as she prayed for this nightmare to end. Her first time was supposed to be sweet and filled with love, not with some disgusting beast.


Up until now, she had no problem with Sesshomaru, but now, she couldn't help the hatred that grew in her heart.


How could she not despise him?


She couldn't even find the strength to scream at him anymore, as he simply dismissed her. Kagome couldn't let him have her pain, thus she kept it inside. She could hear him groan in pleasure and it disgusted her, although, she was more disgusted with herself than she was with him. She was soiled; she was dirty.


Sesshomaru ignored her pain as he enjoyed the feeling of being buried deep inside his little bitch. He couldn't get enough of her warmth and tightness. He pushed his dick as deep as he could inside her bloody cunt, filling her completely.


Another kind of pain hit Kagome as he did so, giving her the strength to try to pull away from his grasp. When she did, he growled and decided to modify their position slightly, to have a better hold on her. Even now, she was trying to escape him, and the pain in his heart deepened.


He flattened her against the ground and covered her back with his body. Now Kagome was pinned between the ground and Sesshomaru's chest. The feeling that there was no escape only upset her more. Sesshomaru groaned in satisfaction when their new position allowed him to plunge further into her pussy, while feeling her ass pressed against him.


His release was close and soon, he would fill her fertile womb with his seeds. He increased his rhythm, not noticing that Kagome was now silent, but that the tears were still spilling out of her eyes. She had never felt so helpless in her whole life and her heart was minutes away from breaking into pieces. She wanted Inuyasha by her side; she had wanted him to be the one to take her virginity.


***Warning ends here***


Then she felt it. Sesshomaru released his cum within her, completely coating her insides. What she hadn't expected was for him to sink his fangs into her neck, marking her as his. For a second, the whole world stopped. Kagome silently cried out a scream of pain, as blood dripped down from her neck to her shoulder.


Then, another wave of pain hit her when he pulled his fangs away, lapping the blood around the mark. If she could have felt anything but suffering, she would have felt relieved when he removed his length from her abused womanhood. When he moved away from her, Kagome went on her back, sobbing before curling up on herself.


Sesshomaru was standing naked in front of her, his breathing heavy. When he didn't move for a few minutes, Kagome slightly turned her head to look at him. His eyes were flickering from crimson to amber. She bit her bottom lip, as she knew what was coming and she had a feeling this time he couldn't just run away like last time, although she wished he would.


She hated him and she never wanted to see him again.


Finally, his eyes settled to their original amber color.



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