Blood Stained: Chapter 27: The Right Choice


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Chapter 27: Chapter 27: The Right Choice

Blood Stained

Blood Stained

Chapter 27: Darkness

Kagome was sitting in her bed, the Shikon Jewel staring back at her. The more time passed, the more her guilt grew. This was her task, it had been all along. The only thing holding her back from doing it was Sesshomaru. The thought being alone with him was enough to make her stomach do flip.

He knew it.

He knew that if he showed her the jewel, she would have no choice but to accept. Of course she couldn't turn her back on this. If it remained the way it was people could be harmed or even worse. She couldn't allow such thing to happen. She would sacrifice her own comfort to help finish the jewel and rid the world of it.

It wasn't fair though.

She had learned a long time ago that life wasn't fair. She couldn't help the feeling of pain stirring up inside of her. Why him, why her? Although, she had been hoping that there had been an alternative.

Sesshomaru was a demon, he had made it through the whole 500 hundred years. Perhaps he was not the only one. Shippo. He had been much younger than Sesshomaru when she had first taken him in, meaning there was a strong possibility he was still alive.

She didn't trust him, she had wanted to see if perhaps she could find Shippo on her own, rather than asking Sesshomaru where he was. After all, she had found Sesshomaru pretty quickly considering the odds, meaning it might also be the same with Shippo. If she couldn't, then she would ask.

Anything to try and avoid being with him.

Kagome turned her head slightly before glaring at his business card that was on her bedside table. She would take a few days to attempt finding Shippo, but if she did not succeed then she would call him. Not before. She sighed heavily, her heart aching as she looked down upon the jewel.

500 hundred years of darkness.

Could she really purify it? Well, to start she would probably need arrows, a bow, but nonetheless. Wasn't this over the power she possessed? Someone like Kikyo might have been able to but in her case… Yes, she had grown somewhat stronger over the years but she didn't know if it would be enough.

In the past she had been able to purify shards by simply touching them. This would require a lot more. For the first time since it came into her possession again Kagome gently glided her fingers across the jewel before grasping it. As soon as it rested in the palm of her hand she felt herself choking. Her breath was caught in her throat, it was as if someone was attempting to strangle her.

A dark feeling invaded her body, quickly enough, the tears began to roll down her cheeks. Her mind was filled with the memories of what occurred with Sesshomaru and she couldn't stop it. Slowly, her body began to shake and sobs escaped her. Kagome gently shook her head before struggling to open her hand. When she managed to, the jewel slid from her hand and unto the bed.

Her bottom lip was quivering as she brought her knees against her chest, trying to comfort herself. Her arms were gently wrapped around her legs, not letting go. Her heart was pounding faster than it ever had as she tried to control herself. It was as if her body refused to listen to her and it kept submerging her into flashbacks she had no desire to re-live.

As she buried her face into her knees she closed her eyes, she remained in that position for nearly ten minutes. It was once all that time had passed that she found herself able to breath again. Her movements were slow as she gently unfolded herself, stretching her legs. Her heartbeat was decreasing and gently the tears began to dry.

Kagome gulped at the thought that this experience had been caused by the jewel. Could it have really swallowed so much darkness that even herself couldn't bare the feeling of holding it? How could this even be possible? The thought alone made her shiver.

She had assumed that Sesshomaru had never held the jewel, well not in a couple of hundreds of years. No matter how strong he was, this would have affected him to and after everything he's done he would have been engulfed in the darkness as well. Unless up until recently he never felt any regrets, which was highly plausible.

Kagome's eyes were once again focused on the jewel, she knew she had to put it back in the box. But, she had to avoid touching it. The feelings it had brought inside of her were still echoing through her body and she had no desire to experience them again. Gently she reached out for the box, before doing her best to scoop the jewel back inside of it.

After a few attempts, she finally succeeded in quickly closing the lid. After putting the sutra back on she once again reminded herself that it would be best to find other means of protection. If it was as somber as she thought it to be she would need all the protection she could find. This was bound to attract some undesirable guests which she wanted to avoid.

She would need to find Shippo quickly or even put her life on the line by handing it over to Sesshomaru because the longer she had the jewel in her protection, the longer she was putting her family in harm ways. Her fingers tightly wrapped around the box, she opened the drawer and slid it inside.

She wanted to find some way to carry it around with her. The closer it was to her the safer it would be. She rather needed to know where it was at any time, then to be worrying about it every second.

Kagome rose to her feet before making her way downstairs. She knew already that her grandfather was probably in the little shed, it would also conveniently be the place where he stored his sutras. Granted she highly doubted any of his stuff worked, it was all she had at the moment.

As soon as she stepped into the kitchen she could feel her mother's eyes on her. Kagome gave her a quick glance. Miyu had spent nearly two hours holding her as Kagome had shed her tears of suffering. All the stress from the meeting had come down upon her and it had been hard to control. Once Kagome had been able to stop sobbing she had told her mother everything that had happened at the coffee shop.

As usual, Miyu had listened carefully, remaining silent until Kagome had been done telling the story. Just like Kagome she had no desire for her to be around Sesshomaru, but she understood just as well the responsibility that had been bestowed upon Kagome regarding the jewel. It was her task. Nonetheless, Miyu would support her no matter what she decided to do.

She had also refused to tell her what to do. The decision had to come from Kagome and Kagome alone. Miyu was there to provide support, but she couldn't make the decision for her. Even though the simple thought of Kagome being around him again was enough to squeeze her heart and bring tears to her chocolate eyes.

Miyu stared at Kagome's back as she watched her exit the house and she knew where she was heading. A tiny sigh escaped her lips as she proceeded to clean the same spot on the counter she had for hours now. Today has been a rollercoaster of emotions and her mind was extremely preoccupied.

Meanwhile, Kagome closed her eyes as she felt the gentle breeze brush against her face, before she resumed her walk towards the shed. Quickly enough, she spotted her grandfather inside and he turned his head in her direction once he heard her walk in.

“Kagome,” he said, his voice low.

Miyu had been filling him in on a few things that happened, but he wasn't exactly up to date. A little edgy, he sat down on a chair offering his granddaughter a smile. After her return and her escape, they hadn't talked much, but he understood why. She barely even talked to her mother so he didn't expect her to share with him.

“Gramps, do you have any sutra's?” His eyes widened a little. Kagome had never really believed in his power. “I need them to…” she paused. “Help seal the Jewel.”

It didn't take him more than a second to know what she was referring to. His mouth was slightly hanging as he thought about the Shikon No Tama being in his house. He had seen many replicas, and read many scrolls, but he had never been gifted with the chance of seeing it with his own eyes.

Kagome immediately knew what he was thinking.

“You shouldn't,” she warned. “It's filled with darkness, I can't even hold it.”

Her grandfather nodded slowly before getting up from his chair and making his way to a drawer in the shed. He began to look through some of his sutras, throwing out most of them as if they were useless. Finally, he found what he was looking for and walked toward her, two sutra in his hands.

“These are the most powerful sutras I own! Nothing will get pass these.”

Kagome highly doubted it was true, but she took them anyway. “Thank you.”

She knew how much he wanted to see the Shikon No Tama, especially considering how obsessed he was with it and how much more he knew about that said jewel. He had talked to her about it many times before she began traveling through time.

“I'll show you the Jewel when it's safe,” she quietly whispered before walking out of the shed, the sutras in her hand.

Her grandfather watched her leave, his heart heavy. He wasn't sure what task his granddaughter now had to complete, but he had a feeling it would require a lot from her once again. He sighed heavily before pressing his palms against the surface of the desk. Sometimes he truly believed too many responsibilities were entrusted to her. She was still nothing but a child.

She was about to go towards the house when the tree caught her attention. Before she knew it, Kagome was walking in its direction. Her heart was beating fast as she pressed the palm of her hand against the tree. Inuyasha. If he was there, he'd tell her something like wench, stop whining, and lets get these shards.

A tiny smile appeared on her lips as she let herself drop to the ground on her knees. She gently pressed her forehead against the trunk, memories flooding her mind. Am I doing the right thing Inu? What would you do?

Of course he'd go for it. Did something ever stop Inuyasha? Even when he thought he was going towards his death he never stopped. He never let anything get in the way of what he wanted, no matter the sacrifice. And he sure as hell wouldn't let Sesshomaru stop him. He'd do whatever he could do prove he was stronger.

She could be stronger too.

Without thinking she kissed the tree before rising to her feet.

“Thanks `Yasha,” she murmured.

As she walked away her eyes were constantly fixed on the tree. She hoped somehow he could lend her the strength he always had in his heart. If her plan failed she would need it to survive Sesshomaru. Please.

Kagome made her way back to her house and into her bedroom. She took the jewel out of the drawer and positioned the sutras on top of the one which was already present, hoping it would do something. Kagome then headed towards her closet where she found her big large sweater, she then proceeded to insert the box containing the jewel inside the front pocket.

It wasn't the best option, but it would do for now.

Now it left her with one thing to try and do. Find Shippo.


Jaken was nervously standing by the door observing Sesshomaru-sama. Ever since he had come back from the meeting he had not said one word and had remained in his chair in complete silence. His eyes glued to the mute television.

Many different thoughts had ran through Jaken's mind, perhaps the Miko had not came after all or maybe things had not gone as smoothly as it had been expected. Although, considering the amount of time Sesshomaru-sama had been gone he was lead to believe that the two of them had met.

Jaken had been as shocked as Sesshomaru-sama when he learned about Rin and Kagome being related, especially considering how close Jaken had been to Rin as well. Often he had taken care of the little girl and though in the past he had often labeled her as annoying, he couldn't hide how worried he was every time she had gone missing or how things had been different when she left. Suddenly, it had felt very empty.

Now, not only was the Miko a part of Rin, but there was the child.

Sesshomaru-sama had never mentioned to Jaken his intention towards the child, but it could easily be guessed. Already 500 hundred years ago, Sesshomaru-sama would have taken care of the child, since it was his. He had more honor than to simply ignore that fact, but did his perspective now change knowing that Kagome was Rin's desendent?

She was a part of Rin, a part of the Miko and a part of Sesshomaru-sama. It would also be a constant reminder of Inuyasha, since the child would be a hanyou.

Inuyasha was another topic Sesshomaru-sama avoided. Well, perhaps not avoided but he never talked about it. Jaken did not know how he felt about the death of the hanyou. Sesshomaru-sama didn't have much feelings regarding his half-brother, but to the point of actually killing him? He did not know. Nonetheless, he wouldn't be the one to bring up the subject.


The green toad slightly jumped at the mention of his name, but in an instance was by Sesshomaru-sama's side.

“Yes Milord?” he asked, slightly bowing.

Humans weren't respecting him anymore, but Jaken would never insult Sesshomaru-sama in any way. He knew his stature and importance, how these lands belonged to him. When nearly everyone had forgotten, he never would.

“Any information?”

Jaken shook his head. “Not yet Milord.”

Sesshomaru dismissed him with a hand gesture and Jaken resumed his position by the door.

He thought that perhaps they would, if she had made her mind up yet, but apparently her hatred towards him was stronger than anything else. Sesshomaru knew he needed to wait. Going to her house or anything of the sort would not help the current situation.

Perhaps he was slightly restless because she was now was the one holding the jewel. He wasn't sure how much protection she could offer it or herself. Especially considering the fact that she had absolutely no weapons, or way to defend herself. It indeed belonged to her, which was why he had proposed her to keep it back at the coffee shop, but he was now reconsidering his offer.

The instant she made her mind up, he would surely know it. How could he not? He was aware of everything being said in her house. When Sesshomaru had learned about her being Rin's descendant, he had devices planted inside the house. Very subtlety of course, either when everyone was gone, or through objects.

Sesshomaru had money and in this world it meant power. He was aware of everything bought and ordered by the Higurashi household, and when necessary, he would stop the delivery and have a device planted secretly on the said object and then the delivery would resume. By now, most of the house was in his reach and there were only a few places he did not have as much reception.

He had a team listening to everything that occurred, they would report to him when important information would be said. From what he had noticed so far, she would always share with her mother her intentions and future actions, apparently she had yet to talk to her about her decision regarding the jewel.

Sesshomaru had patiently waited for five hundred years. He could wait a little more. Though if nothing was said soon, he might have to try and push her again.

It was at that moment that his thoughts were interrupted by a knock on the door. Immediately he turned his head and Jaken opened the door, before a man that worked for Sesshomaru explained the situation to the little green toad. Jaken nodded his head, before closing the door. He then made his way towards Sesshomaru-sama.

“She is looking for Shippo, Milord.”

Sesshomaru didn't seem surprise one bit by the information. She had learned about the taijiya and the houshi's fate, but she had not asked about the kitsune. It was for her to ask the questions and he did not provide information she didn't want to have, but now it made sense.

What exactly did she plan on doing when she found him? Have him help her with the quest? Because if it was the quest, he had some unfortunate news for her, he could not help her. He was no longer in this world.

He sighed, before figuring what to do. This was obviously the reason why she had not pronounced herself regarding the jewel. Knowing how she was the guilt was already eating her away. She knew she could not turn this proposition down. Her hope of finding the kistune was the only reason why she hadn't accepted his offer yet.

Since it was a matter he could take care of, he decided he would. Sesshomaru knew it wasn't the best idea to be the one to show up at her front door, so he would send someone to take care of the matter. He would not have someone else announce it to her, instead he would relay a letter to her. At least she would be able to learn the fact in the privacy of whichever place she wished.

He had a very strong feeling after receiving this letter, she would have other questions.


Kagome sighed heavily as she marked off another name. Compared to Sesshomaru, there was a lot more Shippos. About 20, but some of them weren't even in Japan, yet it didn't mean they couldn't be him. Who said he would remain in Japan after everything that happened? She did cross some of them off after reading their information. Even if he altered his appearance, she doubted Shippo was an 80 year old man with grey hair.

After printing off some of the results she had spoken with her mother, telling her what she was doing. She had no reason to keep Miyu in the dark and technically, she wanted some of her support. She wanted to know that it was all right to keep the jewel in its current state, while trying to find another traveling companion.

As she was reading through the sheets Kagome was eating Yakizakana, after her stomach had pleaded her to eat some food. She had refused to eat at the restaurant because she had been stressed and she didn't want to eat what he had wanted her to eat. Even now, her stomach was still doing flip-flops, but she knew it was high time she ate something.

Suddenly, a knock on the door caused her to jump, immediately her eyes were on the door. She knew it was normal to have visitors, but she couldn't help the stress that enveloped her every time. Miyu was the one to walk to the door and was surprised to find a man in a black jacket standing in front of her.

“This is for Miss Kagome Higurashi,” said the man before handing her a letter.

Miyu's expression immediately changed as she extended a shaking hand towards the letter. She weakly grabbed it before the man bowed in front of her and left. She turned around to see that Kagome was not sitting down anymore. Due to the fact that she had heard her name, she was slowly making her way towards her mother.

This couldn't come from many people. It could Only be from him.

Kagome took the letter and unfolded it, before staring at his handwriting. It was from him. Once again she felt her heart beat increase, she licked her dry lips before beginning to read. Quickly she read the short letter and half way through she bit her bottom lip.

According to Sesshomaru, her search of Shippo was useless. He had lived up to be about 350 years old, which was old for a kitsune. Not all youkais lived the same amount of time and Shippo had simply died of old age. Kagome first felt a sadness filling her heart, but at the same time was glad Shippo had been able to live a full life.

This brought one question to her mind. How did he know she was looking for him?

Kagome knew for a fact she didn't mention anything about Shippo during the meeting. The only person she had talked to about it was her mother a little while ago. How had he known so quickly? She found herself scanning her surroundings, her stress increasing.

There weren't many answers or possibilities.

It sounded completely crazy, completely paranoid, but she didn't see another explanation. He could hear what was being said in the house. He had to have mic's or some device of the same sort in the house. It was the only thing that made sense. It also explained how he knew she would be to the coffee shop on that day. He guessed she would borrow the car, or tell her mother. He would have the time and date.

He had been spying on her.

For how long? She guessed before she had been back. She had been so restless lately, she would have known if someone came inside the house.

A rage stirred up inside of her as she inspected every object with a glare. Nothing could be private in her own house anymore? She couldn't say what she wanted without him knowing? After everything, the least he could have done was give her some fucking privacy.

Now anything, anywhere could be something he used to hear what was going on, and she prayed to Kami, he did not have cameras on top of that. Slowly, Kagome felt her knees becoming weak, perhaps from the over surge of emotions and she quickly sat down before she fell.

Was there really no way at all to escape him? It seemed that no matter what she did he was always a step ahead of her. Was this the Kami's way of telling her she had to work with Sesshomaru, that until then, she would not be granted any peace?

Kagome pressed her forehead against the table the letter falling onto the ground. Tears were burning her eyes, at that precise moment she felt something snapped inside of her. She was so sick of this, of him, of false hope. This was the freaking way it was meant to be? She was supposed to be cursed with his presence until there was no energy left in her?

She gave up.

The jewel had to be completed. She could not leave it the way it was, or it would kill her from the inside. The alternative she had thought of apparently was not possible.

It only left her with one choice. She needed to accept his proposition and travel with him.

Kagome raised her head before running her fingers through her hair. If she did this, there was no turning back and she needed to understand the consequences of her choice. At any time she could be stuck into the same hell. If he ever needed to take off that watch, for whatever reason, there was nothing forcing him to put it back on.

If that happened… she didn't even want to think about it.

Kagome took a deep breath, trying to calm herself slightly. Her whole chest shook as she let out a deep sigh. Although she couldn't even begin to accept the reality of things, she didn't even know how to let him know.

Well, she knew if she spoke loud enough, he would hear, but she didn't know where to meet him. In her mind her house was completely out of the question, so it had to be somewhere else. Kagome closed her eyes for a few seconds pondering the issue. She did know where he lived and somehow she rather be in his house, than have him in hers.

Kagome could feel her own distress and weakness, so she turned to face her mother.

“Ma, could you drive me somewhere?” she asked, her voice barely audible.

Miyu slowly nodded, before grabbing her keys. Even though Kagome hadn't said where she wanted to go, Miyu had a feeling she already knew the answer. She couldn't help but feel somewhat relieved that for the first time, she would actually accompany her daughter.

Kagome didn't want Sesshomaru near her mother, but she didn't want to drive herself, not trusting her own strength. It would be much more safer to have her mother drive, especially considering it was quite a ways from where she lived.

Keeping her current clothes on and the jewel nearby, Kagome followed her mother outside, her heart breaking with every steps she took. She felt a sickness inside of her and Kagome took it as a sign of her body fighting what she intended to do.

There was no turning back now.


Kagome waited by the side of the road for her mother to drive away. She had insisted for her to be gone when she would enter the house. Both of her hands were in the front pocket of the sweater as she played with the box. Her lips were quivering, as she found the strength within herself to make her way to the door.

Small, gentle steps were all she managed to do.

After a few minutes, she reached the main entrance and gulped before pressing the doorbell. Her heart was pounding inside of her chest, her mouth was completely dried out. She was now meeting him on his own territories and perhaps, unknown to him. After all, she had never mentioned her destination prior to coming to his house.

Kagome waited a few more seconds, until someone opened the door. It was a somewhat old lady, who didn't look very happy.

“Yes, what is it?” she asked, her tone somewhat rude.

“I'm- heh- I'm here to see Sesshomaru.” Thinking that perhaps the woman didn't know who she was simply by her appearance Kagome added more details. “My name is Kagome Higurashi.”

The older woman's features seemed to change slightly, as she nodded. “Come in,” she said, before moving out of the way, so Kagome could enter the house.

Kagome looked around one last time before going inside the house, holding in her breath. She cast a glance around, observing her surroundings. It had a Sesshomaru feel to it. Everything inside the house seemed to be a few centuries old, somehow it reminded her of his castle back in the feudal era.

The woman led her to a living room, which had three long couches, a large window and a fireplace. She guided Kagome to one of the couches, silently asking her to take a seat. Kagome nodded before sitting down, feeling very uncomfortable. The woman left her side and Kagome assumed she was going to get Sesshomaru.

For the first time since she had entered his house, Kagome allowed herself to breath normally. This had been her idea, but it didn't help ease the pain in any way. Her heart was aching as she felt like she was back in his castle and she didn't like it one bit. Meeting at her house was a bad idea, meeting at his didn't seem so great anymore.

It was true that they could have met in a public place again, but Kagome wanted to be able to talk freely and it wasn't something she could do in public, at least not without attracting attention. It hadn't left her with many options, except this one.

As soon as Kagome heard footsteps coming her way, her heart skipped a beat and without realizing it she stood up, as if she was waiting for the right moment to run away. When he appeared in view, she held in her breath, but remained up.

Though he did not possess his youkai's senses at the moment, he could tell from a glance how nervous she was. He had to admit, he hadn't expected her to come to his house. When she had asked her mother to drive her, it had crossed his mind for a second, but he chased the thought away telling himself she wouldn't come so quickly.

Apparently he had been wrong.

He kept walking in her direction and then took a seat on the couch in front of her. He didn't say a word and waited for her to sit down, which she did after a few moments. Sesshomaru quickly noticed her attire and the bulging box of the jewel in her sweater. He stared at her, waiting for her to explain why she was there, even though he already knew.

“I will do it,” she finally said, an inexplicable pain in her chest.

Sesshomaru nodded, but remained silent. He knew there was more and he would wait for her to be done.

She chewed on her bottom lip trying to figure out what to say next. There were so many things running through her mind. She felt as if she did not know how to express everything. She decided to go along and asked him what pre-occupied her mind the most.

“Will you have to remove your watch?” she inquired, her voice a whisper.

He didn't answer immediately. Instead he looked into her eyes, the fear obvious in her grey orbs. Of course they both knew what it meant to remove the watch. It was exposing them both to the risk of his beast taking over once more.

“If the situation requires it.” He saw her features change. “But there are precautions that can be taken to keep the beast dormant in the eventuality that I would need my youki.”

“Precautions?” she asked, her heart was beating too fast.

Sesshomaru nodded. “A few tweaking's with this device,” he said, before lifting his arm. “Re-wiring it so that the effects are only lifted for a certain amount of time. Even if the beast does come into control, when the timer is up he will be forced in.”

She swallowed.

“Only have to hope it will be long enough for no damage to be done,” she said, her voice breaking. Then, she wondered. “What if he removes the watch?”

“I have another one prepared. It would resemble the bracelet you had.”

She finished his sentence. “I would be the only one able to remove it.”

He nodded.

Kagome could feel a small weight being lifted off of her shoulders. The beast might come, but at least with this there was perhaps a way to get rid of him before he could harm her again. Her heart was still beating like a drum, she could feel herself sweating, but there was relief inside of her. Kagome pinched her lips together before asking her next question.

“Will we need to take a plane?”

Once again, he gave her a silent answer by nodding.

“Is it safe?” She was pregnant after all, she could not risk for this to endanger the life of her child. The quest to complete the jewel was important, but not if the price was her son's life.

“You are not at risk for miscarriage, nor is the child weak, which means it is safe for you to travel up until 2-3 weeks until your due date.”

This time it was her turn to nod, as she had began shaking her leg slightly, nervousness getting the best out of her.

“And then, that's it.” When he seemed puzzled by her words, she furthered her explanation. “After this, I won't have to see you again.”

The tiniest ghost of a smirk appeared on his face. “No, you won't.”

He intended on taking care of the pup, but that did not have to involve her. The interaction could be extremely limited, or actually inexistent. He could have someone pick up the pup and they never would have to see each other. But, Sesshomaru decided now was not the moment to bring it up, especially considering her current state. One look at her and you could tell all she wanted to do was disappear and be far away from him.

Kagome let out a loud sigh before allowing herself to relax slightly. All she had to do was get through this and then it would all be over. A few weeks around him perhaps and then she would regain her freedom. He had said it himself, she wouldn't have to see him again. Her task would be completed, and he would be out of her life.

She dared to ask the fatal question. “When do we begin?”

“It is up to you.” He had been ready for over 500 hundred years, it hardly mattered to him.

At that moment, Kagome decided the sooner, the better.

“Now,” she quickly answered, surprising them both.

He nodded. “Very well, I will make the arrangements.” He stood up, his eyes still on her form. “You will need to pack, we will leave tomorrow.”

She closed her eyes for a brief second, before imitating his actions. “Where are we going?”

“India,” he quickly answered, before turning his back to her. “Someone will drive you home.”

Kagome watched him leave, her own heartbeat echoing in her mind. This was real, this was happening. She nearly jumped in shock when she felt something touching her leg. Kagome immediately looked down, only to find herself staring at Jaken.

Her lips were slightly parted, as she was somewhat shocked to find out he was still alive after all these years.

“This way,” he said, ignoring the way she was looking at him.

He guided her through the house, until they reached an immense garage. She easily spotted what looked like a limousine and she shyly made her way through. Jaken opened the door for her and once she was inside, he closed it. Kagome took a seat inside, clearly uncomfortable as she felt the car moving.

She replayed all the events in her mind, trying to calm herself. The only positive side she could see to this, was that he was trying to make this as painless as possible. She didn't really care for his efforts, or what he wanted, but she knew she would not be forced into anything very uncomfortable.

Kagome closed her eyes, trying to meditate and relieve herself of some stress and only opened them when she felt the car coming to a full stop. She opened her eyes, as she was ready to open the door, someone else did it for her. Slowly she came out of the car and nodded at the man. He bowed to her, before going back inside of the limousine.

She made her way to her house and was somewhat surprised to find the kitchen empty. After looking around some more, she realized nobody was downstairs, she proceeded to make her way upstairs. She entered her room, a nauseous feeling still present, before heading towards her closet.

Kagome grabbed the first bag she saw, which seemed large enough, quickly stuffing it with the maternity clothes her mother had given her. As Kagome was on her knees, filling the bag her whole head was throbbing as if she had a headache, but she felt no pain at all. Her breathing was uneven, as she tried to ignore what she felt inside.

She rose to her feet, holding the bag tightly, as she walked around, trying to see what else she could bring. Kagome had never traveled before and she wasn't sure what she needed. The sound of the door creaking caught her attention.

Kagome watched as her mother walked inside the room, a smile hiding her sad features. No words needed to be said. Miyu already knew what her daughter was doing. Miyu felt tears threatening to fall and was unable to stop some of them.

Kagome felt her heart break as she watched her mother shed tears, she rushed to wrap her arms around her Mother's waist.

“I'm sorry Mama,” she said, her eyes burning with tears.

Miyu shook her head. “You're doing what you feel is right,” she said, tightening her hold.

As Kagome enjoyed her mother's warmth, she knew it might be a little while before she saw her again. Ever since Kagome had come back to her era, her mother had been her crutch, but not anymore. Now she had to do it on her own and walk by herself.

She simply hoped her mother was correct and that she was doing the right thing.

Only time would tell.


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