Spirit Scout Chronicles Book 1: Shopping Mall Scam

Published Apr 11, 2003, 9:00:00 AM UTC | Last updated May 15, 2003, 9:00:00 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Book 1: Spirit Scouts United. The Sailor Scouts have to make the ultimate sacrifice and be reborn once again to save the world from a revived enemy! --YAOI warning--

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Chapter 5: Shopping Mall Scam

"I'm bored," whined Kaia, "I wanna go somewhere."

"I'm too tired," said Sky, "besides, I have to get some rest. Me and Marin are going to the water park in a few days. Must obtain that beauty sleep!"

"Fine...I'll go," said a partially reluctant Lex.

"You don't know what you are getting yourself into man," whispered Raith, "girls and shopping, they are a dangerous combination!"

Out the door the two went. Aways down the street they caught a bus. In a hour they found themselves at the mall.

"Ohhhhh!!!!!" exclaimed Kaia ecstatically, "Let's go here!" They walked into a clothing store. She came out of the dressing room in a two piece outfit. Rather than wearing her normal pinks and baby blues she wore a black tank top with her stomach showing and very tight fitting black shorts. "Well how do you like this outfit?" she asked wonderingly.

"Ummm," sounded Lex as he tried to catch his breath, "It's alright I guess."

"Well fine then," said Kaia who was pretending to be hurt, "see if I care!"

"That was close!" whispered Lex to himself, "I almost made a fool of myself. She totally caught me by surprise." He had never seen her looking "hot" before. He had always thought of her as a conservative type of girl.


"It is all going as planned sir!" reported Laira, "but no sign of any sailors."

"Good!" praised Dr. Tomoe, "If they came now it would ruin this plan."

"You were right sir this swami shop has gotten us precious dark energies," she said, "I will send you what I have now, just in case."


The longer Lex was with Kaia the more he came to like her.

"Oooohh!" she cried, "A Swami!!!!! Let's go here and get our fortunes told!"

"I'd rather not!" exclaimed Lex in disgust, "I don't believe in that shit!"

"Fine," she said kinda angrily, "you're no fun anyways!" She stormed off into the Swami's shop.

"Welcome child, " crooned the old swami, "Come sit, I will tell you exactly what you came to hear!"

"Really?!" exclaimed Kaia, "awesome!"

"Sit child and close your eyes," she instructed, "now place your hand on the crystal and lend me your energies!" With her eyes closed she obediently placed her hand upon the crystal. Handcuffs appeared on her wrist keeping her hand on the crystal. "Now all of your energies are mine!" cackled the swami.


"What should I get her for an apology?" Lex asked himself, "oooh how about this?" he picked up a heart charm bracelet. "She'll like this!" he said happily.

"Ten-Fifty." Said the clerk who was just handed a twenty dollar bill. "Thanks for your money!" said the clerk to Lex as he left the shop.


"Kaia!" gasped Lex. He quickly ran into the swami's shop. "What is this?" asked Lex, "you must work for the broken hearts!"

"Very perceptive of you! Yes," said the old crone, "I am Laira, 2 of 4, at your service." The swami disguise faded and in place of the old crone was a tall, luxuriously dressed blonde woman. "I am not going to dirty my self mussing with you simpletons," She said sternly, "I've got enough dark energy here. Monster Magic! Arise Dark Demon Azuroth!" With a snap of her fingers a demon that looked like a human lizard arose from the crystal ball.

The lizard beast grabbed Kaia and partially absorbed her in his soft scales.

"I can't get out!" cried Kaia, "Lex help!"

"Earth Soul Power!" cried Lex lifting his hand in the air. He was now adorned in his magical Sailor armor whip in hand. "Let her go Bitch!" Lex ordered, "Whip Lash Thrash!" With a flick of his wrist his thorn whip struck Laira.

"Damn!" cursed Laira. Her face had been cut. "My beautiful face!" she cried, "fine then I'll leave you two with a parting gift." She shot a beam of dark energy at the beast. "Destroy them horribly!" she ordered, "By lovers!" she faded away into nothing.

"Fine then if you are my opponent," smirked Lex, "Take this!" Lex's fist landed square in the beasts left cheek. The beast smirked and started absorbing Lex. Lex quickly pulled his hand away.

"Puny human don't you get it I'm soft as jelly yet hard as a rock! I'll just keep absorbing you!" smirked Azuroth.

"Urg!" sounded Lex. He realized what the monster had said. The beast gave away its weak spot. "I've got you now1" smirked Lex, "Whip Lash Thrash!" With another flick of his wrist the thorn whip flew.

"Huh? A puny whip?" asked Azuroth coldly, "Dark Gash!" The beast lifted its heavy claw and made a slashing motion in Lex's direction. Dark slits of energy flew. Just in time Lex jumped in the air just barely dodging the blasts. In this time Lex's whip had successfully wrapped around the creature.

"Saw him in half!" ordered Lex. Obediently the whip started to saw the creature. In a matter of minuets the creature was nearly severed. It had lost all power now an disintegrated into nothing.

"Thanks Lex," stammered Kaia who arose from the ashes.

"Let me walk you home," said Lex.

In a few hours the two had arrived on Kaia's door step.

"I got you this, you know, for the horrible day we had," said Lex. He handed her the bracelet.

"Oh, Lex, I love it!" exclaimed Kaia. She pulled him close and underneath the pale moonlight the two shared their first passionate kiss. "Good night Lexy," said Kaia as she went inside.

All the way home Lex blushed, She was all he could think about.

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