Spirit Scout Chronicles Book 1: Family Ties

Published Apr 11, 2003, 9:00:00 AM UTC | Last updated May 15, 2003, 9:00:00 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

Book 1: Spirit Scouts United. The Sailor Scouts have to make the ultimate sacrifice and be reborn once again to save the world from a revived enemy! --YAOI warning--

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Chapter 4: Family Ties

"How can some one have so much evil?" asked Kaia.

"She is a spirit of evil," explained Diana, "to keep this world safe, the original scouts gave their lives, creating you. Sailor Saturn was to give birth to this monster. With the powers of the imperial silver crystal she had twins, one good and one bad to negate the ending of the universe."

"Ancient history," snickered Mistress 9, "now to business." With a wave of her hand vines wrapped around the scouts' hands and feet. "Now to steal your powers!" she cackled, "your hearts are mine."

She hovered over Sky and Marin first. A dark shadowy hand emerged from her mouth and sucked the heart crystals from the scouts. One by one the scouts fell till only Seth and Raith were left. Her dark hand fell upon the heart of Seth. He fell lifeless to the floor.

"You monstrous bitch!" cried Raith, "you are human yet you kill? How dare you kill the one I love. How dare you try and use his powers for your evil schemes. Well no longer!" Raith screamed a scream that could have shattered the stars. The purest white light flowed from his heart. This kind of power had never been seen before. The light disintegrated the vines and the scouts fell gently to the floor. One by one the crystals fell from the dark had of the Mistress. The crystals all flowed back to their owners.

"What?!" they all exclaimed. The breath of life was now flowing from their bodies once again.

"Raith what is happening?" asked Seth.

Raith didn't answer. "Thunder Soul Power!" he cried once again. Now re-clad in his battle armor he was ready to take his enemy on.

"The light of pure goodness!" exclaimed Diana, "he is the one!"

Raith slashed at Mistress 9 with his scimitar. He managed to cut a small slit in the corner of her long dress.

"Bravo!" she laughed while clapping her hands, "not many people get that close!" She shot a dark energy beam from her hand and aimed it directly at Raith's heart. With his life energy still flowing strong he shot a beam of light at his foe. The blasts collided creating an almost sonic boom. The two were knocked off their feet and flew half way across the room. Both of their powers had faded.

"Well," she said as she was trying to stand up, "it seems as though neither of us can win........brother."

The crowd gasped breaking the harshening silence.

"Brother!" said Raith who was a little bit shocked, "but I heard my sister died with my parents in a car crash!"

"That's what I wanted you to think," she explained with a smirk on her face, "you see when I came to the age where I realized my power again I killed our parents and used their spirits so that I could become whole again."

"But Violet why?" asked Raith using the name she was given upon her human birth, "why would you do this?"

"Don't call me that!" she cried. In her eyes there was a shimmer of hope behind the cold darkness. Then she passed out.

"Mistress!" cried Dr. Tomoe. He grabbed her sleeping body and they shimmered away. With them the entire school of Mugen disappeared. All that was left was an empty lot full of sleeping students. Before anyone woke up the scouts departed and met at Seth and Raith's apartment.

"Raith are you ok?" asked Seth as he put his arm around him.

"I'm fine," sighed Raith, "I just can't get over the fact that she is still alive."

"Where did all of that power come from?" asked Marin.

"It is simple," explained Diana, "They are two sides of the same coin, Good and Bad."

"So they cancel each other?" asked Sky who was trying to make sense of the whole thing.

"She has a soul," said Raith, "I saw it in her eyes. She wants to be set free. But she's stuck in a vicious cycle. I will break that cycle even if it takes my life." He slammed his fist on the table in fury.

Meanwhile somewhere in time and space......

"Is it time yet?" asked a very impatient Sailor Uranus.

"NO!" said Pluto sternly, "Saturn will make her move first, she will give us the sign."

"But why must we wait, I remember what that bitch did last time," said Neptune, "If were gonna help shouldn't we do it now?"

"First they must prove they are ready for our sacrifice," explained Saturn as she emerged from the shadows.

"We have locked ourselves in this time warp so that we can help, how much longer must we wait?" asked the still impatient Uranus.

"When my children truly need me I will go!" said Saturn, "Then you will know when you may come. You will be needed to help stop the resurrection of the sleeper."


Somewhere in an underground laboratory Mistress 9 was hooked up to a machine.

"Soon you will have enough dark energy to move again," said Dr. Tomoe, "we need more dark energy for you."

"Get all you can," ordered the Mistress, "I need to remove this soul from my body. It is getting in the way."

"I'll get Laira on it right away!" said a very obedient Dr. Tomoe. "She is more cunning than her brother, she should be able to handle it."

"Just remember," said the Mistress sternly, "I brought you back from the grave, I can put you back! Too many more failures then I'll put you back."

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